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Everything posted by Peefreak99

  1. I am struggling hard to remember everything how long did it take you to remember EVERYTHING?. i mean it's a lot you must have a super brain
  2. @spywareonya i think this thread needs bumping so that more people are givren the oportunity to learn these things
  3. I can promisse you that we all would love to have more girls here and here girls don't get chased away because guys here know how to behave. Let's ask @Sophie @Misspy @spywareonya @chubbybirb999 have you ever been harassed here?. And also we have a very good admin he is so dedicated to making this place as good as possible and the mods are also awesome. This place is safe for girls because if anyone would harass them that asshole would be banned right away. And also giving one gender special treatment and giving them a special room is not equal at all giving both genders a special room wouls b
  4. The ones into holding trains their bladder so they have a larger and stronger bladder then others:).
  5. Btw @Blackinksoul30 you say that we men don't want more girls here? I have never seen anyone write that they don't want more girls here. But why should one gender get stuff that the other dosen't get? I mean i guess you are for equallity just like me and the others here?. So then the only equal thing would be to either give both genders a special forum or none of them. I don't like the idea of segregation here tho so i say no ladies or mens room at all.
  6. To make it equal there should be a mens room too then just a place for us guys to tallk about anything we want really. But tbh i don't like either of those things that would segregate the site this place is for EVERYONE and then every forum here should be for EVERYONE. But if we do get a " ladies room" i would feel misstreated and actually insulted if we didin't get a " mens room" if we have both it's equal if we have none of them it's equal if we just have one of them it's UNequal
  7. Peefreak99


    Oh vacation nice. i never heard of that game tho
  8. Peefreak99


    What do you do on a usual weekend?
  9. No im the kind of guy that needs heavy physical work i would have loved to be a wood chopper or whatever it's called in english. Mabye back in the 60s or something because now we have a bunch of fucking machines fuck that i need a challenge or im going to get bored. Thats why im joining the army at least there i can workout and work at the same time.
  10. From what i've heard peeaearch is a ghosttown so mabye the site is broke?
  11. Yeah but the harder the game the more broken controlers🤣 i want games that are fairly easy but fun since i have anger issues
  12. It's all about money there's more money to be earned online so sadly we single players don't get much
  13. It would be cool if you could customize your character more like his muscles, length, face and skin colour etc
  14. Peefreak99

    Gta 6

    Who else is looking forward to gta 6? And what do you want from it? If you ask me i want more stuff to destroy imagine being able to destroy a entire house🤩. And also i want to be able to drive the train like in SA. Mabye a bigger world too with more stuff to do after the main story. Anyway i've heard rumours that gta 6 will come out 2020 or 2022 and that the main story will be about drug smuggling in the 70s but that's just rumours. What do you think? What do you want from gta 6 and do you have any more info about it?
  15. Too late i guess but mabye go "water" some plants next time:)
  16. I would make her drink mabye 2l of water and then make her drive around until she REALLY can't hold it anymore and then i want her to pee outside behind a tree or something. But don't forget showing relief moans/sighs and mabye a " ahhh that felt so good"
  17. The pee scene got me distracted haha but in a good way😉 xd can't wait for the next chapter
  18. If your man asked you to become desperate would you do it then?
  19. @speedy3471 im sorry man but south park never lies #BLAMECANADA🤣
  20. You just gained A LOT of respect from me. You realizing that and respecting it shows that you are a true friend of animals and is unselfish
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