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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2019 in all areas

  1. That's the look that says 'You might think you've got the upper hand now... but you're going to pay later.' Bring on the punishment...
    5 points
  2. So this spring has been hell on equipment for our farm. We have one tractor getting an engine overhaul and this one had transmission problems. The torque limiter needed replacing. We fixed this one ourselves. It's back running now
    4 points
  3. We actually had a tornado hit our terminal this morning before I arrived back. It took a building down (right next to my car😂😂) and “relocated” a trailer to the neighbors. The white car is mine. Not a scratch. Amazing.
    4 points
  4. @HammerheadPilot Oh hey my friend, everybody is entitled to have his own thread, but I feel like inviting you to a huge thread already existing about this same subject… only the most sensitive members end up in that thread… check up for "The Awsome Grandeur of Nature" here in the General Chat… it would be a HONOUR to have your next contributions there...
    4 points
  5. Inspired by @pop-a-squat posted here woke up really early and decided a pee on the blanket was easier (and more fun) than the bathroom
    3 points
  6. So....we’re inundated with too much rain here, right now. It’s kept me VERY busy. Too busy to keep up very good here, I’m afraid. Flooding all around us. The ground is so saturated that I’m having to do a lot of things to save some of our trees. I’ve been helping friends who are in danger of being flooded out of their homes. It’s been wild here. Anyway, I did get some pictures this morning heading back to town from my nightly three state tour. Nature is awesome
    3 points
  7. Or I can post the pictures there, too. I’ll be having a look around there, any way.
    3 points
  8. @speedy3471, That's great to see you working on the machinery like that. I work as a volunteer on a steam railway and seem to be constantly taking things apart and putting them back together, but the good thing with older technology is that things can be fixed without hooking them up to diagnostic computers! Working horses do get ill though from time to time. But in general, yes, they are pretty reliable and have a wonderful character.
    3 points
  9. I don't know much about tractors but good job fixing it youselves
    3 points
  10. Finally coming shortly!!!
    3 points
  11. @gldenwetgoose I usually don't find panties attractive and my concept of upskirt shows pussy, but these two are masterpieces The girls are beautiful, their glances have personality, clothes are cute and locations are marvellous Kudos!!!
    3 points
  12. Wow, I've never really been into this kind of machinery stuff .. but it actually looks pretty fascinating.
    3 points
  13. Like they think we won't notice Holding to that point is Dangerous, I prefer to leave that kind of enjoyement to those who love it for personal reasons which are usually about deep self-exploration Then I am in the mood 24/7 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
    3 points
  14. I love this topic! My late son asked me these all the time. LOL! He was so funny. I can only remember this one... Would you prefer that your only son was a crossdresser...or...that your only daughter was a total slut? I replied, "With my luck, I'd get both!" 🤣 LMAO! When he asked me this, he was about 21. I could not stop laughing! Where did he come up with this stuff? I have no idea. He was so funny. I miss him.
    3 points
  15. So many wetting videos are so fake.... 'Oooh, oooh, I'm about to wet myself" <pushes for a few seconds> 'Oh no, I've wet my panties'... Which doesn't put wetting in a good light. I can appreciate seeing wet panties on the basis of a girl who enjoyed getting desperate to the point of leaking, who perhaps had the choice and consciously opted to hold until the dam burst. For that matter, a genuine accident on the proviso that it's not traumatic and humiliating. All of that said, I'm most definitely into no panties and naughty peeing whenever the mood takes. Can I choose b
    3 points
  16. We were gonna tackle the engine rebuild but didn't have time during seeding. I would of loved to show you the engine block from the 14 liter engine
    3 points
  17. Wow, @HammerheadPilot, you got close enough to take that pic? If it had been me I'd have had my pedal to the metal driving as fast as fuck in the opposite direction, lol
    2 points
  18. Tornado pictures taken by me. From my pickup truck on my way to work and then a couple from my tractor trailer after I’d left for the evening
    2 points
  19. You mentioned this before, that's why I assumed it was in Texas lol. Send some of that rain WAY north to me lol
    2 points
  20. O my bad. I assumed this was Texas. Iam sorry
    2 points
  21. I was just going to throw a quick 11second video up on erome. I doubt they’d kick me off if it wasn’t porn, would they?
