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In restroom with cleaners of opposite sex


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A couple of times I have found myself in a restroom with cleaners of the opposite sex. Although I'm sure they're not interested in pee*, it can be a little exciting being alone in a room peeing with them over the other side.

assume this is almost never the case in women's restrooms (and given the fact there are cubicles instead of open urinals, it perhaps isn't quite the same?)

However, has anyone else found themselves in a similar situation? Who knows, perhaps they have had a sneaky look over - if they actually were interested in pee at all, what a great job to have!

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I used to work in an office where the toilets are cleaned midway through the day, as well as in the evening.

The cleaners are female, and when they want to clean the men's toilets during the day, they either knock on the external door or come up to door and ask if anyone is using the toilets.

On one occasion, I'd just finished peeing and had zipped up, when the door opened and a cleaner walked in unannounced. Surprisingly, she didn't say "sorry" - she simply turned around and walked out.

I guess she probably just forgot to announce her presence, but I suppose it's possible she was hoping to catch a guy peeing. 
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I have to clean bathrooms at my restaurant sometimes and have caught multiple guys and girls who forgot to lock the door pissing away and for some reason didnt respond to the knock. They are always embarrassed. It is a bit erotic but also nerve wracking because I worry one day someone will yank me into the bathroom and lock it, otherwise it would probably be more of a turn on haha!


There is also a guy who piss trashes our restaurant every few months to weeks. Sadly I haven't caught him at it but another manager has caught him on his way out. He just said "sorry I made a mess." And left. I hope i can walk in on him some day!

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I used to clean rest rooms at work. I leave door open and put trash help keep door open. Lady one time stud by door. I say finish moping the floor. She went in stall and took a pee. I didn't walk out and heard it all. Another time I had a coworker walk in when I was cleaning the rest room and say I don't care I'f you don't walk out I have to pee. I didn't walk out and I heard her pee. 

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Several experiences of this.   There are certainly many toilets that I've been to that have notices to say that the facility could be cleaned by male or female cleaners.   I know that the same applies to female toilets.  Much as it might be considered a slight intrusion for a male cleaner to be cleaning a female toilet - they are not going to see anything as everything happens behind closed doors in the cubicle.  They may well hear (and enjoy hearing) the women pee, but they are not going to see women exposed.

Ladies cleaning the gents however is a completely different matter - the cleaner can clearly see the men at the urinals.  Sometimes this would only be from the back and they can't see much, but there are circumstances that the cleaner could see dicks and balls.  Personally, I don't have a problem with it and would actually go out of my way to try and be in the toilet at the same time as the cleaner.  This has happened to me several times - see further below.

Most usually, in the smaller facilities, the cleaner will knock before entering and on receiving no reply will peek in and only actually enter if there is nobody in the room.   However, I've been in several places where there are more extensive toilets and the cleaner comes in without knocking and gets on with cleaning whilst the men are going about their business.   Now, if the cleaner is already in the room, a new man entering the facility can see her presence and choose to go into a cubicle., but those people who are already at the urinals don't get that choice.

Some examples that stick in my mind:

A toilet at Legoland, Windsor.   The arrangement was that there were several cubicles up one end, then several urinals, then a door which looked like a cleaners cupboard or something.   I was stood at the urinal next to the cleaners cupboard when the door opened and a twenty something attractive girl emerged with a cleaning trolley.  Turned out that it wasn't just a cupboard, but a service corridor, so she appeared right next to the urinal whilst I was in full flow.  I didn't cut the flow or anything, but must have looked slightly surprised to see her appear right next to me.   She didn't say anything but smiled an apology.  I smiled back.  She glanced down at my peeing dick and then looked back and smiled again as she walked on past to go and start cleaning.  I noticed that she started by the sinks she was looking in the mirrors to see the action at the urinals.   Several other guys came in whilst she was cleaning the sinks.  Most had no hesitation in using the urinals whilst she was there, but a few went into the cubicles.  I have used that same urinal several times since, hoping to be caught again, but never managed to get the right timing.  Unfortunately, they have now changed the toilet usage and that male toilet area has been converted to baby change.  Of course, there are still male toilets with female cleaners, but I don't think any of the other ones have that style service corridor.

Another time was St James Park in London.  I went into a toilet and there was a woman, probably in her 40s, mopping the floor.  There were several men at the urinals and the two cubicles were occupied with another couple of men waiting for them.  I went straight to one of the spare urinals and started peeing.  She kept mopping the floor and actually progressed to mopping next the urinals, basically almost mopping around the feet of people stood there using them!

