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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2016 in all areas

  1. Hi Maggie, I'd just like to know how you convinced the rest of your family and or friends to save their pee for the pool and do they know its a turn on for you, I just wouldn't know how to broach it except for my wife of course who often saves a nice strong one when she's sun bathing!
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. A different tack on oral sex...
    1 point
  4. Hi fellow pee lovers good to meet you all and look forward to writing and listening to real stories about pee
    1 point
  5. So, I've been browsing around on websites like this once since around 2010. And I've never really put down roots in any of them, for two reasons—first, that it's really satisfying enough just to get to read what people type, and second, that I've never felt like I have much to say. Well, that changes now. Hi! I'm a guy who's really into naughty peeing by either sex. I think that summarizes pretty much my whole stake in all of this. Good to meet you all.
    1 point
  6. Been registered for a few weeks, like the vibe! To be honest, it was the pissing through tights search that drew me here, so here I am¬ This place seems nice and grown up, in the middle of nowhere in Cornwall, UK. Just want to say hi, aloha, greetings and everything other greeting that's applicable.
    1 point
  7. Its hard to pick a favorite fantasy. Another one that I have is to have a girlfriend that has no concern for restroom etiquette. I imagine us at a movie theater and after downing a huge soda she has to pee right before we leave. I wait in the theater watching the credits roll while she pees. She comes back to get me and as we walk out toward the lobby she says "The janitor has a nice mess to clean, it came out so strong that I didnt have time to aim properly and it just sprayed all over the seat and floor. Some of it made it in the toilet but not enough to flush. Im such a bitch for that but I
    1 point
  8. Hi Geepeee9, One of my favorite things to do is to lie out in the sun by the pool with a big daiquiri and drink and tan in the sun to my hearts content. Every time I need to pee I hoping in the pool and release my bladder into the pool water. There's lots of other women that use the pool as their pee place too while enjoying the sun. All my friends that I go to the pool with will nip in for a quick piss in the pool when we are lieing out soaking up the rays. How does your wife go about relieving her self at the pool? I'd love to hear about an experience where she's gone into the pool to p
    1 point
  9. I have been peeing in pools with family members for a long time. As far back as I can remember I was pissing in the pool with my sisters and my mom. It has always been something that was acceptable in our family. I remember as kids we would all hold our pee before swimming. The pool our mom would take us to was a bit old and wasn't maintained all that well. If it was a busy day it didn't take long for the bathrooms to get dirty. My mom would always tell us to avoid the dirty toilets and to go pee while we swam. About 15 years later my oldest sister had kids. It wasn't long before we start
    1 point
  10. Someone posted a wetwulf story on reddit.com/r/pee. I really would love it if he wrote more, it's my current spank material, better than video IMO.
    1 point
  11. I am in Nottingham again in a few weeks time, I will perhaps take a little meander that way :)
    1 point
  12. Not from that area but hope to travel there soon!
    1 point
  13. For all you curious people out there who wanted to hear me on an average peeing moment. Best to put ear plugs LMAO Enjoy 2016-01-12.avi
    1 point
  14. I believe I am on the right path which i drank some sweet drinks and I love drinking wine. From what my fiance tells me, it's warm, a little sweet and tastes like water, He said the I give him the best GS experience ever. Since, I have been providing on occasion. The only problem is he cannot finish (HIS) drink and gets it all over the place LMAO !!
    1 point
  15. @Alfresco , I love these reports of yours about peeing ladies in different cities. If you ever come to Plymouth, here's a heads up.....check out the Barbican area and the surrounding streets as well as the nearby Hoe. That's where most of the late night heavy duty drinking by young ladies (and guys) goes on these days.
    1 point
  16. I have lots of fantasies - many of which are the ideas which have led to my stories in Wet Carpet Magazine and other stories I have posted on this site. A big fantasy that I would like to make real would be to see my wife peeing down the stairs in a multi story car park. A big fantasy that is purely fantasy would be to be with a group of girls who pee wherever they are on furniture, carpets and outdoors without thinking about the consequences.
    1 point
  17. i don't always let him cum on my face, but when i do, there's always so much. and now, owie, my eye kinda stings. lol ???
    1 point
  18. A thoughtful post by Alfresco and I agree with everything he says. The fact is that a majority of swimmers pee in pools. At one extreme are the tiny minority who will always visit toilets before swimming and always get out if they need to pee during a swim. At the other extreme are another minority who always hold before a swim, and also top-up with drinks during a pool visit, to make sure they can pee in the pool as much as possible. (I'll be honest here and admit I'm in this category.) However the majority of swimmers, from what I've seen, take the easiest option. If they need to pee
    1 point
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