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Everything posted by Sweets

  1. I’m going to copy @Riley here. She seems to be having fun with hers. So ask me anything pee related or about life.
  2. I have been thinking about this. And teleportation Device does have its Appeal appeal I could go visit my favorite people that I chat with every day. And have a naughty pee with them when ever I wanted and then come back home. I could even go pick them up and visit other or find a nice place to pee together
  3. Sorry finally got sometime to read your last chapter. Work gets in the way of my fun 🙄. ❤️❤️❤️ Loving every chapter.
  4. You don’t have to exactly where? Where are you from. East coast, west coast.
  5. I can’t do any naughty peeing around work. One it’s a restaurant and two there are cameras everywhere but the bathroom. I did have a naughty pee in the bathroom where I peed on my hand and rubbed my pussy while I peed. The video is posted here
  6. If money was no problem, what would be your dream vacation. Where would you go and what would you like to do???
  7. Still need to get you to join us in a video chat 😘😈
  8. just checking. I hope you never have to experience one. They are no fun. Stay hydrated it will help. 🤗
  9. Do u think u have one. Or just curious. It’s a simple test. Pee in a cup and they see how much bacteria is in it. You urine will be cloudy too whiteish stuff in it.
  10. Oh yes you have to get antibiotics. If you let it go which I don’t know how anyone can. It can turn into a kidney infection and you could wind up in the hospital. They also give up another pill over the counter it’s call Azos it turn your Pee a bright orange to a bright yellow. Depending on how much you drink it helps with the pain.
  11. Woman are more likely to get them then men because our urethra is much short than men’s. So bacteria can travel back up easier. I had a lot of problems with getting them for a couple years. They are awful. At first you have this really strong urge to go and a small twinge of pain at the opening. Not even 5 mins later you have to go again and your feel like your going to pee yourself. Each time the pain gets worse like your pissing fire. After the 3 or 4 trip to the toilet you starting peeing blood. I would sometime feel like stick ice down there to get the burning feeling to go away but I
  12. That’s an extremely hot story by the way. Sounds you had a very wet fun time.
  13. I wish I had a person to share my fantasies with in person. I have a friend I text with and videos chat With. We live half way across the country from one another. It really sucks to want to play with someone so bad that has the exact some fantasies as you and can’t touch one another.
  14. Im very proud of you coming out of your comfort zone. 💗
  15. I do change my mind about something I would have changed. I would have taken better care of my health. I would have exercise and eaten better in my 20’s and 30’s.
  16. Hi Will, sorry late to this tread. Im sorry to hear about your grandfather hopefully he will be ok. Ive been dealing with anxiety and depression since a teenager. Some of us can hide it for awhile. People who know us well enough can since that we are hiding something with a fake smile. Hell for the first half of my life i didn't even know what was wrong with me. I would be at work durning the day making pizzas and this sadness would come over me and i would start crying. Didn't know why. And there were day i just couldn't get out of bed. Sleep seemed my escape, sad thing is I wa
  17. You know first hand I am. When am I not horny lol
  18. The story just keeps getting better. I actually enjoy reading naughty stores over watching porn sometimes. I have a very vivid imagination, your is writing is so good. I get a very clear picture in my mind. I love how she picks the daughter over the other 2 more willing. The most seeming innocent one
  19. @speedy3471 @Peefreak99 @peeingone Thanks guys yall are really sweet. ☺️
  20. Usually once a day. It’s a nice way to relax before going to bed. On my days off it might be twice and day and throw in some sex with my husband
  21. Setting on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what happens next. Have to admit giving myself a little rub while reading thru it.
  22. She needs to check out other options before jumping to surgery. The doctor that did my surgery that fucked me up for five years jump right to the surgery instead of giving me other options. I didn’t need the surgery as it turns out. For me physically therapy and changing some things in my diet fixed most of my problems. And those 5 years where hell for me. My leaking got worse. It was damaging my kidneys. I was getting UTI all the time. It hurt to have sex. And my doctor told me nothing was wrong with me. Second opinion same thing. Finally found a doctor that listens and said I had a proble
  23. What a lovely imagination you have. 😈😈😈 love it. Can wait to see where taut naughty place will be.
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