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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2018 in Posts

  1. If anybody finds themselves in my neck of the woods, the shed is always unlocked! 💦
    2 points
  2. Was bursting this morning so I thought I would head outside and wet down the wall of my shed. I feel much better now!
    1 point
  3. Women sitting on the toilet is the biggest aspect of my fetish. My husband finds it really interesting because I do it multiple times a day, every day. My pee porn collection is probably at least 75% women sat on the toilet, especially the photo side of things. So yeah, I would absolutely love to see @spywareonya sitting on the toilet!
    1 point
  4. ps Admin will be even more quickly notified if you nominate him by clicking on the @ symbol and then write his forum name like @Admin
    1 point
  5. This is the kind of thing that happens here, a change comes over her and she just gets right into it regardless of where she is. We've had to hustle her into the car and put a blanket over her a couple of times. The slightest touch can set her off, it's safer to get her alone and get her calmed down. Remember the post about Black Snake Moan in chat box? She is not as bad as Christina Ricci portrayed, but there have been moments. There is medication, estrogen or a testerone blocker, that can help, but we both love her hyper sexuality, and help her with it.
    1 point
  6. Cost of entry, couples and single ladies free, single men £15. Who says there is no discrimination he he
    1 point
  7. Has this ever happened to you? example: My hubby text me seductive talk and sent erotic meme pictures and once home, he is too tired to perform. So i tell him that his mouth doesn't seem that tired so i pushed on the bed, remove my undies and straddled his face. I was waiting and ready to go for a performance and to find out he wants to back out. Ahh i don't thing so mister!
    1 point
  8. Hey Nan, I just dug this up for you. It's an old forum letter. I think it's from PeeSearch but it could be older. I don't remember. Anyway, I just have a feeling you might like it and without further blabbering from me, here it is: "Me and this girl i fanced at the time decided that we were going to shag each other anyway i was rubbing my bits on her thigh and she was doing the same. I needed a pee but it felt so good the devil just came over me, i just squirted a little on her leg and she started to shag faster, Then all of a sudden my leg was suddenly hot and wet. so i squirted
    1 point
  9. I'm not quite sure what you mean, maybe share a video as an example? But one thing i do hate and it might be the same thing, is when they suck in through their teeth. Have you ever made that noise when you've cut yourself or something, like a sharp inhale through your teeth? Why do they do that in porn?! Moaning like a metronome is one thing, but this is a whole new level of annoyance for me.
    1 point
  10. I definitely agree with you, but there's just something so awesome about the pistols, it's as iconic as her shorts! I definitely prefer the vulnerable Lara, it makes her more...human. More relateable. Feel free to message me about games! I've been playing them since I could hold a controller. I've never played Bayonetta but I'm well aware of it. I can just imagine the look on my parents face if i asked for that when younger, and happily popped it on in front of them!
    1 point
  11. I may be interested in coming along to this but it depends on the times and whether any ladies decide to attend. I'm not interested in guys pee.
    1 point
  12. Felt the need for a piss so used a saucepan.
    1 point
  13. Yes... Welcome on board.. Same here love to share stories and pics..pm me you want to
    1 point
  14. Ok, without wanting to disrespect anybody, and taking humbly this time, I have to say that in my personal experience, is better to endure something we don't like reather than to summon the power of outlawing. I don't trust that power, it Always create a bad atmosphere. And I'm not saying that because I love cocks!!!
    1 point
  15. So desperate for a piss I thought I would piss on the floor
    1 point
  16. I'd like to organize about a dozen people, male and female, to all go to the same movie and pee their pants in their seats.
    1 point
  17. Most of the regulars already know my biggest turn on - seeing girls pissing in very naughty indoor locations, especially all over carpets. Some examples of what I love.....
    1 point
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