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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2018 in Posts

  1. For one, It's not exactly classy is it.... In the internet I know we're anonymous, so there is a certain amount we can get away with behind that anonymity. It's fun on occasions to flirt a little, imagining we know some of our fellow group users - knowing only what we glean from their posts. When we're hit by an avatar like that though... it sort of makes a bit of an upfront and unnecessary statement. If you imagine 50% of us (maybe more) are straight males then we're not exactly impressed. I'm hazarding that a lot of the ladies on board are similarly not taken by having a dick wave
    4 points
  2. I was in Cambridge last night and took advantage to have a wander round to see the “sights”. It was raining steadily, so not the best night but it was Halloween and quite a lot of people out. I had 10 genuine sightings and at least three that I knew peed but I didn’t see the act. First sighting was when a young lady and her man crossed the road from a nightclub queue and went down a path that leads to a car park. They. went all way down side of car park and round the corner. I followed at a distance and rounder the corner just in time to catch The tail end of her squatted down and was
    3 points
  3. Hi everyone, sorry I haven't made much of an appearance on this site lately, but I have a fun story to share! Last night I went to a Halloween party with my boyfriend at his friends house. He and I have been experimenting with pee play more and more lately so I was eager to find an opportunity to pee somewhere unique sometime during the night. Naturally, there was plenty of drinking going on so before long, my bladder was filling and my inhibition was lowering. My first couple of pees were just regular boring ol' toilet pees, but once I got pretty drunk and had to pee again, I grabbed my
    2 points
  4. If i were joining a new group i would at least find out what the general standards are before that.We do have a page for such stuff.Use something humourous or amusing.I know the girls on here wont be that imprsssed by the involuntary exposure.
    2 points
    2 points
  6. Brutus, sorry for the late reply as I don't come here daily. I can always try to take a picture, the lighting is dim so it might not be great. That seat is clean when I am done with it, just the seat, the rest I wipe off with a cloth. We are not talking sprinkles.. it is covered with drops and splashes. I actually paid attention how many times it is getting used. My head boss shows up at 8h30am and uses it before she goes to yoga and she is quite fit as a boss and she's 42. Then she doesn't go back to that washroom until the end of the day. Which she has told me that the seat was in bad c
    2 points
  7. One pic of the puddle left by the two girls that I didn’t get to see in the underground car park. And the other of the puddle at the bus stop. I didn’t take any others as the ground was too wet from the rain so it was pointless
    2 points
  8. This is a story set in the 'Kaymala' world -- you should be able to read these in any order, but if interested the first episode is here, and the introduction of these characters is here. **************************** Camille had been in Kaymala a few days, and she thought she was starting to get a grasp on how the place worked. The Scandinavian island nation had a unique culture. A lot of the rules that most other cultures had developed around sex, nudity and urination just weren't followed by Kaymalans. However, that wasn't to say that Kaymala didn't have its own set of rules;
    1 point
  9. Here's a riddle for you: Q: Why did the cannibal eat a tightrope walker? A: He wanted a well-balanced diet! LMAO! 🤣
    1 point
  10. I failed to mention that, aside from the Beatles, Procol Harum is my all-time favorite band. The younger people here may not have heard of them. They were never a real successful commercial band, but were the pioneers of progressive rock. That genre is extinct now and most of it sounds pretentious and dated today. However, Procol Harum's music is timeless. Their biggest hit was 'A Whiter Shade of Pale' in 1967. Other better known songs are 'Conquistador,' 'A Salty Dog,' 'Simple Sister,' and 'Whisky Train.' Give 'em a look see on youtube. They still perform live with pianist/compose
    1 point
  11. Two outdoor pees today. One was driving on a 4 hour trip. Stopped for some food but didn’t use the toilet. A bit later I pulled into a lay-by. It was about 9pm so very dark and an unlit road. At one end of the lay-by there was a driveway to a farm. I peed against the wall there. Went out this evening and I had a pee on a stone staircase that goes from a high level road down to a low level road. Four girls walked past the top of the stairs so they got a good look. Yesterday I peed outside 4 times in the evening. I had driven two hours to Cambridge and when I got there I parke
    1 point
  12. The internet has an incredible amount to answer for - but also is an incredible tool. It's amazing the way it's shrunken the world. I can only imagine the pain you've been through, but please be encouraged by the amount of kindred spirits (literally right around the world) who empathise with your experiences and offer you the greatest of encouragement. From little old me in northern England, please keep with the writing - if it helps you. If just chatting and participating here helps then do that too. All the best to you.... 😉
