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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. This is an incredible ass, so round and soft!!!
  2. When I see a girl come out of a bathroom I tell myself "Ahahahaha what a waste!!!"
  3. @UnabashedUser another terrificly intimate account wow thank you BOTH
  4. Ok this is glorious thank you!!!
  5. I definitely see your point and I also see her pee aahahahaha
  6. my stuff is there for you, look at what you prefer!
  7. the club I pointed you to is for everybody!!! Enjoy when you want… a kiss!!!
  8. it was just my urethra getting a strange angle in the video I am flattered by your touching advices but I am fine, sometimes I make tests to see if I get any problems from contraceptive pill and got the chance to talk to my doctor, my pussy is fine and I hope its pics will give you pleasure!!!
  9. sorry my dear friend, no contacts with anybody beside the forum, is a privacy shield, a common feature here, plus I have a good-hearted deal with Admin about posting new stuff for goldmembers only, and I will comply to it!!! Explore the club I gave you the link 3 videos, a hot story about public lesbian piss sex, and tons of nude pics!!!
  10. I don't control it!!! usually it is just a single stream!!! Fanny is right, by now new things are for Goldmembers only… The only thing I can do is pointing you to this It's the collector of all my main threads... have fun!!!
  11. Please no it happens a couple of time but usually it's very neat, other vids and my pics shows it clearly!!!
  12. Believe me, pissing on a partner is even more than that...
  13. you mean wetting? Bah, to each his own... I say piss everywhere!!!
  14. I am starting to miss the point You are looking for a deterrent from public debaucherie, or are we trying to find a way to stop exceeding public piss while still protecting the interests of us fetishists? because if the point is stopping public piss, in my country there are up to 30 000$ dollars fines and up to 4 years of jail WE still do in rural areas (and I still do also among town) but this indeed stopped many from daring BUT this is NOT what is right right is that we re-take this world which is our, and laws should just stop criminals, NOT us explorers of f
  15. Where exactly? I spotted you on another thread about zones but I am curious Don't feel pushed to answer, many keep their country a secret, I do, just for example
  16. I think we all wanna read that I for sure
  17. Indeed I appreciate you often bring this up It is much intimate and delicate You can handle it for your character
  18. It's in those situations, more than in anything else, that we women shines in the solemn glory of the daily difficulties nobody beside us women can actually understand I'll never be a male-hating feminist, not at all indeed I am so in love with male brazeness that I laugh at rape jokes,but our period is the most intimate thing a woman has. I admire you for posting these pics of you. I never will.
  19. @Potatoman With each new story, I know you a bit better I am surprised by this latent dominant attitude… and also a bit intrigued...
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