    2 points
  22. Well the thread title was "Panties or no panties?" and my answer is "No panties!!!"
    2 points
  23. We will agree to disagree on global warming lol. I respect your opinion. Your totally right on the coal fired powerplants and getting third world countries to modernize. There are quite a few big wind farms across south western Saskatchewan and southern Alberta, it's always windy here lol Yes we have tougher gun laws than you guys, our system works my change it lol. People who think banning guns will stop crime should have their heads examined lol. As long as the black market exists you will all ways be able to access what you need to commit a crime. Last I check criminals don't fol
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Yup. Seal failed and took out the torque limiter
    2 points
  26. Isnt that the truth lol. First thing the techs do when working on equipment now lol, hook up the diagnostic computer lol
    2 points
  27. Lol. It wouldn't be very exciting, tractors don't go that fast lol. This tractor is just a little guy, 130 horsepower or so, weighs about 15000 pounds and goes about 18mph. The tractor iam running right now tops the scales at about 53000 pounds is rated at 620 horse power, 2170 pounds/feet of torque and goes 23mph
    2 points
  28. I would if I could lol. It's being overhauled in a Cummins engine shop getting 200km away
    2 points
  29. OUCH SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  30. Loves: everything Does not love: can't think of anything I live in a semi-detached house, garden is private but small. Married with kids but I have some time alone when I get home.
    2 points
  31. Videos cannot be uploaded to the site… that's why I was puzzled If you check carefully, ALL videos are links from outer sites Only exceptions are my videos in the GoldSection, but indeed they are an exception and only because the forum is anyway focused on pee, elsewhere even them would have needed to be uploaded elsewhere
    2 points
  32. EXACTLY!!! You got the vibe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  33. Indeed I am adding a spiritual darkness coming from personal reflections about the transcendental purity of absolute night THANK YOU so much for being here!!!
    2 points
  34. Since I am NOT an envious loser, I will never spit on Marvel movies like is done by some fuckers who wanna think they're big through despising something they perceive as mainstream Movies with superheroes massage the Collective Unconscious into dreaming the impossible, thus are fine YET I must admit sometimes the Bad -vs- Good is a bit stale Thanos is the main antagonist, he looked to achieve the power to kill half of the members of ANY intelligent race in the Universe so to avoid overpopulation and save the Universe from wars and starvation The only "p
    2 points
  35. Apologies if these are reposts....
    2 points
  36. @speedy3471 See, that's the good thing about the horse drawn plow. It has no engine or transmission that can break down. Just feed 'em enough and you'll be okay. But, your back can break down! LOL! Great pics. Thanks.
    2 points
  37. No no, repeating the same question sometimes help things penetrate better in the unconscious...
    2 points
  38. @speedy3471 AMAZINGLY FASCINATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for posting, it is marvellous… and to see its interior was almost intimate!!
    2 points
  39. Maybe that's something we should get state again?
    2 points
  40. I haven't seem this move either. I will buy the blueray. I've got to catch up on many marvel movies as well hahaha
    2 points
  41. sounds interesting...he said with some trepidation 😂
    2 points
  42. Sounds like fun, I'm in!
    2 points
  43. Sounds intriguing.... Oooh, did I just volunteer? How did that happen?
    2 points
  44. Not into wetting, though some friends both male and female in this site opened my eyes to the hot and intimate truth of this reality I still use my urine as a hormonal message so I consider it less useful, for my purpose, to wet, as it would be like telling my message to myself, I already know my message so now it's time to transcend Beyond me and tell it to the world, thus I piss freely and claim this right with vengeful strenght, because to me being prevented from pissing exactly whenever and wherever I want is nothing short from being gagged with some kind of device to prevent me from
    2 points
  45. Iam waiting eagerly just like the rest of us hahaha. Awesome story, I cannot wait to read the coming chapters
    2 points
  46. It was intended to make the story a real book, with piss fetshism almost lived like voyeurism The way Nancy and Gwen live their lives is actually based on me and an hypothetical female friend, the story will REALLY focus on the search for the creature, with many dark moments of spiritual reflection in absolute lightless darkness, and the pissing will be lived like I would in real life, not necessarily as fetishism but as part on their lives, highlighted more than anything because I highlight everything heart-touching in humans
    2 points
  47. New chapter just before this post!!!! Hugs!!!
    2 points
  48. An ancient Watchtower of the Age of the Crusades!!! You got it? The FUCKING CRUSADES!!!
    2 points
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