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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. I'm sorry that you're leaving us because there's nothing I love more than to see people here making worthwhile contributions.  However I fully respect your reasons whatever they may be.  Best wishes for the future!  

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  2. I'm a veteran of many forums and I think it's historically always been the case that some people have joined up to forums and become regular contributors whilst others contribute for short while if all and then disappear.  Although the latter group are frustrating we should, I think, avoid a rush to judgement.  Individual circumstances vary a great deal and often it's impossible to know the back story behind people's motives.  I've signed up to one or two adult forums (not specifically pee ones I might add) and quickly discovered that what they were about wasn't for me.   

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  3. On 26/01/2018 at 0:57 AM, Grizzly Man said:

    Was holding all day at work and i barely made it home. Felt good to release this pressure. Lol







    I like the thought of you barely making it home.  Home close were you to weeing yourself?  Had you started spurting?  I can see from the dark colour of your output on the pictures that you'd held it for several hours - I'd guess most of the day.  It's the sort of colour my wee used to be first thing in a morning in the days before getting up a couple of times in the night became normative.  

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  4. My only loo is upstairs and often when I'm working downstairs on my laptop I can't be bothered to trek all the way up there.  This afternoon I had one wee in a corner of the garden.  However I also had a further two (I was taking on board quite a bit of fluid) using a measuring jug which isn't uncommon for me.  One wee was 450ml and another was 400ml.  Anyone else measure their output?

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  5. I think the question should really be "Who doesn't?"  It never really occurred to me until about 12 years ago (when I  was then in my mid forties) when I wrote a story which featured it.  I then decided to do it just to see what it felt like and I was instantly hooked.  Needless to say I've done it almost daily ever since.  I did learn early on to make sure the shower was running before I started weeing though! 

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  6. 23 hours ago, Brutus said:

    I had another experience hearing a very good pee. A few weeks ago around Christmas, I was visiting a friend in the hospital (he's fine by the way). I'm sitting in the waiting room for nurses to let me go in his room, and while I'm waiting, a very attractive doctor comes walking down the hall and heads into one of the restrooms right across the hallway, literally no more than 10 feet away. She was tall and curvy, and looked mid 30's. Just seeing her go in there made me anticipate what I might hear. I'm so glad the TV was off, it allowed me to hear very clearly through the door as she took a hard piss that was loud as HELL. It had that deep rumbling echo sound. There was one other woman in the waiting room with me and she heard it as well. It was awkward because the pee was so loud that you couldn't ignore it, so we just laughed. When she finally came out of the restroom, she actually sighed in relief as she walked back down the hall. The woman in the waiting room looked at me and said holy shit. The funny thing is that at first I was irritated that they had me in a waiting room. Now I'm glad I was in there!

    Thanks for sharing that.  She'd probably not been for several hours which isn't uncommon in the medical profession.  

  7. 10 hours ago, tony for you said:

    I would be curious to know how many are into pee over here on the isle of wight,, so far i only know of 3 people including myself, if only i had the courage to do a survey lol,,

    Perhaps I ought to visit the Isle of Wight one day if circumstances allow.  That would at least increase the tally temporarily to four.  

  8. 21 hours ago, walanuk said:

    Hello... I've been a member here for ages but never really contributed (or visited) however someone I know from another forum encouraged me to spend more time here and it seems like a fun group ... so, er,  Hi :D

    Hi and welcome.  We're a very friendly bunch.  I hope you have an absolutely fantastic time here and look forward to seeing you around.  

  9. 38 minutes ago, Starks2010 said:

    That's awesome! This neighbor I speak about knows of my fetish too. She would probably laugh it off and tell me I always make her laugh or I'm so crazy. 

    Being the fact that I know she would rather spend money on travel than her car she just might go for it. I worried about the awkwardness if it doesn't go right and we live next door. Other than it being awkward, there is really nothing to lose. I am attracted to her physically but she's not someone I would date on a serious level because she's all about herself. 

    Can I swap neighbours with you?

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