The other one that was memorable was in a motorway services.  This was quite a bit toilet area with two alcoves each having several urinals down each side.  Normally what happens (or at least what I've noticed) is that if one area of urinals is being cleaned, the cleaner puts a barrier across the end directing newcomers to use the other urinal area.  The cleaner then goes off and cleans sinks or something, then goes back to clean the urinal area when it is empty.  However, this time, a female cleaner around 30 years old was in there cleaning sinks when I arrived.  None of the urinal areas were closed off, so I went in for a pee as usual. There were about 6 urinals down each side and 3 other people peeing in that area. I thought she may go past the end of the alcove in her cleaning duties, so I took up a place on one of the first urinals so that I wasn't hidden at all.  As it turned out, it wouldn't have made a difference as she came straight into the areas and started cleaning urinals, regardless of the fact that four men were peeing around her.   As I was using the first urinal, she couldn't clean that immediately so she went to the second urinal, which was obviously right next to me.   She cleaned the urinal whilst no more than a few feet from me and she had a clear view of my peeing dick.  I was nearly finished by then, but I let the last bit out and gave a good shake before tucking my dick away and zipping up. She definitely had a good look.  I then went to the sinks and washed my hands.  I noted that she moved down the line cleaning the other urinals and had no qualms about cleaning right next to other guys either.

One thing that might be worth noting if you want to get caught by a cleaner is that some toilets have those boards which say the toilets are inspected every 90 minutes or whatever and then have a display showing how many minutes until the next inspection is due.  You can use this to your advantage in terms or working out when there is a good chance of a cleaner being in there.

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Funny how it works with cleaning rest rooms. You are a lucky man to have this happen to you and nice stories here. Wired how women dont care if men go in there and use them.

I love to pee with women in mens room and pee with a women. Take them into mens room if desperation.

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In high school, my first job for gas money was as a janitor at an elementary school. I came on shift after all the little ones were long gone for the day (so this ain't that kind of story mac!). Anyway, when it was time to clean the restrooms I had a bucket of disinfectant and a brush and would always clean the boys rooms first because of the noise both of my cleaning and also the loudness of the siphon jet flush of the toilets. Having cleaned the boys side, I never knocked or called out but just walked on in to the girls side figuring that I had given plenty of warning of my coming. Never had an incident until one day....

I didn't mention that even though the children had left for the day, the teachers had not. On this day when I stepped into the girls room to clean, there she sat, one of the most attractive young teachers. She sat there peeing loudly, I could plainly hear it hissing past her vulva and splashing loudly into the toilet. I was dumbfounded and for several seconds we just stayed there staring at one another. I remember her expression being almost totally inscrutable, possibly she had slightly raised an eyebrow? Then, I “woke up” so to speak and quickly said my apologies and backed out the door to wait till she was done. Many years later, looking back, I’m sure the woman was a bit of a cougar and I could probably have ‘gotten away’ with just stepping up to her and whipping out my hard cock and offering it for her to kiss. Sure wish I had done it!!

Edited by ndr1968pz
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You lucky to hear a teacher pee that way. I love to hear her go then. I used to clean ladies room at work I had a lady come up to me and say can I use this. I walked out and listen to her go.

She was a young women at the time. I love hearing older women pee too. Women make different sounds then men at peeing. You are lucky she didnt get mad at you watching her pee.

You have some good stories too.

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@ndr1968pz  So I am presuming these toilets were multiple cubicles with doors inside a larger room.   In which case, the teacher didn't shut or lock the cubicle door?   If that was the case, maybe she HAD heard you cleaning the boys and wanted to be discovered.   Whether that was the case or not, certainly a great sighting and an experience to be remembered.  The fact that she didn't scream, jump up or try to hide herself makes me think that she wasn't worried and may even have liked being discovered in that position.

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Alfresco, actually no, it was an older school and actually had a set of individual boys and girls toilets built into each classroom. They were small restrooms with only a sink and water closet. No partitions.  The particular toilet where the incident happened was a shared affair where the single restroom(s) served two classrooms.  Each restroom had two doors, each door opening onto a different classroom.  So, as I said, I always did the boys rooms first, making plenty of noise as a "warning" that I was coming to clean.  So, I think the teacher actually had laid an "ambush" for me that day but as I said I was a young and tender and pretty innocent 16 year old and felt totally embarrassed and "in the wrong".    Needless to say, the incident gave me plenty of masturbation fantasy material.  I do remember when I walked in, I was almost, not quite, but almost close enough to feel the heat of her body.  As I said earlier though the sound of her pee coming out was unmistakable.   I just wish I had had the knowledge of human motivations I do now.  Things could have turned out quite differently!

