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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2018 in Posts

  1. i wore a black lace bikini today.
    3 points
  2. Disclaimer: The following story contains a scene of unprotected sex. If this does not appeal to you, please do not read any further. The characters in this story are all consenting adults with the ability to make responsible judgements. Unless you know your partner well, always be safe. After dropping some towels in the hallway floor, the girls returned to the front room of the house while Tommy went to his room to get dressed. Susan had taken her wet panties off and pulled her jeans up without them to go commando. She also had been quiet since the three of them had pissed in the hallway.
    2 points
  3. this ended up being from my final day. i allowed myself some freedom down there all morning. and only before deciding to get dressed inserted a tampon while i was still on my back patio.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. When I was in truck driving school there was a 20 something year old girl who was learning as well. Since the yard was pretty far from the main office and they didnt have portapotties, most students would pee in between the old trailers. I wasnt lucky enough to see her myself but my instructor told me "shes got the stuff to be a real trucker" and went on about how she had to go. She just walked between the old trailers and pulled down her pants and went.
    2 points
  6. I would love it if I were told to go out in the garden. And he came with me to watch. Even better if he noticed my shyness, and he let me see him pee first.
    2 points
  7. Ever peed in a fitting room? It's my literal hottest fantasy. They're small like bathrooms and private. Would love to just squat and pee on the floor of one one day! 💝
    1 point
  8. Pre Soaking My laundry before it went in the Wash
    1 point
  9. Yes, if you have read the title right and decided to read it, let me explain to you what happened LOLOLOLOL Me, my best friend (who was my maid of honor for my wedding), and another friend went out for supper last night, drank 2 bottles of white wine. We left that place to go meet up with 2 others at this outdoor terrace. We decided to go into the alley not far from a dumpster to pee, well me and my best friend that is. Caught with my pants down by 2 officers that turned the corner on their bicycles, saw us and stopped about 20 feet from us which one placed his bike on the side wall waiti
    1 point
  10. Author's Note: This is a new series that I have been working on that will take place in a fictional mountain town. Hope you enjoy it. It was a warm and sunny Sunday in the beginning of spring as three college students were making their way to Woodland Springs-a mountain town famous for its hot springs-for spring break. Driving the car was a twenty-one-year-old female named Vanessa. She was president of her university’s student council and well-liked by professors and students alike. Her brains and beauty had earned her the distinction of being the most sought-after girl on campus. Si
    1 point
  11. Part 2 The sun was beginning to set as the trio finally made it into Woodland Springs. They had just spent the last several hours in traffic, so the town was a sight for sore eyes. Misty’s eyes opened wide with excitement as she looked out the car window. “I can’t believe there’s still snow on the ground,” she exclaimed. Misty had always loved the snow and to see it sparkle in the fading light of the setting sun was amazing. “Of course there’s still snow on the ground,” replied a bored Daphne. “We are in the mountains after all.” Unlike her sister Misty, Daphne hated the sn
    1 point
  12. In the hot tub and pool, preferably when not alone in there. In the sinks and shower, of course. Some times I will have a room with a fold-out couch. These often go unused (and therefore untended and unnoticed) for long periods and are therefore favorites of mine for peeing and other fluid-releasing activities 🙂
    1 point
  13. I think this is common for many girls in public toliets Its shame, most girls dont seem to realize that with a bit of education and practice they could pee standing just as well as men
    1 point
  14. Oh, by the way. In a public toilet, shopping mall, pub, bar, restaurant, I usually 'hover' over the seat, never sit firmly on it...you never know who's used it before you! I know some women who lay down sheets of toilet paper on the seat, before sitting. Sorry, gone off topic! Yes would try a urinal if they could design one, but then again...like men, it's a privacy issue too!
    1 point
  15. It's very difficult, given our anatomy to pee in the standing position, I find, anyway...although when I'm in a horny frame of mind I can wee in any position!
    1 point
  16. All sounds good to me.. Let's see what I can do
    1 point
  17. Part 2 I sat on a wall near the night club queue. I saw a very chubby girl who was obviously worse for wear. I had seen her earlier, slumped on the floor, legs apart, black thong and ample ass cheeks on display. Now, she was leaning forward onto a low concrete pillar. She was wearing a short black dress, which in her current position was doing nothing to hide her backside and thong. She was upset and I was about to go and check she was alright when two other blokes went to check on her and she told them were to go, so I decided not to get involved. Shortly after that, she stood u
    1 point
  18. The Book of the Covenant is Written And Concealed. Aum.
    1 point
  19. A life dedicated to things that can make your house electricity to short-cut, offering bowls made of clay to split up, objects to float down from shelves (all happened to me first person), and your life to change forever
    1 point
  20. Behold a column of ascending invisible transluminal flames, and ask yourself: What can They do for me? What could I do for Them in return?
    1 point
  21. Never channel Their powers unless you have a serious reason. Horror movies are lullabies compared to Their wrath.
    1 point
  22. Ominous worship of The Divine
    1 point
  23. ...the ritual is about to begin. Absolute silence must be observed from now on. Certain forces are Dangerous. They can protect you against anybody because They are terrible enemies to those They don't like. So avoid ending up in the aforementioned list
    1 point
  24. ...the god-given-righteous vanity of a woman who serves the Ancient Ones
    1 point
  25. Headlong into utter blackness
    1 point
  26. From now on you'll be in total shadow, exception made for the lighting devices that the Gods offer. It's Their reign, enter at your own risk, marvels can be found there... in darkness undispoiled, immaculate...
    1 point
  27. Let's step ahead into darkness, to the Labyrinth of the Web of the Goddess, a wet net of sexual hunger, rage and desire...
    1 point
  28. the last of the set, and my favourite one
    1 point
  29. Stare in the flame of all flames, the strangely home-feeling cold void at the core of Eternity
    1 point
  30. Let's go toward something a bit more morbid, uh? because Darkness IS morbid. I rule there, in the name of Balance, and Balance means good manners and control, but not at all innocency...
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Anyway, more often I prefer to pee like this
    1 point
  34. And when I do, I make sure people will enjoy the show they asked for
    1 point
  35. Sometimes I use it too... but only if I'm requested to do so!!!
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Let's start with my lovely soft peach ass
    1 point
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