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Everything posted by clay6

  1. I think sink or on the floor off the toilet.
  2. Keep holding on until you can’t sit still and have no choice but to spray it all over.
  3. Not yet but I do wish I did so I could add to that impressive puddle youre about to make.
  4. When you can’t take it anymore, just pull it out and pee all over the floor.
  5. Maybe all over the entryway floor. Like you’ve just come home desperate and can’t make it another step.
  6. Great story and that’s really lucky to find a like minded friend just by chance.
  7. That’s always a favorite of mine.
  8. Either way. Let us know what you decide.
  9. That’s how my wife was. She would go from not having to pee at all to “I need to find somewhere to pee or something to pee in like now!”
  10. I had a friend when I was younger that had it done. It was for true medical reasons though. Her urethra was too narrow as it was. She was never incontinent but she would go from barely having to pee to “pull the car over now!” In a matter of minutes. Her stream would basically just pour out of her too.
  11. Looks like you really had to go. Another side effect of pregnancy haha.
  12. clay6


    Try lying on your side and having him behind you. That worked a lot for us. Also, she would lie on the edge of the bed and I would stand between her thighs.
  13. Sounds very sexy and relieving. Thank you for sharing.
  14. clay6


    My wife was pretty much insatiable for the entirety of both pregnancies. We had to get pretty creative with positions in the final months.
  15. Welcome. My wife is also from SoCal area.
  16. Sounds great. I can’t wait to see the results.
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