Edited by ndr1968pz
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I clean the ladies room all of the time at a train station. Think about it, when people are at a train station, chances are, they just gotta go to relieve themselves. Well, part of my job is to clean the restrooms whenever people are not in there. As for how I've been checking if anyone's in the restrooms, well if the door is closed, I sometimes knock. Sometimes instead, when the door is open, I just barge on in with my supplies and take a peek within the stalls. Always though, I make sure to listen, and today when a middle aged blonde woman decided to walk into the restroom after seeing me on my way in, I just stood outside, swept, and kept productive. But then I hear the pee trembling as I waited for her to leave the restroom. I walked right into there, opened the partition door with my gloves on, lifted up the toilet seat she was using to get ready and clean it, and there I smelt a faint smell of urine in addition to the smell of her feminine bodily odor. A bit of urine and blood was on the seat and I slowly indulged the smell. Sometimes it's so strong of a smell, but this time it was pleasant and a tad sweet. I decided to put a little bit of bleach as well as ammonium chloride after the bleach settled and was rinsed off. After a little scrub, the smell went away and the toilet was ready for the next person to use it. But right as I saw her, my immediate thought was "I just heard you pee." Oh the imagination for that entire situation. This job can have some good and bad days, but sometimes the surprises can be pleasant.

Edited by GGlobeListens
Better Clarity
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I always knock too on the ladies room door. When I used to clean them. I have banged on the door hard too before going into ladies room. I had it when I was cleaning and I had door open to ladies room and I told her all I had to do was clean the floor. She walked in went into the stall and took a pee. I didnt move out of ladies room. I also had a coworker say when I was cleaning the ladies room I didnt care if I dont move out of the room she had to pee. I used to walk out of ladies room if they needed to go and listen to them pee. Some women pee loud and fast in the stalls. Some women asked can I use this ? I always shocked the way they pee.

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  • 1 year later...

I had an experience of this today.   I stopped at Charnock Richard Services on the M6 motorway Northbound.  As I entered the toilets, I saw one of those yellow cleaning cones that they put up to say wet floor, but this one said “Cleaning in progress - Female cleaner in attendance”. I went in regardless and saw that the lady in question was mopping the area around the urinals.  The urinals were in a U shape around three walls of a small area - maybe 6 or 8 urinals down each side and a few across the end.  I noticed several men turn into the area, see the lady cleaner and double back to go in cubicles.  

The cleaner was a tall lady of about 35-40 years old wearing black trousers and a black tunic top.   She was quite thin and she had long blonde wavy hair tied back in a pony tail.  She also had quite a cute backside enhanced by her tight black trousers which were tightened over her figure as she bent forward slightly to mop.

There were a few men peeing in urinals on the opposite side from the lady cleaner but nobody using the row along the wall where she was.  I went in and selected the urinal that was two along from where she was, popped my penis out and started a good long pee into the urinal - no more that 1.5m from her.  She carried on mopping and as she moved, she can’t possibly have avoided seeing everything.  She carried on until she had finished that side and then moved over to the other side where there were already three men peeing. I was finishing up and turned away from the urinal to see the men at the other side seemed a bit surprised by her coming towards them. Two of them kind of turned their back towards her, one just carried on regardless and didn’t hide anything.

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Three that stick in the mind, a bit like this:

- a pub, some years ago. The mens toilets is busy, something like six guys pissing away, when a woman - maybe the landlady, rather than a cleaner - walks through, checking something I think (enough soap? towels? I can’t remember) but she doesn’t hesitate or call out a warning, she just walks though, leaving the guys a bit surprised. 

- At a swimming pool, I’m swimming early in the morning before I go to work. There is a sauna, with a schedule for men’s days, women’s days, and mixed, so in I go, stark naked, to find a female member of staff who has popped in for a quick sauna session because it’s quiet and there isn’t usually anyone there. She’s apologetic, and I’m unfussed because I’ve done mixed naked saunas before, but I don’t suggest she strip off and stay around because I expect she’d get the wrong idea and it would go badly.

