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What got you interested in pee?

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  • 1 month later...

To be honest, I really don't know what got my into pee. I guess it would have been around the time I "discovered myself" if you know what I mean. I would spend hours in my room naked just playing with myself. Then somehow I got the idea of what it would be like to pee on myself. So I did just that, I went into my bath, lied down, and peed straight up and let it get all over me. It felt amazing. From that point on I would do that bout once a week. The first girl I ever saw pee was my cousin actually. We were having a sleepover one night and we both had to go to the bathroom, so we thought it would be fun to go together cuz we had never seen the other gender pee before. She stood over the toilet, peed and wiped. Not gonna lie, I could barely contain myself. Then she watched as I peed. From that moment I became obsessed with watching girls pee and really pee in general.

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Just noticed this one, probably since it's just been bumped but has got me thinking and actually I honestly haven't got a clue. I know that during my later teenage years I had a lot of wet fun with a girl I'd been seeing all through senior school but I also know I initiated most of that. Guess it's just an inbuilt thing? Everyone is different, whether you are attracted to skinny, fat, blonde, outgoing, tall etc etc I think being turned on by wetting is one of those.

Personally, I can't help being turned on by peeimg/wetting etc anymore than I can help being attracted to women who are on the curvy side.

All I need now is to meet a curvy girl who likes wetting herself ( and preferably owns a pub, cooks and looks like Nigella Lawson and has a guide dog that likes me)!

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It's funny because I don't know at what age it all started happening. But man do I have a few good times for ya. :9


But when I was very little, I had this corner closet for my toys and books in my room. Also, all the bedrooms were in the basement, so we had tile flooring. I assumed since I was so little, that when I had to go, I was too intimidated by going up the stairs. And I obviously didn't wanna stop playing!

So the next best thing was to open one of the drawers, drop trou, and sit on the edge and pee into it. The drawers had nothing in them, so I just let loose and tinkled all over it. I must have enjoyed being a little naughty, because I ended up doing it a lot until one day my older brother told on me.

I forgot to mention! Earlier this month I was staying in a hotel and I peed inside the closet. I tried to cover the carpet in piss, and even got the wall and a bit on the sliding door. Would have loved to pee in the corner of the room or under the desk/mattress, but was sharing the room and didn't want someone catching me.

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Someone should do a study on this, lol. Everyone is so different, people can have this from day one while others can go half their life until something snaps with a "Ooh fuck, that's hot" moment.

Maigh had her interest sorted real early, before high school, mine was one of those things you see, and grabs every appendage you have. Mary thought it was gross and disgusting, but we soon made her "one of us". One time we had Mary in a tub, while both of us were hosing her down we chanted the "one of us" thing. Quite funny, Star Trek and the Borg was the thing at the time, we had a ceremony making her 3 of 3.

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I got interested in pee when I was about six. I was over at a boy's place from school. He was about six as well and we were out the back in his cubby house. He pissed in front of me and then demanded me to pee for him.

I've always enjoyed watching guys piss from then on and always fantasized about guys demanding me to piss whereever they want me to piss from then on.

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My very first experience threw me off and i will explain why. When i finished high school and went to college, one of my main friend was in my class and he would send me pictures of women squirting from time to time. One day, a girl in my class came up to me and started talking. I didn't find her attractive at first but then she started smiling and fixing her hair and talked to me more often. One day we were just talking about sexual things with no intensions. And i did say that i found it facinating to see a woman squirt and she told me that she spotted me looking at some on my phone in class, which i blushed and smiled and studder. Ackward!! I changed the topic fast to something else and she smiled.

