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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2016 in Posts

  1. This happened around 15 years ago when some trains in south London still had separate compartments with a row of upholstered seats each side. Alone in a compartment and with a 6 minute ride to the next station (where I was getting off) I needed a toilet and decided to do it there. Pulling down my panties, and stepping out of them, I climbed up on to the seat and squatted. Holding my skirt up I tried to shit and at first only farted, but within half a minute I was successful and relieved myself on to the fabric of the seat. With this done I peed strongly on to the seat, with a puddle formi
    5 points
  2. Thanks for your reply Steve, and yes I did mean that but wanted to suggest it carefully in case it caused problems. By the way in my Confession(2) where I peed into the water tank I also did 'something else'. Up til now I've felt uncomfortable with admitting this, but I did push while I had the opportunity and succeeded into the water with a worryingly loud 'plop' sound as I did so.
    2 points
  3. I think I can guess what you are referring to. And to spell it out bluntly, do you mean taking a shit in naughty places too? Well, on a personal level I'd love to hear about it also and get turned on by ladies who like to do that. But I must advise of the following. Whilst it is ok to post such stuff now in the other adult content section, Admin is under pressure from payment providers in terms of content. Nothing has been decided yet, but there is a definite strong possibility that some types of material, including this - much to my regret - may have to be banned at some point in the nea
    2 points
  4. As well as a naughty pee I also like to do 'something else' in the same naughty place when the opportunity arises. (By the way THANK YOU to someone I've seen describing it that way here and I'm sorry I can't remember your name right now!) OK I realise this won't be a turn-on for everyone, and in fact a 'turn-off' for some, but when I tell of things I've done I like to tell the full story. How do people here feel about this? Is it OK to include the 'something else' if I was successful in that way as well as a naughty pee?
    1 point
  5. Continuing through the morning with their bladders fuller than any one would usually bear, Luciana set about cleaning up Cassandra's toilets from the previous night, while Cassie went to relax on the front porch. With her ear to the open window, waiting for Luci to call her inside if she needed to pee, as per their agreement. Still wearing her sodden panties and skirt she was starting to feel the effects of the cold wet fabric clinging to her twat and buttocks, and just when she was thinking about warming herself up she saw a car coming down the road. Reflexively clamped her pee hole shut but
    1 point
  6. I admit that sometimes at home i don't always wash my hands after a number 1, however, most of the times i do. I know this for a fact and i don't shake people's hands in general. As a boss, she has business people that come and see her and shake her hand. It's not like she forgets because we don't hear the hand dryer start so we know. She is a good looking person and i even heard an employee once say, just shaking her hand knowing it was touching her parts turns him on. To each their own, however , in public, i always wash my hands.
    1 point
  7. Thanks Steve. I like my naughtiness being approved of! Sorry I put it in the wrong section and I'll post any similar items in other adult content. Everything is fine, I've not been put off by this.
    1 point
  8. Nice one, Maggie. I loved your naughtiness there. But it is my duty as a mod to point out that where the subject matter includes a substantial amount of shitting activity, it really belongs in the other adult content section, which is why I have moved it here. Whilst quite a lot of members enjoy that, there are also many who do not. The compromise this forum has always upheld is to allow it in the other adult content subforum so that those who enjoy it can easily find it, but those who do not can easily avoid it. Until or unless it is banned, this is the policy we must adhere to
    1 point
  9. Thanks guys (Brutus, Hamster, Steve, Adyguy) for your replies and positive comments. Reassuring to know at least some guys here like naughty poos - and I've already posted of something I did around 15 years ago.
    1 point
  10. Good story, Maggie. You must have loads better for that. Somehow I don't think it would be do-able now with CCTV all over the place on trains.
    1 point
  11. Last night my lady and I went to a haunted house. We parked down the street at the far end of the parking lot, last spot before the wall. The walled began to curve just past my car. As we are walking to the far end of the lot to the car, I see a nice looking good, black or hispanic, short with tight jeans who appeared to be fixing her button or belt on her jean. In my mind I'm like she just peed. My lady who also had to take a piss had just said if there weren't so many people out she'd piss in the parking lot. She didn't notice the other girl. Across from my car was a Ranger Rover with a bunc
    1 point
  12. I remember another factor that came into being when I was much younger. My sister and I used to set up dens in our house and play "house". We used to allocate areas for different things like bed area, cooking area (pretending to cook but using real food that could be eaten cold), and you've guessed it, we sometimes had a toilet area. A couple of times, we had a den in my sister's room and the "toilet" was the area between the foot of the bed and the wall, which was a small space that was partially hidden. We generally pretended to use the "toilet", but a couple of times we both really
    1 point
  13. @likesToLick I hear what you are saying re delaying the agony - and expense - of an upgrade in your systems. I myself bought my original laptop - which had a Windows Vista set up going on - in 2009, and only upgraded to Windows 10 with a new laptop a couple of weeks ago! By that time most of my browsers on the original were no longer receiving updates, VLC Media player kept crashing, random weirdness was going on - eg the picture disappearing for a few seconds, or the whole thing freezing and only being made to work again by shutting down and restarting, and shit like that. And there were
    1 point
  14. @Maggie_555 Oh you were talking about the new content restrictions that are likely coming. I thought you were just worried about getting dislikes. But as Steve said, be quick and post your shit stories while you can. I like naughty shitting as well as pissing.
    1 point
  15. Go ahead from my point of view
    1 point
  16. I love to pee (and #2) in abandoned buildings, there is something extra rude about it! Anyway to answer the original question, my naughty pee fetish started at an early age. I lived on a small close with 2 girls on one side and a girl on the other side, and a couple of boys in the end house. When we were playing out, we would go behind the garage of the boys house to pee, and the boys would pee but the girls only watched. There was a grass field next to the houses and when the grass was cut we would make a house of sorts with the grass cuttings, and the house always had a toilet, and
    1 point
  17. Oh that sounds like great fun Alfresco. Thanks for sharing those lovely experiences. I had something similar, on a smaller scale, when visiting an aunt and uncle years ago as there were 4 new houses under construction near them. With my brother and my cousins we'd go into the partly-built houses and pee inside them. As you've said this was before 'health and safety' and nothing was fenced off. I agree it was incredibly exciting to pee on the floor inside an almost-completed house when you knew it wouldn't be washed away by rainfall.
    1 point
  18. Probably the meanest thing I've done is one time in college pissed on the car door of my neighbor, definitely trying to get the handle so they would touch it when they opened their car. Also in college, the dorms had gaps between the bottom of the doors to the room and the floor. I once overheard some girls talk about peeing into a little tray and freezing it, then sliding the little frozen pee discs under the door of another person that they hated.
    1 point
  19. I was once given my notice to quit by a landlord because he was taking sexual favours from a female tenant I'd fallen out with. She was one of those neighbour from hell types but enjoyed the landlord's protection. Private tenants have virtually no rights in the UK so I had no choice but to get out, basically, even though I was not the one at fault. And he openly stated he was not going to return my deposit just to piss me off. So I decided to get my revenge on the landlord by spending my last couple of days there pissing all over his carpets, bed and furniture, lol.
    1 point
  20. This is with an ex. Not faces as explained in post earlier. Taken on DSLR so better quality than before.
    1 point
  21. I enjoying vegetables.Do you like vegetables?
    1 point
  22. 1 point
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