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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2018 in Posts

  1. It's been very hot in London recently and after a session at a pub in Balham someone didn't get to the loo in time ,!!
    3 points
  2. we need her name!!! she's cute but I do not know her... or maybe we should just Google "power pissing" or "girl pissing great distance"🀣
    2 points
  3. We have seen this girl a number of time. She is really a champion for distance. We have seen images of her putting her stream clear across a room.
    2 points
  4. (warning sensitive topic) Last year i bought two adorable baby dolls from the toy store and they have really been life changing for me. Me and hubby a few years ago decided on not having kids/nor adoption. and i felt..incomplete..like something was missing. Having these dolls (just got a 3rd one a few days ago. final one most likely) Caring for them. holding them. really helps fill that void of my motherly instincts. My mom adores the dolls. She knows they make me happy. My hubby is understanding of them. I don't really take them out in public with me unless for a car ride. I have adorabl
    1 point
  5. You don't have to say who they are. But i have a celeb crush. I adore him. I sometimes think of him when i pleasure myself. ☺️ Sometimes when me and my hubby make love..he'll look at cute pix of nude ladies..and i'll look at a pic of my crush. I think it's okay to have a celeb crush, no matter how old you are. I've had people tell me, 'oh you're married. you can't have a crush on any other guys.' Eh... i don't think that's right. I'm married.. not blind. I can still appreciate the opposite sex.
    1 point
  6. So have a shower with her, rofl. She looks like the kind of person who could go all night. Or you could go first, and we'll get her in the shower, lol
    1 point
  7. written under inspiration... very intimate... thank you
    1 point
  8. This is beautiful πŸ˜‚
    1 point
  9. I love the three of you now, waiting until she's already been used, well... you are giving me some problems...
    1 point
  10. I have some, and all of these have featured in some pretty intense dreams. Taylor Swift although she is somewhat young. Charlize Theron, of course. Sorry spywareonya, you would have to wait until we are done, rofl. Zooey Deschanel, before she fell off the planet. Mila (Milena) Kunis, is also yummy. My ladies like Andy Murray, the Scot tennis player. Joel Selwood, Patrick Dangerfield and Tom Hawkins from the Geelong Football Team also objects of their desires. Google search them, you will understand, lol.
    1 point
  11. two of the dolls use the same baby doll crib that i've had since i was 4 years old. My grandpa put it together for me. 80's kid toy being put to good use. So glad i kept it. The nice thing about baby dolls..is if i'm not feeling well enough to care for them one day, i feel okay knowing that they stay in the crib all day. Couldn't do that with a real baby.
    1 point
  12. nobody unless a woman without childred can understand the subtleness of these things or better said, if someone exists that could while being not a woman without children, are people on this forum utter respect for you Alice
    1 point
  13. Lol, the cockatoo has taken over the job of the seagull, these things have learned to open rubbish bins, haunt you unmercifully when you are trying to eat in the open, and the noise that several hundred of these can make is beyond belief. This one was actually saying 'I'm here, where's the food', rofl.
    1 point
  14. there is (not saying that your thread is not fitting, just saying to re-direct you in case you would like!) some kind of celebrity thread somewhere around, look for it!!! I have a lesbian crush on Charlize Theron, I wrote thins about her in that thread, so intimate I couldn't simply write them again anywhere else...
    1 point
  15. One thing i learn from writing essays is that it takes critical thinking. It's a great skill to develop.
    1 point
  16. I like making smores over a wood fire 🀣. But for real that's pretty cool. Do you have a cottage you retreat to? I guess you like action films too?
    1 point
  17. Same as with my asthma spray. Iam supposed to use it twice a day, but usually only use it once, sometime not at all - letting need dictate my action. Good you don't have to use it 24/7. πŸ‘
    1 point
  18. at 15 i 'almost' had sex...but thankfully didn't... i would have regretted it 100% So this guy... i started talking to online..for 6 months..we met in person... (found out he wasn't a creepy old guy) at first he was very sweet... we hung out at my parents place in a room behind the garage... which had furniture... i went down on him...and i kinda think he fingered me but i don't really remember.... i remember i was laying on the couch with my jeans and panties down and he had his pants down, ready to get on the couch then my mom knocked on the door and said there was a phone call for me.
    1 point
  19. I typically just go to the bedroom and get cozy on my bed. I mostly pleasure myself while hubby is at work... since he works long hours.
    1 point
  20. So..there's this video... where this guy uses a cath and injects liquid yogurt into the cath and it goes into his bladder... he puts multiple syringe fulls of the yogurt in his bladder... and even though i knew what he was doing was dangerous... and he could possibly get some kind of infection or damage to his kidneys/bladder.... and he seriously sounded desperately on the verge of pain/in need of peeing after... i found it totally incredibly hot..and yea πŸ˜‰ had to go do some fun stuff.