Just before class ended, she asked me if i wanted to walk with her on our way home and i told her why not. As we are leaving the school, she wanted to go the long way around, which didn't make sense to me and she told me, she wanted to show me a cool place she spotted the other day so we took her path. Walking threw the track field and football field. At the other end was a small forest with a path that lead to the main road and there was a type of yard maintenance cabin for the grass and a dumpster. As I was talking about music instruments, she randomly tells me that she had to pee, so i was like what ever. So she goes in the back of the dumpster and asked me to go over. My response, i started looking all over to see if anyone was around which no one was. So i went, and i actually remember what she was wearing, grey jogging and a pink super girl t-shirt and asked me to hurry up and lay down. I must of had a puzzled look on my face and my intelligence had dropped to zero because i didn't move. When she told me, well? I dropped my school bag and laid down, she took a look around and then ran back, placed both feet on each side of my head, looked at me and told me, well to open my mouth! She pulled down both underware and joggings fast, there was nothing sexy about it, and started to pee in my mouth. There was about 3 mouth full and that was it. She pulled up her pants and i got up. My hair was soaked and she raised an eye brow and ask to follow her. On the other side there was an out door faucet which she helped to rinse my hair while i was kneeling down.

We never ended up dating and it only happened once. However, it does happen that i see her while taking the bus to work. She smiles and goes about her way.

I find your first experience cute and funny :) Maybe she would like to connect with you? Who knows? Are you still in a relationship?

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I find your first experience cute and funny :) Maybe she would like to connect with you? Who knows? Are you still in a relationship?

Hey, thanks Sephora, yeah i guess you can say it was cute. Today she looks really good all dressed up.

I have a nice girlfriend already and she does give me showers too hahahaha.

Perhaps on day, i will say hello to her hoping there is no ackwardness.

It seems a shame that you don't want to get to knoow Her better . In what she's really like. That of trying to have more pee fun with Her as well. As it seems to me though. That she does like peeing . Which would make for more interesting . That of arousing reading here. Should you enjoy more adventures with Her . W

Who knows . You might get to liking Her more :wink:

A very good experience . You have shared .

hey man, yeah, if i was single lolol

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Hey, thanks Sephora, yeah i guess you can say it was cute. Today she looks really good all dressed up.

I have a nice girlfriend already and she does give me showers too hahahaha.

Perhaps on day, i will say hello to her hoping there is no ackwardness.

hey man, yeah, if i was single lolol

Understandable. I do believe you stay in the same province as i do. I guess we are not alone with a fetish or providing the fetish.

You know, some do invite a third party in their sexual lives.. Just saying ;-) Not to get the wrong, i am not looking for that but maybe for you?

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Understandable. I do believe you stay in the same province as i do. I guess we are not alone with a fetish or providing the fetish.

You know, some do invite a third party in their sexual lives.. Just saying :wink: Not to get the wrong, i am not looking for that but maybe for you?

Yeah we do, we were talking about campsite we go to but you didn't tell me yours :tongue:

I do have a friend of my girlfriend that we shared a sexual thing all together while camping but she has been distant for a while and i believe she has a new boyfriend which i am happy for her.

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Yeah we do, we were talking about campsite we go to but you didn't tell me yours :tongue:

I do have a friend of my girlfriend that we shared a sexual thing all together while camping but she has been distant for a while and i believe she has a new boyfriend which i am happy for her.

I would rather not, just to have my privacy, plus i can't have you stocking me where i pee in the woods. Hubby will throw you a log hahaha

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I would rather not, just to have my privacy, plus i can't have you stocking me where i pee in the woods. Hubby will throw you a log hahaha

LMAO hahahaha Nah you have nothing to worry about, i would never do that. But if you do end up camping this year, take more pictures, those were very nice to watch.

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I will see, besides, we are having a couple joining us. They are not the camping type because they love the comfort and a shower.

Yeah, couple camping and peeing in the nature.. Go girl!

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Yay origin stories. My best friend was a wetter, and well he would pee anywhere he pleased. Ironically his name was Robin, just like sumrexus's friend. I kinda found it weird, yet I slowly found myself liking the smell of it when it was dry or semi moist. So I'd sniff his blankets. Then in school there was a girl who would wet like every day. Shes a total lez now it's funny. That was like the first female I was ever close to. I knew sex had to do with down there anyway. Since I had no idea what sex was I kinda thought well hey that must be part of sex. I'd think of girls soaking their jeans in fifth grade. By the time I found out how to crank it, I was exclusively focused on that. So when I got on the net in 2000 it was one of the first things I looked for. I'd join yahoo groups with the word watersports, cause the parental filter was nuts, and would block any other keyword. So when I was sixteen I'd dream of getting my own apartment where I could experiment. I never if rarely had the balls to tho. I was a super gothy fem kid in Highschool, in a bad neighborhood in a beach town (different from the one I live in now). So I was out on my own after my 18th birthday. So I never got to do much with it, Until I got a house with my wife. I'm never gonna sell this place not for a millon dollars. So many sweet memories. I found out I don't like my own wetting I like others wettings like alot. It's also excuslively tied in with fabric, plushes, pillows, blankets, panties and such. The smell when it's dry or semi moist drives me nuts. The idea of the warmth dripping from a womans cunt gets me going.

