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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2018 in Posts

  1. It hasn't been 6 days in the new year and I am officially on the naughty list (smirk) I went with my husband to pick up some crusty bread and missing ingredients for a supper we are going to. As we walked in this local market, I started getting an urge to pee and my husband had asked a worker the location of the bathrooms and he was told that they no longer have any open for public. I hope this will make them change their minds and reopening it to public.... So here I am trying to pick up what we need so that we can go asap! Seriously, there was no way in hell I was going to hold th
    5 points
  2. Congratulations to all those who won in any category. You are all truly deserving winners. I personally would like to thank @Admin for rescuing this site and keeping it alive. Without him I'd be posting pics on Eroprofile, stories on Literotica, but would have totally lost any sense of belonging to a community. I'd like to thank all the other mods for all that they do for this site too, in addition to contributing in their own right as members. And there are so many awesome members who contribute so much, whether it be pics, links to vids, stories, anecdotes from real life, f
    2 points
  3. Chapter 7 – The return of the Fairy Godmother and the journey Cindy was excited by the prospect of going to the ball on Saturday but was conscious of the Fairy Godmother’s strange request to find a pumpkin, 6 white mice and two frogs. She still wasn’t convinced that she hadn’t dreamed the whole thing, but she set about the task. The pumpkin was easy – they were growing in the kitchen garden, so she selected a large one and brought it into the kitchen. The frogs were a little more difficult. She managed to find frogs in the pond in the grounds, but they were slippery customers and she
    2 points
  4. Warning, reading this story may seriously affect your ability to view a certain pantomime in the same way ever again. It is also a little lengthy. Chapter 1 – background Cindy Yella was the 18 year old beautiful daughter of Baron Hardup of Hardup Hall; a country estate in a beautiful wooded part of the world. Cindy’s mum had died young and the Baron had re-married to Esmeralda, who had two daughters; Gertrude (21) and Grizella (19). Esmeralda was herself beautiful and had entrapped the Baron with her good looks and charms, however, once they were married and the Baron went away o
    1 point
  5. Hey everyone, I’ve been a lurker here for a while and I think it’s time I at least try to change that a bit. I can’t promise super activity, but I want to try and be more active in a community that shares my common interests and I can be accepted. I have loved pee in some form or another for as long as I can remember, and when I realized the sexual connection it was like a lightening bolt hit me. From that day on, it’s been my main sexual thought. Obviously sexuality is very nuanced, and there are other things I like, including just plain ole vanilla sex, but pee truly turns me on. I
    1 point
  6. It was a warm summer day as a young lesbian couple strolled down a private beach. One of the women was named Daphne and she had firey red hair and emerald green eyes. She was wearing a black bikini, the bra of which was just barley supporting her ample bosom. Alongside her was a blond woman with saphire blue eyes. Her name was Serena and she was wearing a pink bikini. While not as endowed as her partner, her breasts were nothing to scoff at. What she lacked in chest size, she more than made up for in being curvy in all the right places. In fact the mere sight of her was known to raise th
    1 point
  7. This post is about to inspire an impromptu act for myself. Thank you for sharing! ☺️
    1 point
  8. As long as you have no problems its all good!
    1 point
  9. I never really got a solid answer as to why I do pee longer, is it a bladder thing, a drinking thing or maybe a healthy thing. I don't really know and as long as it's working, great!!
    1 point
  10. Ladles and jellyspoons, boys and girls, please put your hands together for the 2017 Golden Piss Awards ceremony! All through December you have nominated and voted for the member you think is most deserving for an award in a number of categories. And what is an award without a trophy to show your beloved friends and family? That's right, every winner will walk home with a Golden Piss Awards trophy! Isn't it beautiful? I can already see a few puddles forming on the floor around you so without further delay, let's get on with the show!