    1 point
  21. imo Seeing another guys dick isn't a turn on. If it's my hubby's yes. But if it's another guy.... i mean it's cool and all to see another guy jack off and cum if he's cute. but..that doesn't really turn me on. I get more turned on seeing two girls kissing and cuddling. Or two guys cuddling and kissing. Porn doesn't do much for me. I'm more into the persons smile. their eyes. for a guy...their chest. same with a girl... smallish boobs. instead of their private areas. girls in lingerie making out, i like that. That's hot. πŸ™‚
    1 point
  22. I think your peeing is good too...😍
    1 point
  23. My hubby is quiet. I.. am on occasion... if i'm alone.. i'm more vocal.. i tend to swear... my alter ego with a dirty mind kicks in lol πŸ™‚
    1 point
  24. It's hard to say..cause most of my 'favorite ways' to pee.. most of all.. i haven't done since my teenage years. i LOVED getting undressed and peeing on my bed. angleing my hips towards me and getting the stream on my chest and belly. But in the last ... 15 or so years... my favorite way that i can discretely pee for fun.. is to pee in a cup.
    1 point
  25. She's a cutie pie! πŸ™‚
    1 point
  26. @Blackinksoul30 yeah Alice, Sathuta is right, and is one big great fellow, if you want somebody that really make your day cheerful, chat with him!!!
    1 point
  27. I did this, and will do for search some videos
    1 point
  28. Good, we love to hear your stories.....😍
    1 point
  29. I find charisma (and nothing empowers charisma like enduring suffering) to be erotic I would like to go around town with you (stopping if it tires your body) and piss everywhere together!!! Normal people are so weak: you talk with them about something big, and they all got soooooooooo soon something really important to do somewhere else! But you... you endure. That's erotic. World needs scathed, scarred survivors. Not sissies. Keep it the fuck up Alice!
    1 point
  30. summing up, you can't outrun yourself with overwhelming strive, am I correct? Well, Alice, friends around here are just a click far from you. Though I sincerely think you shoul catch every chance for socializing in real life (though I understand you can't go out that easy), still here we are, to chat with you about ANYTHING that you have inside your heart!!!
    1 point
  31. No idea where this is. Looks like it might be in the foothills of the Alps or something......but beautiful.....
    1 point
  32. A beautiful sunset over a lake.....
    1 point
  33. Thanks. Only a brief window today before work. My female best friend has left and I need porn, lol. Will be dropping her home from work late this evening, but should have time after work tomorrow to read this properly. Then will respond on Sunday. Time is so short. Thank you in advance for what I know will be a fascinating read.
    1 point
  34. Whats your favorite way/place to pee
    1 point
  35. Hi everyone that has responded. Thank you for the love and support. I really do like this site a lot. I was feeling sad from the other social media i use.. plus feeling stress from an apartment issue me and my husband has been having. I am in counseling though which is good. πŸ™‚ If you'd like you could call me 'Alice' A bit about my lung disease. it's called bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Basically was born almost 2 months premature. My lungs weren't fully developed. The pressure from the oxygen machine destroyed my lower lung tissue. I also had a heart defect which i ended up having sur
    1 point
  36. If you feel like this is affecting your mental health you should see psychiatrist. Please understand you don't necessarily have a problem to visit one -- and its this stigma that people often do go. You can message me if you need someone to talk to.
    1 point
  37. his/her profile says very little maybe he/she is a man as big as a wrestler ahahaha it would be "cheating" comparing with the fact that you are a woman! hahahahaha
    1 point
  38. Hmm, I have never tried to test my bladder when it was full. I very much prefer the emptying over the holding. What I DO like to do with a full bladder though is to play... with something else... . 😎
    1 point
  39. Last night with my husband, and it was fantastic πŸ™‚ Very slow and loving.
    1 point
  40. thank you my friend, Always like your appreciations and tenderness...
    1 point
  41. Indeed, I can not at all like some prodigy-girl on the web, not even similar, but I can piss quite far, reaching (never actually measured but roughly) 4 feet standing and 5 squatting, if really really in need
    1 point
  42. it depends on the angle of the urethra in my case, anyway, they are roughly equivalent
    1 point
  43. While squatting or while standing, which pee posture is better for the pee stream to cover a long distance?
    1 point
  44. We also have a bear, we stopped to get him off the road.
    1 point
  45. albino kangaroo!!!!!!!!!!! I have lot of pics of them they are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!!😍
    1 point
  46. The third of the Gods, and second Goddess, is the Second Born of Kali, twin sister of Satan, and wife to Him. Since the Gods are beyond physical boundaries, they can marry between siblings, and many historical accounts describe the fact that, in origins, human kings did the same not only because of the need to avoid widespreading of power, but also to actually imitate Them (not that They endorsed, but when a cult becomes religion, people can fall in the error of thingking that they hear from the priest everything they need to know about the Gods and so they stop actually listening to Them, and
    1 point
  47. and people loves you because of that
    1 point
  48. Walking a friend home late one night. It was a long journey and she'd been drinking pints of cider. After only a few minutes she was telling me how badly she needed to pee. I kept encouraging her to hold on. About half way home she suddenly stopped and said 'I've really got to piss right now.' I cheerfully said 'well, go on then', wondering if I might get to sneak a look at her squatting behind a hedge. It was even better than that. She immediately lost control and just wet herself, pissing through her knickers where she stood.
    1 point
  49. If were going with more fantastical celebrity scenarios. I'd love to spend all day taking ecstasy with Drew Barrymore, giving her foot rubs, feeding her soy chocolate covered strawberries and wine and having her use my mouth as her personal toilet throughout. Although I guess everything else in life after that might not be as interesting.
    1 point
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