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  • 3 years later...

This is a very old thread I just stumbled across, but I thought it's such an interesting question that it's worth bumping it up to see what some of our newer members have to say on the topic. 🙂 

I really find the psychology behind why we're attracted to this quite interesting, and it definitely seems an early memory/experience is often the trigger/catalyst.  

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I think I have always been interested in pee, even since way before I knew about sex.

The earliest memory of an interest in pee I can remember is of a girl pulling up her panties in the school playground after crawling out from under a bench. Under there was a large puddle with telltale spray pattern and a couple of rivulets meandering away from it into the playground. The girl had obviously pissed there instead of using the playground toilets only yards away. This fascinated and interested me in ways I was still too young to fully understand. Was only about 6 or 7 at the time.

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On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 11:45 PM, Admin said:

This is a very old thread I just stumbled across, but I thought it's such an interesting question that it's worth bumping it up to see what some of our newer members have to say on the topic. 🙂 

I really find the psychology behind why we're attracted to this quite interesting, and it definitely seems an early memory/experience is often the trigger/catalyst.  


Absoluetely agree

I have Always been fascinated with piss since a child, but to me it was less openly sexual and more… how can I say? Pansexual

To me everything is sexual, thus also pee.

I have Always peed wherever I wanted and needed since very Young, but I never understood how deep such a devotion was until I started to practice the Occult.

Such a deep trip into my own unconscious brought down some barriers and unleashed the depraved and sexually ravaging me you all came to know and love.

My first sexual attempts with piss had been with Alex, he was both very horny and also training me (back in those time he was still the Archbishop of our Coven) and at our third date, after I swallowed his cum on a public bench in full daylight, he started to piss in my mouth while still hard, without telling me. I gasped and swallowed it unwillingly, but it immediately made me conscious that it now was not anymore a simple pansexual drive toward anything hormonal, this time it was a deep consciousness about what piss meant to ME and my sexuality and psychology.

So I dutifully swallowed it all, until he took it out of my mouth to piss directly on my face and clothes. I was so horny that I almost came, and I asked him to lick me, he made me cum twice with his tongue and thrice through fingering, and remember we were on a public park bench.



By now, I have ten years of Occult and Science at my back to understand what drives me toward piss, I wrote a very deep essay about it in another thread, I'll find it and post and the link. Piss fetishism is absolutely normal, it's those that do not feel it that are repressed

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First time i saw a girl peeing i was about 4 or 5 and my sister would always need to pee, when outside, my mom would always make me look away or hide her behind a dumpster or something, i got interesed because when i had to pee she jus made me do it in a tree or something in front of mostly anyone, so i was curious and peeked at my sister peeing, she was 3-4 years and i remember that stream, so messy and desperate, it was gushing in a lot of directions, i was very confused, even had dreams of her peeing. Then i got her to peek at her in different occasions a couple times, but then puberty and stuff happened.

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I can’t remember not being interested in pee. I can remember finding out how babies were made, and immediately I wondered what happens if the man pees inside the woman; being told off for peeing in a drain outside, peeing in the sea then promptly admitting it to my godmother (who said “you could have warned me you were going to do that!”)

My first attempts at masturbating were... hampered by not understanding that ejaculation wasn’t something you did on purpose but was involuntary and I just needed to, ahem, rub harder.

My family generally left the bathroom door open when peeing but weren’t that adventurous about peeing elsewhere than the toilet except in an emergency and it was a revelation to me that others were more ... casual, and would pee in public showers or the pool, the sea, quiet streets at night, in the trees in the park, and would talk about it, more still, share this fascination!

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