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Everything posted by Cuckoo42

  1. Well it's really dark outside and the wind is howling and gusting and the rain is lashing down, all the neighbours to the side and below have got their curtains shut. I live in a block of flats 3 floors high, i live on the 2nd floor, and have neighbours all around. Lying in bed just now trying to get to sleep, and i felt a bit of pressure from below, and looked at the window and thought why not piss out of the window its noisy outside with the wind and rain. So i went and got my little stepladder, climbed up it and onto the window ledge, took my pants off, opened the window enou
  2. surprised no ones mentioned these hotties yet
  3. totally agree, Gal Gadot is gorgeous
  4. I have no idea if we'll still be around in 1000 years, i suspect there may well be a situation that threatens mankind, be it many wars, multiple disease outbreaks or an asteroid strike. Climate change won't be the cause of the end of mankind, mankind will cause its own downfall through violence and greed and selfishness. Civil war and unrest will become the norm, and society as we know it today will break down. Call me a pessimist if you want, it's just how i see the nature of mankind. There is good to be found in mankind, but our greed to be dominant, extremely wealthy and be in con
  5. io've not seen Barbarella, but just reading about it on Wikipedia, i dont think its something i could stand, the plot is absolute shite. She is quite hot though in those screenshots
  6. Your thoughts on hot women in Sci-fi? Favourite character and why? I'll start with 2 :- 7 of 9 from Star Trek Voyager (Jeri Ryan) ..because she's gorgeous and the bOOOOObs Commander Mele On Grayza from Farscape (Rebecca Riggs) because Cleavage
  7. Cuckoo42


    why deny yourself pleasure? Tantric sex aside.. Women can orgasm several times a day, lots one after another, men maybe 2 or 3, then rest for a day or so. What it must be to be a woman, to lose yourself in orgasms for an hour.
  8. Sorry that you've had this happen, i would be totally shocked by this. He had no business going around your bathrooms, and certainly not playing with your clothes, despite them being on the floor.. Your personal habits should not be his interests. To me, this is a serious invasion of your privacy, considering you don't know this person. I take it this was taken from a hidden camera somewhere, you can't report him to his boss because you will have to show him/her the pictures. Personally i would not use these guys again.
  9. prefer an innie type. Its like a present, you have to unwrap it 😂😋 and it makes a beautiful cameltoe
  10. Go back to my school days, actually pay attention in class, get better grades and change my lifes direction completely. If my life had worked out the way i would have liked it to, i'd be flying 747's and A380's by now, earning shitloads of money. If i couldn't do that, then just go back 10 years and not make the stupid mistakes that caused me and my X to split up.
  11. i dont know if they're real, i just brrowed an image from google images, since it was relevant to the thread title, if not to some of the content within the thread.
  12. I used to watch Scooby cartoons on saturday mornings. great entertainment. Then scrappy came along and it went downhill i thought.
  13. wouldn't take you up on that one, i suspect for most people it would be $$$, larger genitalia with massive cumshots every 5 minutes and be bulletproof or something..
  14. Yes, god knows if i were ever granted 3 wishes, one would be that i could revert to being healthy and fit (for once on my life) and never suffer any injuries/afflictions/diseases etc during my lifetime, and that i would live a long time and die of natural causes.
  15. I did try google, but i didnt get an answer that made sense, therefore i asked on here. Thank you for clarifying the meaning.
  16. Thanks. Is it for a position of domination, or is it purely as a position for oral sex?
  17. I'm not a fan of urine-infused corn flakes. Still, that was for the US market, not us in the UK.
  18. Sadly, owing to a back injury a few years ago, i have nerve damage in my lower abdomen, and i lost sensation in most of my bladder and bowels and my saddle region, i feel nothing when i need to pee, and when i pee. Sorry, probably not the answer you were expecting, but a different side to the question. Be sympathetic of anyone who suffered a slipped disc, the internal damage may be severe, and i am stuck with this now for the rest of my life.
  19. Remember the case in the US of the worker who pissed on the cornflakes conveyor belt?
  20. i thought it was a typo at first, i thought it should have said queefing
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