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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. It varies.  If I'm going out it's usually seat (and sometimes lid too) down.  If, however, I'm at home and therefore likely to need to go pee (especially at night) I tend to leave both seat and lid up.  I did however get into trouble once with my GF when she was staying overnight, got up to pee, and didn't realise I'd left everything up!  When she's staying I try to remember to leave the seat down.  




  2. This morning I was waiting to catch a bus at a bus station in the North of England.  When my bus arrived a number of incoming passengers alighted and amongst them was an older lady (seventies perhaps) wearing light grey trousers.  I did a double take when I saw it but there was a definite wet patch in her crotch area,  Ever the diplomat, I didn't pass comment and neither did anyone else fortunately.  It was pretty clear that she'd had a little accident.  I'm a pretty observant person (one could probably say an avid crotch watcher) and daytime sightings of wet pants or trousers are pretty rare so I thought it was worth recording for posterity.

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  3. On 2017-5-30 at 10:25 PM, Brutus said:

    A lot of the videos that I was hoping I would find there have turned up on the google index over the years anyway. Anything that I can't resist I'll just get off of clips4sale. 

    That sounds like a good policy.  Even if I knew how to access it (and I don't) I wouldn't want to go anywhere near the deep or dark web.


  4. Dear Liz.  It's good to see a post from you.  I'm sorry to hear about your retirement from the online world, not least of all because I don't think you were doing anything wrong or immoral.  I do, however, respect your reasons and I hope your future life brings much happiness and many blessings.

    God bless you.



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  5. This is all very well but weeing all over the seat - and in some cases the cubicle - isn't very nice for whoever has to use that toilet next.  If she wants to make a mess of her own bathroom at home and other family members are prepared to tolerate it, that's fine.  Intentionally leaving public toilets in a worse state than they need to be, is a different matter.  She'd be better off weeing her pants because at least that way she'd be carrying the cold wetness around with her and no one else would have to suffer too much on account of it.  

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