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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. I've never been able to do number 10 🤣
  2. I was much the same, now I'm used to it I probably share too many 😂
  3. not so easy for pissing 😀 but your ass would look very good in jeans!
  4. hugs to you to Riley, it was fun to be a part of this xx
  5. @Rich7 @Riley @chubbybirb999 this was a first for me so exciting and fun guys 😍
  6. wow thats a lot! feels fantastic I'm soaked!
  7. I put that gif over in the measuring thread btw 😂
  8. got towels and stuff on the sofa, when it goes i'm not moving
  9. I just ran the tap to get a drink and that nearly did for me
  10. just let a little spurt out...its slippery
  11. it is here too in more ways than one 😂
  12. I have an unfair advantage 😂 ts exciting which makes me less likely to pee!i
  13. im doing that, makes the need more temporarily, about a 6/7 i think
  14. I think that probably sends me to about 6 or 7, but back to 4/5 when I stop
  15. if I press my bladder I can definitely feel the need!
  16. settled down a bit now, thought I was going to go straight away, but subsided
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