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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. In the sink. In the bath. On the bedroom carpet Against the b edroom wall. On the bathroom floor On the kitchen floor. Against the bathroom wall In the shower On the toilet with the lid closed. On some clothes about to be washed In a glass On a table Against a mirror On an old armchair Against the living room wall. On myself On an old mattress
  2. I don't even own a smart phone and have always used a laptop for internet access. It suits me much better than a phone when it comes to porn because the laptop screen is much larger than any phone. And I don't really want to be accessing porn away from home anyway. As for the OP topic of posting in old threads, if it is on topic I mostly see it as a good thing. It can often serve to resurrect an older discussion and bring it to new members. As has been stated already though, asking a question of someone who posted something a couple of years ago might well be a bit fruitless unless
  3. Some of the latest pictures from the new James Webb Space Telescope....
  4. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a buxom blonde barmaid in my late 30s, recently divorced. My former husband introduced me to the pleasures of watersports. He liked to have me pee on him in the bath, which was kind of fun. In the latter years of our marriage I had kind of fallen out of love with him and so found it a sexually erotic way of expressing my contempt by peeing all over him. But when I walked in on his young secretary peeing on him in our bath, we were done. I don't do cheats. But since he moved out I have found myself enjoying other kinds of peeing fun, basically peeing around the ho
  5. Mine started after my sister was getting told off for peeing on her bedroom carpet. I couldnt get the notion of a female doing that out of my head. Was the beginning of my interest in girls peeing on carpets. Anyway, a non-sexual question. Have you ever been to a rock or pop festival or concert? And if so, who was the last singer or group you saw?
  6. Dear Wet Carpet. My friend and I, a couple of blonde girls in our mid-20s, were on holiday in Spain. On this particular night we were out pubbing and nightclubbing, drinking in a kind of wild party atmosphere. We were in this busy nightclub when we got chatting to this bunch of about eight guys, all of them construction worker friends also on holiday in Spain. I think they liked us and we found them fun as our chat became quite flirty. We were kind of off in a corner. Anyway, we needed to pee and told the guys we were going to have to go to the ladies. They said we should just do it
  7. When it comes to sports I am up for pool, snooker, or darts. Anything more energetic is too much like hard work for my liking.
  8. I like that you have gone back to the original format of this thread and written something that looks like an actual letter to a magazine, rather than using the thread as cover for a long story. Short letters are always readable. Long ones I have to be in the right mood for.
  9. Thank you. For the moment I am sober. I will not be ending the day this way, lol. So might not be around too much today.
  10. In my younger days I used to feel deep shame and embarassment about the fetish. Back then there was no internet to allow reaching out to like-minded people. But in the 12 years I have been online interacting with fellow fetishists, I have come to feel part of a community and have come to terms with myself. I no longer feel the shame and embarassment I once did. Live and let live.
  11. Hahaha, that's a new one on me. Never heard it called that before.
  12. I'm the wrong side of 50 too. In fact little more than 3 years from the big 60. And I can relate to what you say, going from needing to go to desperate very quickly, yet often not peeing anywhere near a full bladder full. And I can rarely get through a night without having to get up in the middle of it to pee. I would like to add another dimension to this discussion, namely the visual aspect of watching someone pee either in real life or on porn. When it comes to the visual spectacle, clearly the longer the pee the better. Though if, as I often do, you are merely lifting screenshots, leng
  13. Already one of our most popular members, you'd increase your popularity one hundred fold around here if you did, lol. Though of course one or two of the parents of your pupils might see it. Severely awkward. Lol So best not, haha
  14. How about this for my contribution to a marathon? I'll run to wherever the car is parked, then drive the entire course with my window down shouting encouragement to the runners. Seriously though, running a marathon is serious exercise. I've broken out into a cold sweat just thinking about it.
  15. Glimpse.it.com was probably my all time favourite pee porn site. The girls that featured in these vids - Pandora, Wendy Taylor, Frankie Babe, to name but three - are some of the all time great heroines of naughty pissing and lesbian watersports. And most if not all of them British with authentic British accents which just adds to the eroticism for me. Frankie Babe for example is true Yorkshire. A pity this site is no longer operational.
  16. Donna:"I need to go toilet. Haven't been all day. Going to be a long wee. Boring, innit?" Then she smirked, "Mind you, going toilet can be fun sometimes. I was seeing this guy and he wanted me to piss on his bedroom floor." Me: "Oh wow, did you do it?" Donna: "Well it wasn't my fucking carpet was it, so I thought "so fucking what" and just pissed right there on his carpet. Good fun though, haha." She grinned. "Pity I'm not in his flat now." Me: "Do you want to do that?" Donna: "I will if you want." Me: "Go on then." Donna: "Where to?" Me: "Anywhere
  17. Oh I remember Bros. "When will I, will I be famous?" So typical of the downward slide of the latter 80s re British chart music towards untalented manufactured rubbish. Stock, Aitken, and Waterman were the epitome of the age, though even Bros were too original and unformulaic for them.
  18. Of course you haven't offended anyone. And all you have said is interesting. And although you appear to be describing a scene at least a decade later than the late70s/early 80s I grew up in, the differentiation into identifiable sub-groups based upon musical taste and associated styles is recognisable to me. I know a lot of the early synthesiser pop that sprang up in my day was strongly influenced by a group from your country whom you must have heard of called Kraftwerk. They were very much pioneers of the genre. They also influenced some of the New Romantics of the early 80s.
  19. Thank you. I think I was a good mod in earlier years but was struggling in the role towards the end due to time constraints and mental health issues, and started making one or two dodgy decisions, all whilst recognising I was no longer pulling my weight. Stepping down was the right decision for me at the time.
  20. Well an update. I was on new meds for nearly a year and I wasn't coping well with them. Am now back on the old ones and much more my normal self again. Still prone to being a bit oversensitive but mostly ok now. I do however struggle a little with social confidence when it comes to banter and sexual flirtations, not sure when and if I am being too much, so mainly avoiding flirty comments. When I am struggling with anxiety I tend to get paranoid and read too much into everything. What helps tends to vary depending upon the intensity. If it is not too intense, distracting myself by goi
  21. Been a while since I added any pics here. So here are three awesome ones I have found....
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