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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. 23 hours ago, Lilipee said:

    I agree with this, even though I've never tried a diaper before.  I wouldn't mind getting up to go to the bathroom if those next to me were awake.  But a diaper would be helpful if I didn't want to disturb someone who was sleeping.  I would test them out first though.  Can it be seen?  Can it be heard?  How much will it hold? Etc...

    Well diapers vary somewhat.  As a rule of thumb, it's a good idea to avoid the cheaper brands.  I say this as I've found they're cheap for a reason.  Tena heavy duty pants are a good choice I've found as are Depends.  Certainly with the Tena pants their absorbency is indicated on the side of the pack.  I always go for the most absorbent ones I can find in my size.  Here I am wearing a pair of Tena pants.   

    Diapered 2.jpg

  2. I think if it was me I'd not only limit my fluid intake but make sure I was well diapered up in the circumstances.  That way if I needed to pee I could at least let some out without too much risk.  

  3. 17 hours ago, wettingman said:

    The only time I sat to pee was decades ago, because I was terribly pee shy. If the pain of my severely stretched bladder was too much , and I still could not pee normally,  I tried to sit down to get some relief from the excruciating agony. Sometimes it partly worked,letting the worst of the pressure off. However though more often I couldn't do much if anything. I still needed to pee badly, sometimes to the point that I didn't care if I peed some in my pants, that didn't happen either.

    For some reason as long as I can remember, I never have been able to fully empty my bladder sitting down. If I am sitting for #2 , I finish by standing and peeing. It is still that way. Strange. 


    Interesting, wettinghman.  I've been lead to understand the textbook orthodoxy is that sitting provides for the bladder to be emptied more thoroughly than standing, although it's never felt like that for me.  Then again, 'textbook orthodoxy' also states that men don't get water infections.  I know from long and bitter personal experience that they do and they're bloody painful!  In fact they're not something I'd wish on my worst enemy.   

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  4. All of this is very interesting.  I think it's probably worth bearing in mind that before the invention of public toilets around 1860 and in the days when public buildings didn't necessarily have facilities, it was common for people to pee where the need struck them.  However societal attitudes turned against that sort of thing in the late 18th/early 19th centuries and, to be fair, it was a major public health problem in urban areas.  Although the urine of a healthy person is sterline it can, if left to hang around, become a breeding ground for bacteria and that isn't fun.  It can also be rather smelly.  That said, I don't think it was particularly a problem in sparsely populated rural areas, especially in the days when roads tended to be little more than dirt tracks and human urine, like its animal counterpart, could simply be returned to its native earth.  In my own experience I've only witnessed public urination around four times in the last 20 years.  Three of those took place in urban settings where either public toilets or a public house with loos were available nearby.   If someone's genuinely desperate and they haven't got alternatives it's fair enough.  However I felt seeing a guy getting his cock out and peeing in the street 50 yards from a public toilet was a bit much.     

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  5. I think the reasons people enjoy peeing and desperation which often precedes it are many various.  In my own case I don't fully understand the reason why and it took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that it was a part of who I am and not something to fight or go on guilt trips over.  However I eventually got there and I'm glad I did.  It's been a particular pleasure getting to know lovely, supportive people,  on forums such as this who have the same or similar sorts of feelings and know exactly what it's like for me without judging.   

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  6. You don't offer an indication of your age but if you're in your twenties, boners will still be a fairly mormal and difficult to control phenonemon.  As you get older I think you'll find they become less frequent and hard due to changes in your circulation and blood vessels.  

    • Agree 1
  7. My advice would be to use some heavy duty Tena pants.  That's what I do at any rate.  The number of drops on the packet indicates the absorbency level and I suggest going for the highest level of protection you can get.  Most supermarkets and good pharmacies sell them.  Based on personal experience, I suggest you avoid the Boots 'Staydry' pants which are a lot cheaper.  I found out the hard way that they're cheap for a reason.  

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  8. Hi and welcome, patch.  It's good to see God's own county represented.  I'm not a million miles away and I try to visit as often as I can.   I hope you have a super time here and look forward to seeing you around.  

  9. Hi and welcome, Roland.  It's good to see Italy represented.  In some respects you sound very like me.  Although I wouldn't define myself as strictly asexual, I am rather bored by sex and not too bothered about it.  Pee though is a big turnon for me.  

  10. My nearest bit of coast is the North Sea and although I've not peed in it (yet) I have paddled in it occasionally, though only on days when the water temperature has been around 14C.  There was an interesting article in the Telegraph yesterday extolling the health benefits of seawater, at least in purified form.  It may yet become the next big thing on the health supplements market.   

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