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Everything posted by Sephora

  1. I was stunned this weekend by a conversation I had with a niece and she has been struggling with really bad acne for many years. I told her that her skin got so much better and she seemed happy and smiled more, which at the time her face and back was bad. Whenshe told me that she uses her own urine to wash her face and back. I was stomped, which i did not know what to say until she explained it. She said at first it was gross but when my niece saw the results, she kept on doing it, twice a day for over 2 weeks. Then she told me that urine was good against jelly fish stings, fungal infection an
  2. Okay, that's just wrong. I don't know what's wrong with people to do such acts and I really hope they get caught. It's actually that king of stupidity that gives a fetish a bad name or set the blame on it.
  3. Thank you for all those replies, I am happy because of the preparations
  4. I admit that sometimes at home i don't always wash my hands after a number 1, however, most of the times i do. I know this for a fact and i don't shake people's hands in general. As a boss, she has business people that come and see her and shake her hand. It's not like she forgets because we don't hear the hand dryer start so we know. She is a good looking person and i even heard an employee once say, just shaking her hand knowing it was touching her parts turns him on. To each their own, however , in public, i always wash my hands.
  5. OMG !! hahaha! You like the risk of getting caught or what? I do admit, I would be turned on knowing someone (good looking of course) is watching me except I would never admit it. I don't use them really except once at a cabin which it was a double seated outhouse. I was surprised how well maintained it was. I believe going camping has paid off for you. People who are wasted and pee is the funniest thing to watch. I had a friend who fell from a squat position while peeing and she just kept going. Another, she was so drunk that she pulled her pants down and sat in the grass because she had
  6. It is hard not to listen, everything is quiet and suddenly there are odd noises, fart noises, tinkle and the average pee noise. My department boss pee's loud for someone that is petite. She also doesn't wash her hands which is why I don't shake hands. As for the age groups, most are in my age group and some older and I don't pay attention all the time that's if there are people there. As for no wiping, same thing, I don't pay attention to that.
  7. I do find it too bad to read this news, most people here are friendly and have no bad intensions and for some, it's a comfort place to ask questions and information which you cannot find. Which is the main reason why I came here in the first place, my questions got answered which when came time to practice this fetish, i knew what to not eat and drink, and many other useful information. i really hope the owner will find a solution to keep this place running.
  8. This actually happened yesterday. I was in the kitchen making supper and my hubby shouted me to come in the living room quickly. There was a fight on our front lawn between a young woman and guy in their twenties. I step outside and my hubby tells me to call the police, from what i saw, this girl received a punch to the face and was almost knocked out. The guy had left the scene once the call was made which we brought her in our house for safe reasons because we didin't know what was going on. Once we tended to her bruised face, the police showed up not long after and then asked us what we saw
  9. The topic caught my attention, however, i am confused about what is going on. Can someone fill me in please?
  10. Wow!! you are such a perv lolol I do have to admit, it is kind of hot what you did, that being said, please be careful, if your girlfriend would ever find out, that would create quite the stir between you, your gf and her sister. I am looking forward to read your other story lol.
  11. I have not receive any messages.
  12. I admit, its cute and sexy but i would of rather a different way or place.
  13. I can relay to the sneezing part because it does happen. My sister inlaw did tell me that since she gave birth, she can't hold it in as well because of bladder damage. There are moments that when the slitest urge hits, she needs to go asap.
  14. I have been using number 5 and on occasion 4. 1,2 and 3 doesn't seem to work for me.
  15. I have never tried that kind of position, i wouldn't know. If i do get to try this it would be soon because it is getting cold out there.
  16. Those moments when you don't expect it at all. I am still laughing about it, as i was done giving a GS to my man, i was putting my flammies bottoms back on and i turned around to see him wet and kneeling on one knee, at first, nothing was making sense to me but then i saw he was holding a WEDDING RING!! I know right!! Anyways, i was thrown off and then i cried some and i extended my hand and then kissed him Of course that is NOT the version i gave to everyone else lolololol We had to come up with a second scenario and did it so that there are two versions, our secret one and the o
  17. I am sure the problems will get resolved soon as i also have issues concerning some private msgs that were sent with pictures and text. The recipient never received the msg at all. Its like as soon as you include a picture, the msg says it's sent except the person never received it.
  18. Standing up never really worked for me so I just remain in the seated or squat position.
  19. If it is part of a sexual session, then yes i will kiss him, which there is no bad smells. If it's not a sexual thing, then I just do what i have to do and go on. Besides, he told me to do that because it turns him on.
  20. Let me know how it turns out. To be honest, i try to avoid portaloos because they are nasty, but if i don't have a choice then i will use one.
  21. The only way I would play is if I was standing on a 10 foot platform with a big fan blowing in the opposite direction
  22. Yeah I don't think I would of been up to a contest for the farthest, besides I would of lost.
  23. I like this topic, sadly I wasn't reading as much and I am late on it, plus I miss Kevin :frown: I can play piano, I have good cooking and baking skills (at least I think so lol) Does knowing how to change a tire a good skill? Because I can :thumbsup:
  24. I believe it might come to that, thank you for the suggestion.
  25. I have no idea, which is why I will let someone else decide lol
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