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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. I too am a veteran of EP and its eventual demise, when it happened, came as no surprise to me. A mixture of first ineffective (dare I say non-existent?) and, later, idiosyncratic moderation effectively killed it. It was good in the early days but everything has a life and I think its time had come.

  2. I'm not sure what to say. A visitor who didn't know otherwise would probably assume from the smell that one of you was accident prone. My advice would be to wash all the fabrics thoroughly so as to remove all doubt.

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  3. I'd say the idea of a British 'wet munch' is certainly not without merit and has been discussed on other sites where I'm active. On one of them I think there was a small group which did meet in London at one time. Whether they still do or not I couldn't say. I think there are two hurdles which always have to be overcome. One is simple geography. A location which might suit some people will not be a realistic proposition for others. Another is people's natural shyness. Good online relationships don't always easily or naturally translate into offline meets. It's worth considering though. Perhaps it could be explored on a regional basis like devolution. I'm in the East Midlands but could happily team up with someone in Yorkshire, Durham or Peterborough - not forgetting the great coastal resorts of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.

  4. At the weekend the Sunday Sport ran a story about a rather large lady who objected to Mr Osborne's new tax on sugary drinks because she drank the equivalent of thirty cans of full fat Coca Cola a day. That's the equivalent of about ten litres. Being the sort of person that I am I couldn't help wondering where all that fluid went but, sadly, that aspect wasn't covered. I could only imagine that either she spent rather a lot of time of the loo or else was permanently diapered. Put it this way, I know I'd be in a fix if I tried to drink ten litres of anything.

  5. Hi folks. I'm new to contributing to this site but not new to the fetish. If I'm totally honest I signed up some time ago and then forgot about it. Anyhow it's good to be here now. I especially like holding, desperation and wetting.

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