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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. On 4/30/2019 at 5:39 PM, hyde07 said:

    Hey guys, ive been a member on here for ages now, but due to things going on at home its been a long time since ive posted or commented on anything, so i thought id re introduce myself.

    Im 25, male and from the uk, im mainly into naughty peeing as well as some otherthings which, last time i checked, are not all that welcome on here. My girlfriend knows im into pee, and she indulgeds me occasionally, by peeing on me. Luckily when i told her im into pee, things have not got weird as she already openly peed infront of me if she needed to go.

    Ask me anything if you want 

    Hi and welcome.  You sound like a very lucky fellow indeed.  I look forward to reading about your experiences.  

  2. On 5/22/2019 at 9:07 PM, PeeBurach said:

    Hi all! 

    I am PeeBurach, I am a heterosexual male, aged 21. I live in the UK. I am really into watching girls pee. I like to see some desperation and then watch as she pees, preferably outside and in public. Not really that into wetting. Like to see the source 😏😘

    Seen a few pisses but never up close (yet). One thing about me is that I am still a virgin. 

    Look forward to getting to know you all! 

    Hi and welcome.  It's a pleasure to greet another Brit on here.  I think you'll find plenty of people on here with interests very like your own.  

    • Agree 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Misspy said:

    Hi people 😊

    Recently found this forum and look forward to getting involved. 


    Hi and welcome.  I hope you have a fantastic time.  I look forward to seeing you around.  

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  4. Jayne, everyone has accidents.  What you did wasn't stupid.  It was an honest mistake which is something else entirely.  I once got into trouble with my former girlfriend for leaving both the lid and seat up one night after she went to pee and landed further down than she planned to, having not checked what the situation was.  

    • Like 1
  5. If you're at all concernmed about this my advice would be to see a health care professional, although it seems as though you've done that and I've ruled our Diabetes as a cause.  Interestingly about 5 years ago I was tested for a number of things - the NHS tend to do that to people once they turn 50 - and they found that I was a Type 2 Diabetic although I didn't have any of the classic symptoms associated with Diabetes such as thirst or excessively frequent urination.  

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/15/2019 at 4:57 AM, Pantiespeeinglover said:

    Hi, everyone,


    This is my first post on the blog. I am in my early 40’s, straight male and I have always had interest in watersports, specially seeing girls peeing in all kind of ways, better if with a desperation scenario 😄.


    I realized, as time went buy, with all the relationships I have had that, although not as common as for men, lots of girls have this fetish as well, but it is really hard for them to assume this. My last gf was really into watersports, and a few of my ex’s enjoyed watching me pee. One of them was really shy concerning sex issues. Once I went for a pee and asked her to come with me. She was trying not to watch, but I knew she wanted. I told her firmly to watch my dick. She finally did it and got a big smile on her face! Another time, I had her holding my dick whilst I was peeing, and she was extremely delighted!


    Anyways, based on that (and furthermore), I have been trying to find things related to this matter that would arouse girls. Today, I tried to find out my bladder limitation. I was lying down, watching TV by myself, and I felt I had to pee. Once I was home alone, I decided to take a little challenge and did not go. Instead, I began drinking 2 glasses of water every 30 minutes. I turned off the TV and began doing household chores, wearing just my underwear and a t-shirt. 


    I can tell you that I had feelings and sensations I haven’t had since I was a kid. As time went by, my bladder kept filling up, and I started to have reflexes, like putting my legs together, or saying automatically “I have to pee”. I kept going and doing the dishes was a challenge. Besides that, I had clothes being washed in the machine, and every time it would let the water away, I had to cross my legs and not do anything. I kept doing my chores, but it was getting very hard to concentrate. It got to a stage that I couldn’t think anymore. I tried to clean up my stove, and had to stop several times. Finally, totally without control, a drop of pee went to the floor. I kept trying to hold it, which I managed to. In the meantime, I had more glasses of water. I. couldn’t even walk normally, so full my bladder was. There were times when I had to stand still. I realized I was reaching my limit and, by this moment, I began having to hold and press my dick’s head with my hand. And, as I said before, all os these actions were like reflexes. I wasn’t thinking anymore. The only thing on my mind was that I had to go pee REALLY BAD!!! More drops of pee were wetting my underwear, until one moment that I just couldn’t walk anymore. I was trying really hard to keep it in, but it was only impossible. I crossed my legs, pressed my dick’s head as much as I could, but it just didn’t stop leaking, until it finally gave up. I started to pee uncontrollably trough my underwear and my hand. It went really strong, with a high hissing sound. I felt it through my underwear, splashing on to the ground and down my legs. I just couldn’t move myself. In the meantime, I spread my legs a bit and then it went all out of me.


    Really, it felt like an orgasm! And, once I have had so many glasses of water, 30 minutes after that I had that urge again, and when I saw the shower box (where I finally had peed) I just couldn’t control myself and started peeing again through my underwear! About one hour after that, I felt it again, but this time a took a nice shower to clean all the mess and come to tell you about it.


    Hope you enjoyed it!

    Hi and welcome.  Thanks for sharing your experience which was much appreciated.  

    • Like 1
  7. Hi and welcome, Micky.  Like you I'm from the UK and on the wrong side of 50.  Oh to be the other side!  Anyhow I hope you have a great time and I look foward to enjoying your contributions.  

    • Thanks 2
  8. On 4/9/2019 at 12:10 AM, astrozombie699 said:

    Hi there everyone! As this is my first post I thought it best to introduce myself and hey, what do you know, there is a section of the forum designed for just that purpose!

    Well hmmm what to say about me....well, I'm a straight guy, 31 from the UK. I've been into aspects of the kink for a few years now but only really started actively experimenting in the last year or two.

    For me, I most enjoy the "taboo" aspect of the kink primarily pissing in and on places and things we're told we're not meant to especially indoors. The whole "don't give a damn" attitude and abandon side of it is something I find hard to resist.

    Anyway, it's nice to find an active forum such as this and to be able to converse and discuss experiences with different and likeminded individuals.

    Any questions feel free to ask!

    Hi and a slightly belated welcome from another Brit.  I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.  

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  9. 2 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    Frankly, I just don't buy the notion that any supreme universal being would have a son, which is such a human thing. Especially one in human form.

    That's a view to which you are entitled but it's one with which I must necessarily disagree.  

  10. Hi and welcome, New holder.  I think you'll find plenty of desperation enthusiasts here and, in fact, I'm one of them.  I look forward to enjoying your contributions.  

  11. 1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    The boring engineering mind in me finds it mildly amusing that twice as many people have gone for 'large' or 'titanic' as those that have gone for 'tiny' or 'small' - maybe that comes with the territory.

    The thought that really amuses me is the responses you'd get if you asked the blokes to estimate the size of their todgers!

    Well my todger, unfortunately, is very much on the small size.  I'd love an extra few inches.  

    • Haha 1
  12. I've gone for average, because whilst I haven't got the strongest bladder in the world I can usually go for up to 3 or 4 hours during the day.  At lot depends on my health though, the weather and what I've had to drink as well as how much.  However I can pretty much depend on having to get up at least once or twice in the night.  

    • Hot 1
  13. Generalisations are always risky because there always exceptions to a general rule.  However my observations have led me to a view that in general Brits are more laid back about peeing than their American counterparts.  Not quite sure why that should be, especially as the UK has a history of providing public facilities on a much more lavish scale than the US.  One would logically have expected the opposite to be true.  

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