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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2016 in Posts

  1. I love pissing where I'm not supposed to. It makes me so very wet. I've actually pissed on the floor of the bathroom went in the other stall to hear others reactions. Some were like ewwww... others joined my puddle and did the same thing I was so horny I masturbated in the stall.
    3 points
  2. Last Saturday, me and two other friends decided to go visit a watefall which anyone can walk on an overpath. A great view and it's beautiful to take a long walk. Unfortunately, we went against taking the stairs because certain places you needed a long rain coat so we ended up taking the chair lift which Takes about 15 minutes to get there. On our way back, they stopped the chair lift on the other side for a question of security which only took 10-15 minute of waiting time. It was long enough for me and one of the friend to get the urge and fortunately for us, we were the only ones there. I mad
    2 points
  3. I was lucky enough to be down in Bristol again on Friday night. I headed out about 10pm to see what I might find. I hadn't really decided where to go, but I saw two girls looking like they were in a hurry and I heard one say - "shall we go down there?", so I thought they were going for a pee and so I followed at a distance. Unfortunately, they didn't stop for a pee, but they did lead me to a nightclub. This nightclub happened to have a large queue, so I stayed around there for a while and sure enough, the sightings started to materialise. I won't list all of the sightings as some
    1 point
  4. Continuing through the morning with their bladders fuller than any one would usually bear, Luciana set about cleaning up Cassandra's toilets from the previous night, while Cassie went to relax on the front porch. With her ear to the open window, waiting for Luci to call her inside if she needed to pee, as per their agreement. Still wearing her sodden panties and skirt she was starting to feel the effects of the cold wet fabric clinging to her twat and buttocks, and just when she was thinking about warming herself up she saw a car coming down the road. Reflexively clamped her pee hole shut but
    1 point
  5. Mark just moved into his new house and had his utilities turned on, with the exception of electricity. He thought that at first his lights needed replaced but realized there is a problem when he put his clothes in the washer and it didn't start. The power company turned it on but it is not working. After calling them and being told that his fuse box needs checked he schedules an appointment for the next morning. They tell him that the tech will be there at 9 am. He tells them that he has to work and will leave the door unlocked and for the tech to leave the bill on the kitchen table. The
    1 point
  6. The one that didn't pee, was laughing a lot and said that i was going to flood the place. Which it wasn't that bad lol Then again i do pee more, at least it was more than my other friend.
    1 point
  7. Part 2: Three girls and two blokes went down the same street as the one with the parking machine just mentioned. However they proceeded through the street to an open grassy square that had paths through it. They went down a path a little way and two of the girls went to the far side of a very large tree. I entered from a different gate and walked across the grass on an angle, thus walking right in front of the girls but at a reasonable distance. They both had skirts hitched up and knickers pushed down and were in low squats with one girl pounding the bare earth ground with a high pres
    1 point
  8. Nice story. I love the genuine naughtiness of this one. The girl deliberately pissing on the guy's clothes, awesome. If it were my clothes I wouldn't mind at all - but only if I were allowed to watch.
    1 point
  9. Chance card? "Bank error in your favour, collect a golden shower from every player"
    1 point
  10. Will reply later when I have more time. Had no phone the last ten days (robbed outside my local supermarket, life is just a ruddy bed of roses for me right now haha) but there's so much I have to say on this one. Long and short though I do note the orange one seems to no longer be planning a blanket ban on Muslims entering the US, to abolish Obamacare nor have Hilary imrisoned. Wonder how long until some of his more "passionate" supporters become upset. Politicians sometimes lie to get into office, we all know this. However it's one thing to promise to cut interest rates by 2% and then w
    1 point
  11. This afternoon my lady & I took a trip to one of the local junk yards. While we're checking out she asked if they had a restroom. I said no for I've never seen one, only porta potties. After checking out she sees a restroom. She says she's gonna go pee. She pushes open the door and says she's not going in there, there's no tissue and it smells like piss. In my mind I'm like, "YES!". We get to the car, far out in the lot parked along a curb and says to me, "I'm gonna piss here, you got some tissue?" She grabs 3 napkins through the driver side of the car, drops her black sweat pants and star
    1 point
  12. I guess we all have different reasons for liking this place and for me it is the acceptance of naughty peeing. While growing up I was told "good girl" by both of my parents when I peed in places I sort of knew I shouldn't. Also my first boyfriend used to almost beg me to pee in naughty places and said "Oh that is so good" when I did. So here I am in my late 40s (where did all that time go!) and still enjoying the positive comments I'm getting from guys here when I post of my naughty activities. This is 'mutually beneficial' as far as I'm concerned as I also LOVE to read of naughty peei
    1 point
  13. I find it quite funny when people admiit to peeing in the pool if they have been in the pool in an "emergency" situation. An example of this is when some one has been swimming for a long time and feels the need to pee but decides to hold to until they are done. They continue to stay in the pool much past the point in time that the should have if they wanted to make it to the washroom safely. Than, upon realizing that they probably wouldn't make it to the washroom, they pee in the pool and call it an accident or an emergency. These types of people often don't consider them selves pool peers b
    1 point
  14. No - I would have let you know if I was going to Plymouth - It was not quite that far South West. Bristol.
    1 point
  15. Seeing a girl pissing in a naughty place tells me one very important thing - she was desperately trying to hold her pee in but the pressure had reached that lovely point where it was so bad she was about to actually piss her pants involuntarily, or had actually spurted a little in her panties already. She just knows in her mind it is 'game up' and just has to find a place, any old place, to let it all out, or she will inevitably loose it all in her panties, dress or whatever she is wearing. That is so so sexy to observe. Sometimes I have spotted a girl deliberately looking around for some
    1 point
  16. Oh wow I love wen a guy does this makes me want to wet my underwear:p and I'm pretty sure u guys wud love that lol
    1 point
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