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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. @mickymoist @speedy3471 This was one of the most Amazing thing I ever read!!!
  2. I know the sensation!!! Ehehehe and for my lady eyes, it was tasty ihihihihihi kinky girl MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. You are even too civilized I would have started yelling and swinging a mace, believe me!!! And is quite good at it, at all!!! Hi love, you here among my brethrens is a marvellous thing I love to piss on door handles, when they are not too high… I can pee standing but I am short nonetheless!!!
  4. The cute thing of these pics is that they don't make us absolutely guess the imposing body shape of @mickymoist
  5. @HitEmAll Sorry I missed this thread Amazing body, Amazing piss, Amazing pics!!!!!!!!
  6. @HammerheadPilot Do you want to know what hit ME of those pics? That your cock reaches your belly HAHAHAHAHAHA Huge!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Answering now after a while, I am so happy to see @HammerheadPilot became such a great part of our community!!!
  8. I love it on a physical stance, yet not only Offering my bum, gently shaking it, left and right and left and right, toward my man and his dripping (literally), steel-hard cock… is SOOOOO naughty… but also… there is something completely submissive being fucked from behind in that position… I am never submissive, as a matter of character, I am that kind of woman that if theorically speaking a noise awake me, I won't ever tell my husband "Go check", I get up without even checking if he is awake too, grab my knife and go see... It's my nature, I handle my life But some
  9. spywareonya


    A situation I quite miss...
  10. @steve25805 A gift for the creator of this thread…
  11. Thank you for sharing this with us It meant a lot to me
  12. He meant, inside his heart?
  13. I saw a bit of France, Germany, and Italy (plus the country where I live obviously, which is in Europe but cannot disclose) I know I had not visited too many countries but my life sucked while I was a child… and after school (of which many abroad visits I had not had chance to partecipate) I had just worked and worked and worked I speak English (though it's not my mother Language) and am quite good at French (for work) and also a bit of Portuguese, more reading than speaking...
  14. I am slobbering, and at the same time relaxing like during a massage It's… spiritual...
  15. I sadly tought EXACTLY the same...
  16. Indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE QUESTIONS!!!! ihihihihihihihih it's lovely!!!!
  17. It's embarassing how this can craft a boy, with a soul and feelings and hopes and fears, into a sadistical mass-murderer
  18. Check my very, very first reply in Page 1...
  19. @Blackinksoul30 just gave us a small bit of teaser in the chat, it's romantic and erotic, I was speechless, usually I find excessive romanticism to be… excessive!!! But she was so real.. it gave me shivers I hadn't even felt well afterward… like it unleashed stuff in the unconscious… and sincerely I crave for more
  20. @Blackinksoul30 I refrained from asking you because I am quite reserved on these things and let Others to being with, but since you did, I am here You already told me much in PM but I wanted anyway to be here, read carefully, and make my presence known and felt Great hugs, you are a fighter
  21. 29 (I also say in profile, I want to mark how many of these I already said there, in which case I could update it) Girl. In the profile too Bisexual, more hetero than lesbian (my soul mate must be a man) but here about my lesbian half, and also perfectly able to actually fall in love with girls. I could just never live without a cock, and the male soul attached to it. In the profile too. Mine too, public and risky pee, or naughty/a bit vandalistic piss, but also about piss lesbian domination, or happy piss in strange places. I indeed not specify it in the
  22. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c74d13896a8c This is not me, but SOUNDS quite the same HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  23. A quote for connoisseurs Bravo And I so fucking agree with all the rest
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