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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Very nice indeed. I find that coffee certainly makes me need to go. Maybe that's a good excuse for drinking plenty of it!
  2. Thanks for sharing that, Louise. What a daring young lady! I look forward to reading about your further exploits.
  3. Yes indeed. I've been lucky enough to overhear some super impressive pees in my time, although it hasn't happened for a while.
  4. Hi and welcome. I look forward to reading about your experiences.
  5. Hi and welcome, nottsnew. I hope you have a fantastic time here.
  6. Hi and welcome, I hope you have a great time here. Whilst I'm not over keen on the word piss, derived from the medieval "pysse", I will run with it. Pee is the accepted middle spectrum word for a lot of people. Personally I prefer the term "wee" as it conjoures up connotations of a more fulsome, satisfying, experience in my mind.
  7. I'd certainly be interested, although lockdown notwitrhstanding I tend to be quite busy these days so I'm not sure when I would be able to engage with it.
  8. Hi and welcme, Brendan. We're a very friendly bunch and I look forward to seeing you around.
  9. Hi and welcome, nacixeru. I hope you have a fantasic time here and look forward to seeing you around.
  10. Have you soaked those white pants yet? They're just perfect for it.
  11. It's maddening because it's blocked in my country on copyright grounds!
  12. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time.
  13. Hi and welcome, Sammi. You'll find plenty of holding as well as peeing enthusiasts on here. I hope you have a fantastic time.
  14. WethotSummer. It sounds as though you were very lucky indeed. Not everyone is that lucky. Welcome aboard, by the way.
  15. I'm from the UK East Midlands.
  16. Thanks for that. I dudn't want to offend by use of the term 'panties' but they had that sort of look about them, although there are types of underwear which are effectively unisex these days. Personally I wear a wide range of underwear and that dies include actual panties which invariably are much more comfy than briefs. Even the briefs I have are for the most part, by choice, flyless. I cant be the only man in the world to find flys pointless and inconvenient as they're invariably too small or badly positioned.
  17. Now that is amazing, and incredibly daring too! I like the way in which you were clearly weeing in your panties by the time you got your trousers undone. It has, I know, been a chilly morning so no doubt the cold aided and abetted your desperation!
  18. Hi and welcome. It's good to see part of God's own county represented. You'll find plenty of wetters and wetting enthusiasts here.
  19. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  20. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  21. Hi and welcome, mate. It's good to see the Cambridgeshire fens represented. I hope you have a good time here and look forward to seeing you around.
  22. Hi and welcome, Pete. Nice avatar. I've only been to Edinburgh once and from what I remember of it, the place was cold enough to make anyone want to pee.
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