- most recently, and least interesting: I go into the gents to find a woman cleaner in there. She asks me to wait a minute while she finishes up, so I do. (If she’s said “don’t mind me, just go in a cubicle” or something, I’d have done that).

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1 hour ago, oliver2 said:


- At a swimming pool, I’m swimming early in the morning before I go to work. There is a sauna, with a schedule for men’s days, women’s days, and mixed, so in I go, stark naked, to find a female member of staff who has popped in for a quick sauna session 

Naked sauna sessions sounds like a good time and relaxing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It happened to me this weekend - working at a convention / festival, part of which was hosted in a grand, but quite run down hotel.  At one point I went in the gents where there were two banks of urinals and a short row of cubicles.

A lady and man cleaner were both in the room working to unblock the troughs for one of the two banks of urinals.  She was very matter of fact, just asking guys to use the other group - she was a mature lady and to be fair a mature crowd of guests too - so there was no exhibitionism for her benefit and nothing suggesting she was interested in sneaking a glimpse.

Personally it didn't bother me in the slightest she was there. I guess if there were any pee shy guys they have the option of using a cubicle.

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I go to a gym a lot.at nite.its 24 hour type..so after working out I went into the locker room .shower .and took a long hot shower...makeing sure certin parts were extra clean....When i came out a woman was mopping the floor. Oh well. I had a towel. On and took it off to dry off..she glanced at me a few times. So being naked i stroked my cock a few times.. I know she was looking..well dry and dressd i went to the coffee bar had a epresso..she came oit with her mop bucked . walked by me . didnt look or say any thing

I said..mia casa..she said..no no no lolololo...2 days later same thing happened..at nite  late im usually the only one there.except the front desk and coffee bar....i came out of the shower she was mopping so i peed on the floor while she was looking...the locker room has benches in front of the lockers drains every 3 feet....So I peed as much as i could.

She Ie over with her mop and was cleaning my pee.not saying a word i was as naked as a jay bird.and yelled out as she walked awY... I want to eat your pussy..  Again she came in the front coffee bar..wLked by with her mop bucket...never said a word.. Life cant get much better



Edited by Alex ks1
Spelling lololol
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4 minutes ago, Alex ks1 said:

She cMe over with her mop and was cleaning my pee.not saying a word i was as naked as a jay bird.and yelled out as she walked awY... I want to eat your pussy..  Again she came in the front coffee bar..wLked by with her mop bucket...never said a word.. Life cant get much better



...and you haven't been arrested yet, or at least barred from the gym?

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No,,and I asked the nite manager about this, he said she didn't speak any English , so when I told her to clean and mop every thing,, that's exactly what she did. , he was laffing and said, it happened to other guys too, so don't worry about it. Maybe you will get lucky and get a blow job lolololol his words, not mine 

   I also asked if he could put a sign on the steam room " clothing optional" his words were, Damn !!!! What a good idea.  Here in the Florida Keys, things are different ,,very laxed  He also told me to give the mop lady a few dollars and she will follow you around like a lost puppy , for cleaning the locker room.    Life is great


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On 8/28/2019 at 7:13 PM, Sophie said:

It's happened to me before. 

At work I usually use the staff toilets but when there's big events going on they open the student toilets to visitors. A couple of years ago there was an open evening for new students with about 200 people attending. Being in a senior position it was very important for me to be there.

The cleaners were still working on their usual schedules and towards the end of the evening I needed to pee so I headed to the toilets. There was a male cleaner there in his mid 20's mopping the floor of the girls toilets and he asked if I wanted him to leave. I told him it was fine, walked into one of the open stalls locking the door behind me, lifted my skirt, pulled down my underwear and peed. And I peed a lot! I used to be really nervous during these events so I'd calm myself down by drinking water...constantly. what goes in must come out!

When I was done I wiped, got dressed and flushed. We shared a smile as I walked over to the sink to wash my hands and then we carried on with our days.

Wow, I guess I should get a job cleaning women's toilets just for this occasional experience lol. Do you have any idea how many seconds long you peed for that time?

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31 minutes ago, rajpatel1993 said:

Wow, I guess I should get a job cleaning women's toilets just for this occasional experience lol. Do you have any idea how many seconds long you peed for that time?

At a guess, 30-40 seconds. It was a splashy wee too, all of it hitting the water.

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quite often had ladies coming into the toilets to clean, even around the urinals, especially in motorway services and stations, it really doesn't bother me ,Despite the fact that I love peeing it's all about context for me, they're doing a job and I don't feel anything sexual about it.

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