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  1. While in college in NY I would see pee stains and puddles on the rear of my brand new Honda Accord. I complained to the security and he invited me to his office and showed me tapes of the parking lots. It showed many girls using the rear bumper of the vehicles to support themselves as they emptied their bladders. It was a surprise as I was under the impression that someone was throwing pee intentionally on my car even though the tell tale crumpled tissues told me otherwise. He also showed me tapes of girls peeing in the tennis court after playing their matches during late evenings when th
    3 points
  2. On Saturday there had been a bad crash going north, as I had to go that way on Sunday afternoon I thought in would have been cleared by then, I left home around 1:00pm, at about 3pm I was wrong, the traffic slowed and stopped, I was in the middle lane for 5.5 hours to move 2 miles, the first was a male continental lorry driver in the right hand lane, jumped down and walked around his lorry to pee on the center crash barrier. A little later (now stopped for over 2.5 hours) a female driver in the left lane, 3 cars in front of me got out and went around to her passenger side, opened both doors
    1 point
  3. Edit: this someway got posted in fictional, but it actually did happen and pretty true (as I can remember...at least 15 yrs ago) to my recollection. Sorry, I'm not a real writer so I might go from past to present or make other grammatical errors. You've been warned. Lol I just had my first real pee experience with my wife while camping (Bikini Pee) and we both admitted sometime later that it was as big a turn on doing it as it was fantasizing about it. Cool! So that same day after dinner we were sitting around the small fire I kept going, having a few (too many) beers. My wife had
    1 point
  4. It was very exciting for me. I knew she was going to pee on me..that was part of the reason we met. But the urgency of the situation made it very exciting for me. I figured we would have some time to talk and relax before her first pee...but she texted me about 5 minutes before I got there and told me "I hope you hurry so I can relieve my overfilled bladder". This was Genuine Desperation !!
    1 point
  5. Yes, but I did the peeing, lol. When I met Maigh in Scotland, we had a few drinks then she took me outside, she flooded her jeans first, then knelt down in front of me. This was 12 years ago, and we are still going.
    1 point
  6. I fit in this category, are you insured against floods? Lol
    1 point
  7. I was driving along on an 'A' road when I saw on the opposite side of the road a caravan towed by a car had parked at the side of the road, with a man standing at the front peeing over the crash barrier into the hedge, then I noticed a female squatting between the front wheel and the crash barrier. I would of thought that she would of used the toilet in the caravan. Later at a motorway services, I had parked in the first row from the building with the toilets etc., and as I pulled away I saw a car in the third row with the passenger side doors open and a female just doing up her belt and
    1 point
  8. Fuck, I'd have happily let her piss on the back seat!
    1 point
  9. Overhearing conversations about pee is great. I was on a bus a few years ago where this young lady a couple of seats behind me was talking to this guy she obviously knew about a recent night when she got drunk. My ears pricked up when I heard her say, "I pissed on the bus!" Never caught the guy's response cos he was keeping his voice down much more, but I heard her say "I pissed right there!" And then chuckle. I couldn't see exactly where "there" was without giving the game away by turning around, but obviously somewhere on the bus. Probably the floor I guess. After that, the guy shushed
    1 point
  10. Last night I was out for a few drinks and catching some live music.When it was time to go home I joined a queue for a taxi.Thankfully not too long.There was a group of youngish looking friends in front of me.My ears immediately pricked up when I heard 1 of the young girls saying "I really need to pee" She was showing some signs of mild desperation.There was a bar close by with an alleyway next to it which was lit.I caugh t a bit of conversation and it sounded as if she was reluctant to use the bar toilets.Would she pee in the alley hopefully giving me a good show.Sadly she opted to go inside.N
    1 point
  11. Always good to hear pee conversations, even if you don't get a sighting as a result. I had one in Brighton where there were a mixed group of male and female friends together walking up the road and some of the group were dawdling a bit. One of the girls near the front called back "I need to pee, hurry up". Nobody else seemed concerned and they carried on fairly slowly. They got near the end of the street and one of the males stopped to use a cash machine. The girl started bouncing and pretty much shouting at him that she needed a pee. When he got his cash, they carried on and cross
    1 point
  12. Years ago I was visiting a friend in a military hospital where I saw a soldier walking around with his arm in a sling. I asked what had happened to him and my friend informed me that the soldier had come back drunk from the NAAFI and needing to piss had just pissed out of the first floor window and then by habit reached out to pull the chain!
    1 point
  13. I love people like this that take a quick pit stop by their cars. I do it myself regularly and have witnessed others - mostly male though with just a few females. One of my favourites was when I saw a car with French plates pull into a layby and a family of four got out. The man stepped over to the adjacent hedge and started to pee in it, the lady walked a short distance to a gate and climbed over it. I went through the gate of the adjacent field and saw her casually squatting in the grass, pulling up her jeans and climbing back over the gate to rejoin her family. I didn't see where
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Well I told a second person a couple of days ago, she's a lovely girl that I've been mates with for years but only recently started seeing. Turns out she's really in to it. Could not believe my luck, I had told my previous long term girlfriend but she wasn't into it at all; she did indulge me a couple of times but just didn't enjoy it. The reaction from my new girl was the best, she immediately offered to play asking what kind of pee play I liked best.
    1 point
  16. I thought it time to bump this post again. The anonymity of online communication lets us be pretty bold on here. But, how many of us discuss our interests in real life? And with whom - partners, close friends, family members? In turn, how many of them have expressed they have a pee fetish to us? Over the years, I've had a total of three women tell me outright they were fascinated with pee. Two were lovers and one a very good friend, who probably revealed more of her interests than anyone. But, there were a dozen or more others who, by their actions, indicated they were more than will
    1 point
  17. I know VPW's reputation as I have seen his username in multiple places in the pee community for years and I love a lot of the work he does. Simply because you do not recognize my username because I lurk a lot does not mean I am unaware, please be cognisiant of that. The reason I spent so much time (and money to buy the episode) was because I knew of VPW. Further you reference me attacking him, that is ridiculous. The quote you refer to goes "VPW my friend I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that." I never once attacked his character, never called him names, there was no attack a
    1 point
  18. I've only ever told 3 people. The first was the girlfriend I had at the time. She initially thought I was kidding, then thought it was a little odd, but over time she indulged me a handful of times. She could never understand it, and it made her uncomfortable and caused a few arguments between us. Overall, I think I made the correct decision in telling her. The second was a girl I dated briefly. Right from the start, I could tell she had an open mind sexually and was far more open to exploring things. I told her, she took it well, and told me that it didn't turn her on, but turned her on to
    1 point
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