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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. You know you're a peefan when upon seeing this plush rug.... .....your first thought is to imagine someone like this.... ....pissing on it!
  2. You know you're a peefan when upon seeing a very sexy young lady your first thought is to imagine her pissing somewhere, and wonder if she is into that sort of thing. Naturally you prefer to imagine yes.
  3. Oh, and why is that that Citroen Berlingo drivers are invariably the slowest things on the road besides tractors and bicycles? If you get stuck behind one, be prepared for a mind-numbingly slow journey. And today I and a number of other vehicles were reduced for some distance to only about 15mph in a 40 zone because of some selfish twat cyclist insisting upon using the road in spite of the adjacent pavement being an official cycle path!!!
  4. Another of my pet hates is people forgetting to switch their indicators off, thereby giving you false indications. I pulled out in front of someone because she was indicating to leave the roundabout before she got to me. But she wasn't and had to brake hard and was beeping her horn at me like a silly cow wholly unaware of the fact that her indicator light was flashing false information. I saw no other meaningful course of action than to mouth her a stupid twat, give her the finger, and carry on my way. Another annoyance is those silly twats doing 60-65mph on a 70mph speed limit motorway,
  5. I have worked in a petrol filling station before and I used to see that all the time. Pensioners who could barely walk and who when they finally made it to the kiosk barely had the dexterity to handle their wallet. And I'm thinking "What? And you're behind a wheal?" In an emergency they are going to have the reaction time of a sloth. Surely they should not be on the road? They are also often the same ones who drive ridiculously slowly yet are still doddering all over the road. Mind you, considering the state of some of them perhaps it is a blessing that they drive like the speed limit is half
  6. I know you regard it as a hassle, so if you don't want to that's fine. But it would be great to hear about the rest of the party sometime.
  7. @Byoofwahq, here's another...
  8. Welcome to the forum, @Byoofwahq Here are some threads that might interest you... https://peefans.com/topic/6263-crazy-public-pissing/ https://peefans.com/topic/7393-floor-pissing-ladies/ https://peefans.com/topic/7466-bed-pissing-girls/ https://peefans.com/topic/7468-girls-pissing-on-tables/ https://peefans.com/topic/7575-sofa-and-furniture-pissings/ https://peefans.com/topic/7425-the-carpet-pissing-thread/ https://peefans.com/topic/9823-naughtiest-piss-ever/
  9. What are the things that annoy you when driving? For me it is people pottering along at 35-40mph where the limit is 60 and where doing 60 is perfectly safe. Such drivers do this without a thought to the long and ever growing queue of traffic behind them. No thought ever of pulling over to let others pass. I find this both arrogant and inconsiderate as well perhaps as a sign of lack of competence. Also, those who interpret a 30mph speed limit as an instruction to do 20-25. Those who hog the outside or middle lane on motorways. Those who fail to pull out into the outside lane
  10. Looking forward to part 3.....this is great.
  11. I love that you do that. You could always be ultra naughty and dispense with the cup altogether and just piss right there on the carpet.
  12. @Loveebugg54, how about brazenly peeing on the living room carpet? I have done it before and the very brazen naughty wrongness of it adds to the thrill. And I love true tales of girls pissing on the carpet. You'd be more than welcome to piss on my living room carpet as long as you don't mind having me as an audience, lol.
  13. It's like when they say "I have to pee so bad" after some obviously mock desperation, then struggle to produce the merest trickle. Like who are you fuckwits trying to kid? Lack of authenticity kills porn.
  14. I even pee in the bath. Am I being a bit too pervy or sleazy when I say I would love Sophie to pee in my bath before I get in it? Or better still, pee in my bath while I am actually in it? Random pervy thought of the day which I decided to share, lol
  15. Love it. Just waiting for the entry that goes something like "21.45 Upon reaching the bathroom I decided it would be more fun to squat and pee on the floor." 😁 Glad your first day back at work went well.
  16. I agree totally with you. Constructive criticism is fine, but telling someone they are ugly or something like that serves no useful purpose at all and is just needlessly cruel. Why hurt the feelings of others for no reason? If you have nothing nice or helpful to say, say nothing. In fact, if anyone here were to, for example, post pics of themselves doing this or that and someone else rocked up with negative comments, it would be a gross rule break and an immediate moderation issue. So if anyone does this to a fellow member, please report it. I hate needless cruelty and hurtfulness be
  17. You may have meant this in jest but you should not be asking people for personal information on an anonymous fetish website. Personal information might be volunteered but it should never be requested.
  18. I agree with the gist of all you have said here. Like you said, people commenting positively on your experience or adding in their own similar ones is fine. But if someone hijacks a post by posting something way off topic, report it to us with an explanation that you think this is way off topic. We will take a look at it and if we think it is we can split it off into a separate thread. Never be afraid to use the report button in this way. I would welcome also any input on this from @Scot_Lover, @Sophie, or @Admin
  19. Fair enough. I just see red when I see her. But I will say no more.
  20. I must say I am not a fan, regardless of any good looks she might have. Her dubious politically motivated attacks on the Labour left tantamount to smears means that - in spite of my fetish - I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh, but she abused her mediocre celebrity position to dishonestly smear everything I believe in. The ugliest thing about her is her mouth because only shit ever comes out of it. Rant over.
  21. Here is a truly down and dirty question for you. Perhaps I am in a horny mood, lol. Have you ever peed in someone else's mouth? If so, was it a man or a woman? And did they drink it?
  22. I too would love to have a lady pee in my mouth, and would also love to pee in a lady's mouth. If she peed in my mouth I would enjoy drinking it. What greater devotion could I show a girl than to let her piss in my mouth and to drink it for her?
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