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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Thanks dor sharing that fantastic experience.  You were so close to getting to the toilet as well.  I don't think being affected by the cold is at all unusual by any means.  Pretty much everyone I've asked about it, whether they're 'into' pee or not, has told me the cold weather invariably makes them want to wee much more than normal.  I did once ask about the science behind this on another forum and somebody did answer but unfortunately I can't remember what they said.   

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  2. Hi and welcome.  We're a verty friendly bunch here and you've come to a good place.  I too was a member of Experience Project and it was good while it lasted.  Some of the stuff that was on there has migrated to a site called Similarworlds.  Anyhow, it's good to see you here.  



  3. I'm not quite sure where this fits but I recently came across an article about the actor Jamie Dornan wearing a 'wee bag' in the 50 Shades of Grey film.  Here's the link to it:


    I can't quite picture what it would like but it sounds interesting.  It's impossible to not wonder whether he used it for its intended purpose at some stage during the filming though!



  4. spywareonya.  Thanks for sharing your reasons for leaving.  As someone who's been involved in a number of forums over the years I'm a seasoned veteran when it comes to wondering about the lack of feedback - or even some sort of response - to what I believed were well written posts.  Unfortunately people are what they are and one can't make them give reputation or respond to posts if they don't want to.  Were it possible to do so it would only be by interferring with their free will, something I would have big moral and ethical problems with.  An instinct for competition is healthy so far as it goes but we can't all win all of the time.  I found that one out a long time ago.  For what it's worth I would say that the essence of belonging to a forum was contributing and, if people want to show their appreciation by giving reputation or feedback, accept it with a good grace, but try not to attach a greater importance to that side of things than it merits.  

    • Agree 2
  5. Hi and welcome, Crash.  We're a very friendly bunch here and I look forward to seeing you around.  Although I'm not personally into pee drinking I certainly enjoy desperation as well as its consequences.   

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