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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. 7 hours ago, Starks2010 said:

    I wish I could get a request like that to come out. For example I want to tell my attractive neighbor whose car I wash that if she came in and relieved herself in my living room that would be equivalent to the $20 she'd pay me. 

    That would certainly be a big ask which might provoke one of a number of different reactions.   On odd occasions I have lent a small amount of money (£10 or so) to a friend so that he's been able to treat his wife when funds have been tight.  He knows about my urological interests and when he's asked about repayment I've told him he can do a wee for me sometime.  I've not called in the favour yet but it's there if need be. 

    This morning I had an advert from some domestic cleaners through the door.  I won't be using them because (a) they charge a higher hourly rate than my present long suffering cleaning lady and (b) they require a minimum of 2 hours attendance.  If somebody offered a "watch me wee" service - male or female - in return for a modest fee I might be up for it though.   

    It's a long time ago now but a well known member of a penis forum to which I belong was visiting the UK and asked if there was a couch he could sleep on for a few nights - presumably to avoid hotel bills.  I offered him the use of my sofa on one condition - that he'd wee for me twice a day.  Perhaps it wasn't too surprising but he didn't take up my offer. 

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  2. It's a while since I last heard from her but I used to correspond quite regularly with a lady who is a nurse in Australia.  She told me about her holding exploits and she often held for hours on end during hospital shifts which could be quite long.  Also I had a brief exchange with a male nurse and he used to hold it for 8 hours or so.  Another chap, a teacher, told me he was sometimes bursting for a wee by the end of the school day.  

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  3. That's interesting.  I guess it varies between localities but I know that in some areas of the UK would be classed as a littering offence which, if there is a hierarchy of offences, is a lesser matter than indecent exposure.  I can understand an indecent exposure charge if a guy has his penis out of his pants and isn't really doing anything with it other, than perhaps masturbating.  I don't think it ought to apply if he's weeing for England and there's no toilet available within a reasonable distance.  

  4. Thanks for sharing that thought, JesseP.  I don't think she'd have an ideological objection to them but I don't think Anne's got round to using adult nappies yet.  She essentially a risk taker, used to doing it in her pants, and I think trying to change the habit of a lifetime would be rather a steep learning curve for her!

  5. 3 minutes ago, JesseP said:

    If this ever happens, the best idea would be to organise someone central to everyone. Peterborough, Northampton areas could be good as they are near A1 and M1 so easy to get to.

    Bearing in mind accessibility for non-drivers.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Sexismygod said:

    I'm down in the Home Counties so Lincs and S Yorks are a bit of a haul.  Maybe a midpoint?   Now I have to look at a map, lol.

    Would Peterborough suggest itself as a possible mid-point?

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