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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. I'd love to see a girl called Anne being really gross and pissing all over a car seat.
  2. Hi and welcome, Noelia. We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you enjoy being a member here.
  3. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time here. In fact I'm sure you will.
  4. I wish one of these ladies would do a wee - just for me.
  5. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome, Paul. It's good to see God's own County represented and I look forward to seeing you around.
  6. Hi and welcome, TakeAleak. Pee is by its nature something of a niche interest but we're a friendly bunch here and you should find plenty of folks who enjoy its various aspects.
  7. Hi and welcome, James. I hope you have a fantastic time including lots of fun!
  8. Hi and welcome, Alice. I think you've made an excellent decision taking the 'plunge' and I look forward to seeing you around.
  9. Hi and welcome. I hopwe you have a great time here.
  10. Not masturbating at all at present. I've been fighting a UTI for the last fortnight and I want to make sure I'm fully recovered first.
  11. Literotica is updated regularly but pee stories, although present, tend to be something of a minority interest there.
  12. Hi and welcome. We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you enjoy being a member here.
  13. Hi and welcome. It's good to see a fellow Literotica fan on here. I hope you have a great time.
  14. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time here.
  15. Thanks for sharing that. Who knows but what the opportunity to do something similar might arise again? After all, there's no reason to interrupt a phone call just because you need to go. If anything the one lesson I learned was to make sure if future I have pants or trousers that can be dropped easily if necessary. I could have used a large measuring jug that I keep downstairs for occasions when I don't want the hassle of going upstairs, but it would rather have given me away.
  16. On Sunday evening I had a long phone call with a friend. I'd been drinking quite a lot of water to counter the symptoms of a urine infection and half way through the call I got up, went upstairs, dropped my trousers and peed on the toilet. Actually I spent most of the rest of the conversation sitting there. I don't think she heard me pee because I peed against the porcelain rather than straight into the water. It's not the first time I've done that sort of thing and maybe won't be the last. It saved cutting the conversation short.
  17. My fantasy would be to see photos or video clips, taken if necessary over a month, of Jonah Falcon, supposed owner of the world's largest functioning penis, wetting different pairs of spandex pants. I gather some years ago somebody paid him to go to her apartment and be photographed wearing a different pair of underpants each day. I'd like to think that at the right price he'd be up for wetting some.
  18. Hi and welcome. I look forward to chatting to you and finding out more about your interests.
  19. Hi and welcome from across the pond. I hope you have a great time here.
  20. Hi and welcome. We're a very friendly bunch and I'm sure you will soon make some friends here.
  21. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time here.
  22. Hi and welcome. We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you have a great time here.
  23. Hi and welcome from another Brit. I hope you have a great time here.
  24. Good to see a potty being used. I hope it never overflows.
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