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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Mine is very much at the small end of the scale.  However I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who is hung and willing to describe how their penis size relates to their bladder size/retentive capabilities.  

  2. On 7/3/2019 at 3:50 PM, DivaQC said:

    Bonjour every one!!

    I am new to this blog. I was invite to come here by my best friend Sephora. My english is little good and sorry for mistakes, be patience with me. I am engage so please respect my status.

    You can call me by my name Amanda and DivaQC.  😋

    Hi ansd a slightly belated welcome, Amanda.  

  3. When I was younger my bladder control wasn't great but, during the daytime at any rate, I think it's improved somewhat.  I do have to get up more at night than I used to but that's part getting older and part drinking too much fluid in the evenings.  

  4. It would certainly interest me.  As someone who has had surgery 'down below' and been prone to water infections over the years, I have more than a passing interest in the subject.  Quite how I would square the need for professionalism though with my watersports interest though, I don't know.  I suspect a professional involvement with urology would either kill my fetish interest or else leave me in a state of permanent arousal.   

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  5. I don't know whether a bias exists towards larger bladders or not.  Personally I doubt it.  Also I think a person's bladder holding ability can vary dramatically depending on their state of health, the weather, what they've drunk and how much.  I know mine is certainly affected by these factors to a large extent.    

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  6. 2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    The silly thing is that some people consider you amazingly smart and sensitive, and would quite see you post more, mainly in general chat's serious threads, as regardless of different opinions, reading from people so straight-to-the-point like you is rejuvenating

    Thanks spywareona.  That's very kind of you and I really appreciate it.  I would dearly love to post more and will try to when I can, but often I feel defeated time, or rather the lack of it.  Maybe I try to spread myself too thinly but it's a long standing habit and a difficult one to get out of.  

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  7. On 6/20/2019 at 1:58 AM, alwaysquietx said:

    I’ve been keeping my pee fetish to myself from the age of 14 and now I’m 26 and I’ve decided I can’t keep it to myself any longer. I’m glad I’ve managed to find an active forum with like minded people. 


    Looking forward to to getting to know everyone and exploring the site! 

    Hi and welcome.  I hope you have a fantastic time here and very much look forward to enjoying your contributions.  

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  8. 16 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    I have Type 2 diabetes and lately have been thirsty a lot and drinking a lot and my sleep is very interrupted by the need to pee every couple of hours or so.

    But one of the meds I am prescribed is a diuretic which dehydrates by causing frequent peeing, because this helps flush out blood sugars and keep levels down. This of course also induces thirst.

    So I cannot be sure whether what I am experiencing is due to high blood sugars or simply to my meds.

    Last time I was concerned about such symptoms blood tests revealed that my blood sugar levels were pretty good so it was the meds.

    But since then it appears to have gotten a little worse, so having a blood test next week to check.

    I hope all goes well for you, Steve.  I have one of my periodic blood tests followed by an appointment with the practice nurse next week.  I must remember to take an early morning pee sample with me!  

  9. On 6/8/2019 at 4:12 AM, Riley said:

    I don't really know what drove me to make this post but I'm in a really nostalgic mood and also a tad sick and it drove me to write this.

    I just wanted to thank everyone. I know I've made mistakes and have fallen into darkness but Everytime I log onto peefans I see welcoming faces and just amazing people in this community. I honestly might not be here today if it wasn't for this website and the people here. You all have filled me with happiness and a feeling that I am worth at least something in this world. Before this website I felt empty, like I was worthless in this world and while I still have a lot of moments of where I still feel worthless to society I feel like there are people I can talk to and that's a lot more than I could say a year ago.

    I owe everyone here a huge debt in my life because I truly owe it to the people here. You guys are amazing and I don't know how I could ever express my gratitude for how you have changed my life. I've gone from a suicidal girl practically holding a knife to my throat every second of my life to being an emotionally troubled girl who listens to a lot emo music and wears a lot of black clothing. I just feel like I have somewhere I belong. Idk, it just feels nice to know there are people in this world who care if I live or die. 

    I hope everyone here is happy and I hope people have the same sense of community I do. I love how even though we all have different political views, phylysophical ideas, and live in all the different corners of the world. We all care about each other and can talk about something we have in common and have a good time talking about it. 

    I love everyone here and hope that I can at least try to give back to this amazing community. 

    Thank you all so so so much🙂

    Your local emotional girl,


    Thanks for sharing, Raven.  I felt very humbled reading what you'd put.  

  10. On 6/12/2019 at 6:02 PM, Sophie said:

    I didn't think this was worthy of its own topic so I thought I'd revive this thread. 

    I came home from work today bursting for a wee so I took off my shoes and ran upstairs. I scurried to my bathroom and quickly hitched up my pencil skirt. I tore down my thong just enough to go and slammed down on the toilet, peeing immediately. I had an absolute torrent gushing from between my legs and the relief was orgasmic. The bathroom door was still wide open but I didn't even care, I was just happy to empty my bladder.  went for about 30 seconds and got some toilet paper, sighing happily as I reached between my legs to wipe before flushing, redressing and washing my hands. 

    Whew, what a relief! 

    That sounds amazing, Sophie.  How long had you held for?  All afternoon?  Or all day?  

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 6/6/2019 at 9:32 PM, mcdky said:


    I'm a 25 year old guy from Kentucky USA. I've occasionally lurked here for a while and finally decided to sign up. I've been turned on by female desperation for as long as I can remember, and I love public urination and powerful streams.

    To be honest, I really hate having this fetish because I've never seen a woman pee in real life, and it only causes me jealousy of those who have. Not to mention getting extremely aroused in situations where most people don't. But perhaps having some like-minded people to talk to will help.

    Hi and welcome.  I think you'll find many likeminded people here with those sorts of feelings and interests.  We're a very friendly bunch.  


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  12. On 4/10/2019 at 9:29 AM, JackPee said:

    I love naughty peeing, I love to pee just for the fun of damaging public and private property, for example:

    stranger's bike, car doors, changing room floors, public bathroom floors, hotel floors etc...

    I would like to know the naughty stories of whom shares this very funny and naughty hobby😜

    Hi Jack.  Although I've rarely plucked up the courage myself, amd then only in very discreet locations, I think you'll find a lot of people here enjoy that sort of thing.  

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