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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Well I braved the -30c weather and peed outside on the snow.
  2. It's another cold here. Actually quite cold lol. My truck showed -37c this morning.
  3. Cold is in the forecast here lol
  4. That's nuts to have that kind of temperature swing. It's done that here this winter as well. Crazy lol
  5. If your getting rid of it maybe you need to wet it down a bit more lol. Maybe the backseat needs a soaking haha
  6. Another windy cold day here. Today's forecast
  7. Lol ya we have you beat my friend. Winter in the canadian prairies can be brutal. 6 months of winter lol. The wind is the biggest factor, it can make even -10c feel like -30 if it blows hard enough.
  8. speedy3471


    Looks like double the pleasure. What a treat lol
  9. Sometimes all you can do is smile and wave lol
  10. Iam from Saskatchewan. Its snowing and blowing today, -20c and 40km/h wind
  11. Lol. I peed outside today about 5 times. Its -19c here today, not to cold but cold enough that I didn't have my cock out for longer than necessary lol
  12. Iam really into naughty peeing. It can be in sinks, bottles, swimming pools, bathtubs you name it lol. Just peeing anywhere the mood strikes is a huge turn on for me
  13. Lol your welcome. It's because we care that we share our cold weather lol
  14. Good work arching your stream over the counter top lol
  15. Well I would say that counts for double points haha
  16. Out in western Canada its cold today as well lol
  17. Iam glad I was able to inspire at least one person lol
  18. Lol they sure must be. I will keep me eyes open for them. Sure can't miss them lol
  19. As another fine member said, your husband is a lucky man. You peeing in a sink at a bar is very brazen and naughy, good work 'wink'
  20. Beautiful picture. I didn't know that they stayed around for the winter
  21. Layers are critical lol. Make sure your base layer is moisture wicking and you will be good to go. Glad you dressed appropriately
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