    1 point
  13. I've only been a member a few weeks, month at most - I have to say I'm more than happy with what I find here. I'm very conscious that there's no single right solution for every member. As I look at 'activity' I see a lot of video updates which is fine, albeit personally I enjoy the real life stories and anecdotes particularly from the female contributors most. I try to be positive and encouraging, remembering that the yellow flood that floats my boat may be different for others. We're enough in a niche already to be picky and choosy - I'M APPRECIATIVE OF ALL WE HAVE. (sorry not intending to b
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the kind words, but do not worry, this thread is about potential additions and growing the site rather than making any major changes to how things currently are. The core of the site will always be the community forums, and as the poll suggests more activity in this area is what people want most anyway. That said, there's no reason we can't keep that and introduce other elements too (i.e. since this thread was made we have indeed brought back a video gallery for gold members, which is currently being revamped again as we speak). Even when things are good, I'm of the belief they
    1 point
  15. Why not try asking them? And of course casually get round to what they do when they have had too much to drink and it needs to escape. And then of course, let us know.....
    1 point
  16. Wow! This thread is sorta troubling. I love this site, as is! I truly don't think it's lacking anything at all. I realize that this thread was started long ago, but...why any disgruntled people? Having been around the block quite a few times with pee sites, I think I'm in a pretty good position to evaluate things. I moderated a big site's forum for years in addition to running a chat room and message board at my own site for years. Pee fans might not realize how good they have it here. That's just my 2-cents worth. This site is fine! Leave it alone.
    1 point
  17. Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41318198 'The case of a Dutch woman fined €90 (£80; $105) for relieving herself in an alleyway in the centre of Amsterdam has turned into a debate about sexism. The Dutch capital offers 35 public urinals for men compared with just three toilets designed for women. Geerte Piening, 23, was caught short after a night out drinking in Amsterdam's vibrant Leidseplein in 2015. It was past closing time and the nearest public toilet was a couple of kilometres away, so she decided to find a quiet street while her friends kept watch. She
    1 point
  18. My personal experience, and i know some of you like details: When it starts coming out, RELIEF is the best I can describe it. I feel part of the lips get warm and then it goes away. Once the flow has started, I push a little so that the stream is constant... however, it doesn't ways work out that way as it might have leaked on my bum and close to that area. Then its about 2-3 wipes depending of the mess.
    1 point
  19. Shot an event at a track last Friday, and if you’re out and about along the guard rails sometimes you’re very far away from any potential toilets. I got pretty far away from the entrance where I walked around to that side of the track and needed to pee quite badly. Luckily, the guard rail is about mid-abdomen high. After a few clusters of cars went by I whipped my dick out and peed against the guard rail in the cool morning air, the. Left it out for a few minutes to enjoy the fresh air. 😂😂 Even snapped a bit of the race with it hanging out. 😬
    1 point
  20. I wish we could enlist a Japanese speaking Gynaecologist,to answer our intimate feminine anatomy questions,and interpret any Japanese pee vids.
    1 point
  21. I don't consider this cheating and here's why, You derived enjoyment of a sexual nature from the fluids of another woman, as opposed to directly interacting with her. You have not had physical or emotional contact with her, plus this woman is not aware or knowingly participating in your sexual enjoyment of her pee, so I consider it no more cheating than admiring a coworker from afar and never acting on it. As a man you are attracted to good looking women, it's natural, it's what nature designed us to do. But remember every time you're out and see a hot random woman that you know you would
    1 point
  22. Yes, I have had opportunities to share a toilet with a girlfriend, when we were on a trip together, many years ago. Here are the stories of two of those incidents. One afternoon, we went back to the room for a nap. We made slow, sensuous love, then fell asleep for an hour or two. When we awoke, we both had to pee. We walked to the bathroom together, totally nude. When we got to the bathroom, she said she wanted to do something different this time. I was delighted to try anything, so I asked what she had in mind. She told me to sit down on the toilet. I did as she instructed. Then she stra
    1 point
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