    1 point
  11. Really good stuff @Alfresco. Looking forward to the next chapter.
    1 point
  12. Yet, certain rituals need dirt from cemeteries to be performed, and you must give something in return. Pee (after drinking certain brews) is a fitting offering, sometimes is the only one that really do
    1 point
  13. As an occult pratictioner, I fight against religions, yet I utterly respect the dead. What actually made them themselves isn't there anymore, but their corpse is still something holy. When self-declared satanists (minus "s" mandatory this time) rob cemeteries I always get mad. Real servants of the Gods (no matter how dark the God that actually patronize you could be) respect the dead, no matter what. Anyway, peeing AMONG graves is on the complete opposite, but these are deep mysteries. For a Witch, peeing among graves is not an act of disrespect, quite the opposite: it is an
    1 point
  14. I want to thank everybody. I am very competitive, but that is not the reason why I wanted to win. The true reason is that this forum is going in a very different way than Others I visited in my past life. People here are very particular. The attitude, the overall lingering, boys and girls here are cool, and I really mean it. They are polite, gentle, open, and behave like cultured folks though remaining Always very humile. It is really astonishing. If humanity should be reconstructed from nothing after a cataclysm, I would pick up YOU, because the energy you emanate, is the one of people that
    1 point
  15. Just to echo Sophie's message above: congratulations to all of the above, each of you are very worthy winners. That said, everyone who was nominated definitely deserved to be recognised for their excellent contributions to the site. In fact, there are plenty of members who didn't get nominations but have been a huge asset to this community - so a very sincere thank you to everyone from me. Whilst I could be here all day thanking people (this really is sounding like an awards ceremony), I'll keep this brief by just extending an additional thanks to the moderator team - the site simply woul
    1 point
  16. and now for a few final words. First of all I want to thank each and every one of you who has contributed to the forum in some way, no matter how little or small. Whether it was a photo, a video, or even a story. It was greatly appreciated. Secondly, if you didn't win an award or even if you wasn't nominated, please don't feel sad. If I could give every member an award, I would. I hope this encourages you instead of discouraging, encourages you to post more, to share more, see how well you do in the 2018 awards. Who knows who will win? and finally, I want to say thank you to @Admin. Thank
    1 point
  17. I'd make it so that when I finally have my wife at a point she'd consider letting me, it wouldn't take me ages to actually do it.
    1 point
  18. Hey everyone, I found this place after doing some searching about a situation that happened to me recently. My parents got divorced and my Mom remarried... to another Mom. Which is fine, I have no problem with that. I however, ended up with a new older step-sister. Things have been a little strange between us; she seems to treat me like someone she is babysitting. I am not that much younger than her and she is in college, so you kind of see what I mean when I say odd. The thing that happened just recently though has really altered our interactions... and I can't seem to read her anymore.
    1 point
  19. It is a very British tradition I believe. Most UK people will be very familiar with Cinderella and this is indeed based on that. Fairy godmother, magical coach and the pivotal glass slipper all to come. to whet your appetite further: Chapter 6 - Fairy Godmother While Cindy was sobbing her eyes out, there was a flash of light and almighty CRACK! A vision of beauty with long blond hair and shapely figure adorned in sparkling white short flared dress appeared before Cindy in the cellar. “on’t be afraid. I am your fairy godmother and I have seen the evil which has befallen
    1 point
  20. Christmas day today and I had been with my wifes family about 2 hours from home. On the way back, I was travelling with my wife, daughter and Mother in law (MIL). i had to drop MIL off before returning home. Wife fell asleep in the car. when we got to MIL’s, daughter said she really needed to pee. She went inside and went straight upstairs to the bathroom. I carried MIL’s bags in and left her inside to unload them. i needed to pee as well but I figured with daughter in bathroom and MIL also likely to need the bathroom, I would pee on the path that goes up to woods next to her house. I
    1 point
  21. It was right before i went to bed last night. our bed has a perfect line of sight to the toilet. Wife sat down to pee nothing out of the ordinary for her. But me its always nice. I could hear her trickle hit thr water. It wasnt a heavy stream like normal. Then i watched her grab the toilet paper and wipe herself dry. She pulled up her panties and a pair of my sweatpants and came to bed. I dont think she knew i was watching. It was a good way to go to sleep lol
    1 point
  22. i was doing laundry, and felt incredibly sexy wearing a wrap and thigh highs. anyways. while loading the wash i rubbed against the side of the machine and for some reason it gave me a tingle. i was horny and when i started it, i lifted one leg onto the drier so i could lean against the washer and press my muffin onto the corner. i ended up sitting on it and fingered myself til i came.
    1 point
  23. Is it wrong that I sometimes exploit this with my husband? Fondling him as he's trying to pee.
    1 point
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