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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. I can well imagine how such an image could impress itself upon a youthful memory.

    With regard to the condition of public conveniences here in the UK, all I can say that it varies a great deal. I've come across some which, quite frankly, have been appalling and would only wish to use in extremis. At the other end I've come across others which are beautifully clean and well maintained - which I would have absolutely no hesitation about using. Most public toilets fall somewhere in the middle between the terrible and the excellent. They're "alright" in the sense of being satisfactory but I probably wouldn't go out of my way to use them if holding it - whichever number in needed to do - was an option. They are generalisations but a couple of things tend to be rule of thumb. Firstly, toilets which are manned full time by an attendant (such toilets usually make a small admission charge) are generally better than the free, unmanned ones. Secondly, toilets attached to pubs and railway stations tend to be somewhat better than those which are simply provided by the local council as public conveniences. Although they are provided as a matter of grace rather than of right (and therefore an easy target when budget cuts have to be made) I wouldn't wish to see the complete demise of council run public toilets. They're a necessity for elderly people, families with young children, the disabled and people (like me) who don't have particularly strong bladders. I wouldn't want the UK to go the way of America with few, if any, genuinely public public toilets available, and people forced to rely on the goodwill of shopkeepers and other businesses when nature calls.

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  2. Well you should come to this side of the pond for a long holiday/ vacation and see as many of the great tourist spots as you can. Not just NYC, Washington DC, Philadelphia, and other East coast sites. But also Seattle, Mount Rushmore, The Alamo, and many more of the great sites of our great country.

    Maybe one day - if I have the leisure and the money!

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