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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2018 in Posts

  1. Last saturday night I went to a club with to friends ( girls) . When we left the club , outside was cold and raining , so we asked a friend of one of these girls that were with me to give us a ride . This guy works as a dj in the club where we went and he had to be paid by the club after performing , so he told us to wait for him in the car and gave us the keys . At one point one of the girls that was seating next to the driver seat said : “ I really have to pee, I’m going to pee myself.” So me and the other girl suggested her to open the door and just squat and pee outside the car , but
    6 points
  2. Hi guys. Here is my first attempt at a peeing fantasy. It took me way longer than I expected, and I even feel kinda overloaded out and meh, after all the time I spent on this. Enjoy! Claire's parents were always arguing, and it was keeping her up at night. This even resulted in her failing her final year at school. Her teachers could only urge her to try her best, but even they realised that she wasn't exactly put under the best circumstances. So one day her mum, Sally, suggested that she go to a boarding school (The School of Working on Education and Excellence ), that way she can sleep
    4 points
  3. I was driving through a small shopping road near were I used to live, but there had been a car accident so the main road was closed. I thought that I could get around it by turning off to my right and through some side roads. After passing the post-office, the green, then the school, and some new houses on what used to be a children’s play park, I turned left onto a now two lane road only to find that was also closed for road works. This road used to be a single lane with a roundabout in the middle to allow two cars to pas one on ether side of it. A group of us used to hang out on the swin
    4 points
  4. Farewells not Always are forever, but you have to understand one thing. Whenever I become part of a new place, I Always have in mind TWO very precise aims: #1 change that place. Being a Witch is little about the occult, is more than anything else about discovering which scientifical/behavioural/"spiritual" truths we are living DETACHED FROM, to our own great self-damagin, out of ignorance or moralistic censorship. I do not push people to transgress in a plain way: I push people to discover some previously ignored, riddle-solving mind sets. And this is something I managed to do, indee
    3 points
  5. Hi guys. Here is my first attempt at a peeing fantasy. It took me way longer than I expected, and I even feel kinda written out and meh! After all the time I spent on this. Enjoy! Claire's parents were always arguing, and it was keeping her up at night. This even resulted in her failing her final year at school. Her teachers could only urge her to try her best, but even they realised that she wasn't exactly put under the best circumstances. So one day her mum, Sally, suggested that she go to a boarding school (The School of Working on Education and Excellence ), that way she can sleep wel
    2 points
  6. Wow I need to leave some ladies unattended in my car after drinking and in a busy area.
    2 points
  7. Are there people here Who have Tumblr? I have it... follow my page it contains a lot of pee! https://publicpboy.tumblr.com/ hope to see you there..!
    1 point
  8. An idea I've had in my head for a while. I'm planning for this to be an 'anthology'-type series rather than a long-running story arc. Shoutout to @Vassal, whose great story about Lavatria was one of the inspirations for the country where the rules don't apply -- hope you don't mind me pilching your ideas ... __________________________________ Before Simon had even found his seat on the weekly plane from Copenhagen to Kaymala, he could tell it was no ordinary place he was going. He had been stood in the queue to board the plane for what felt an age; first in the airport gate, the
    1 point
  9. Just a short intro here , I'm a 30yr old woman who secretly loves to pee in disposable cups.. the shower.. the tub but mostly the cups. Its something I held secret until today and glad to see I am not the only one who does things like this lol. Being what some may consider attractive kind of woman I never ever told any partner of this odd thing I enjoy. I also like holding a man while he pees. I done it jokingly couple times to see the reaction.
    1 point
  10. So desperate for a piss I thought I would piss on the floor
    1 point
  11. My friend and neighbor Caitlyn was turning 30 years old so for her birthday I, and a couple friends, decided to take her on a road trip to Nashville. Myself and a friend named Mike were the only guys on the trip, with us were her sister Steph, her friend Rachel, and of course Caitlyn the birthday girl. Fast-forward to our drive heading back from Nashville we are in a rented SUV and have been driving for a few hours when Caitlyn had the urge to pee... Mike was driving and Caitlyn was in the front seat, it was at this point that Caitlyn gave the subtle hint by sarcastically saying "So if yo
    1 point
  12. I am...devastated, heartbroken...I feel a profound sadness and loss! Spywareonya, I just now, had my first "conversations" with you ("Diuretics" thread) and now you are leaving? I'm just going to say it: PLEASE DON'T GO!!! I find your openness and honesty and willingness to share your personal feelings, thoughts and experiences so refreshing and rare. I was looking forward to reading so much more from you but most of all I was looking forward to a warm and lasting friendship. A thing very rare not only within this realm but in life in general. I am just crushed! Again, I implore y
    1 point
  13. Publicly I’m a nice girl and a good wifey, in the bedroom is another story
    1 point
  14. Feb 12 2018 My first extreme sexual pee experience, in all honesty I didn't think i'd ever have it, let alone have a hubby who appears to be very open sexually and is willing to try things that some people may consider unconventional, by involving peeing (myself). A few days prior, my husband decided to take a gamble and purchase a nice black dress and a lavender lingerie peice (almost like a V-Motion) and to my surprise, it mostly all fit, a little tight in the bust but that was okay, I made it work lol, And we use Pet names, in the sexual references, if we answer our actual names,
    1 point
  15. Eary this morning I paid a visit to, “The Lot”. I arrived about 12:45am and stayed until approximately 4:40am. The weather was warm, about 60 degrees F so I was expecting to see some pee action. I drove around by the church vehicles, no sign of any pissing yet. I took a space in the rear of the lot, the second row from the back. From my spot I can see a good view of the lot, both entrances, the church vehicles, and the dark corner. Less than 5 minutes after parking a vehicle with two ladies pulls up and parks to my left, 3 spaces away. There were vacant spaces between us and on thei
    1 point
  16. thanks for the continued reports. it certainly seems like you have found a popular spot..
    1 point
  17. Lol,, im sure he's very happy about that,,
    1 point
  18. New here. Only polite to contribute
    1 point
  19. **This story will probably be the first of a few with my friend Kelsy** To give you an idea of Kelsy she is a fun loving girl in her mid 20's who often pees in unusual places and is not shy! She's around 5'8', ginger hair, and a rather nice, thick ass considering her otherwise slender physique. She is quite attractive. This particular time took place in a basement bar where she and I were day drinking and surprisingly had the place to ourselves. We were a few drinks in at this point and were about to head to another bar when Kelsy said she needed to pee before we left. Since we were
    1 point
  20. It was a summer night out that some friends and I met at a bar to get drinks and socialize. My friend Faith and I broke away from the group to go meet some other friends at a bar a few blocks away. My friend Faith was a fitness freak and was in great shape to prove it. She and I had previously hooked up one time a few months earlier but still maintained that we were just friends. Anyway, we were heading down the street where a stretch of bars stops and a quiet residential area begins with a rather sizable park just to our left. Coincidentally, there was a small lot in the park where I par
    1 point
  21. Https://piss-lover.tumblr.com
    1 point
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