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Everything posted by clay6

  1. Yea I’ve had to go soo badly a few times it’s almost a little painful from my urethra stretching to try and let it out.
  2. That is very true in many cases. My wife has squatted in crowded parking lots before with zero fear of having issues with cops.
  3. I had a few good encounters on there too. Sadly it’s a thing of the past.
  4. Welcome! I think you’ll love the community here.
  5. We had been chatting once and he really had to piss so I just let him use our downstairs bathroom. Then mentioned it in the context of if it ever happened again and I wasn’t outside or whatever to let him in.
  6. I’ve told our mail delivery guy (he’s super friendly and we chat a lot in general) that that side of the house near the back is fair game if he’s ever in a bind.
  7. I would agree with all of this. Something about it all is so sexy. Regardless of gender or most situations.
  8. Sounds like a very lovely place.
  9. My wife has peed in a cup on several occasions due to desperation in traffic.
  10. Very good point and that’s not the type of lightning rod you really want.
  11. Good. I’m sure it felt amazing.
  12. Maybe it’ll be a good flood for your front porch then.
  13. I’m starting to have to go now too haha
  14. How badly do you just wanna let it loose in your pants?
  15. How far are you from the porch?
  16. Where are you planning on letting go?
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