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Outdoor job guys: do you often piss outside? (even with porta-loo’s or other toilet facilities provided nearby)?

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I travel a lot for work (by train, mostly) and I often see men working outside. My country has fairly strict regulations about one or more porta-loo’s being at every site from what it seems but I can’t imagine men really using those to pee when there is another somewhat secluded spot nearby. I hardly ever see men going where they shouldn’t though so I wonder if maybe employers (try to) enforce rules on it or maybe I’m just unlucky.. lol. 

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18 minutes ago, M.Vixen said:

I travel a lot for work (by train, mostly) and I often see men working outside. My country has fairly strict regulations about one or more porta-loo’s being at every site from what it seems but I can’t imagine men really using those to pee when there is another somewhat secluded spot nearby. I hardly ever see men going where they shouldn’t though so I wonder if maybe employers (try to) enforce rules on it or maybe I’m just unlucky.. lol. 

One of my friend is a construction worker and he tells me the dudes kinda piss anywhere even when there is a porta loo. They also piss in bottles which they put in walls or stuff like that.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, M.Vixen said:

I travel a lot for work (by train, mostly) and I often see men working outside. My country has fairly strict regulations about one or more porta-loo’s being at every site from what it seems but I can’t imagine men really using those to pee when there is another somewhat secluded spot nearby. I hardly ever see men going where they shouldn’t though so I wonder if maybe employers (try to) enforce rules on it or maybe I’m just unlucky.. lol. 

I try to avoid them at any costs, except for #2 or peeing when women coworkers are around. I can usually hold my bladder until lunch break and then until I get home or somewhere with a working flush toilet.

If there are female coworkers around during break time, I sometimes pee super hard against the urinal (if equipped) that is attached to the wall, because I know everyone outside can hear the piss stream make a roaring sound. LOL

Edited by DoctorDoctor
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50 minutes ago, stevemcf said:

I’ve worked on building sites for years and I’ve never once used a portaloo. They always get provided cos they have to, but they’re always taken away at the end of the build unused. I can’t be arsed walking all the way across the site to have a piss, so I just whip it out and piss wherever I am. Usually for me thats inside the building. It leaves a piss mark on the floor or wall but it dries up pretty quickly. The lads I work with do the same, and I see others pissing wherever they are or see the piss marks and puddles afterwards. It’s basically everyone on the site that’s doing it. It just makes sense. 

Doesn't it impregnate the surface especially if the walls are made of wood or smth ? Also I've heard that drywallers fill walls with piss bottles.

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I do work on job sites with Porta potties if I just have to pee I rarely use it to be honest but my #2 seems to come often on the job site so I guess if the pee dribbling during the push counts then yes sorta lol

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I used to work in contruction for a couple years.  I always been pissing on site.  Some places I feel like i have taken part in every step of its creation.  I pissed in the foundation, the frame, the drywall, everywhere.  The place werent done until Tyler signed it, the guys used to say.  

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I’ve done some landscaping work, and whenever I work with my dad in the yard I’m always pissing on something outside. When I did landscaping work I’d try to hide behind bushes, or against the fence or even behind sheds. I’ve also done painting work while a house was being built and sometimes I’d take a leak around the house. In the unfinished closet, the basement, where there was insulation going in. Wherever I needed to relieve myself honestly. 

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7 hours ago, selfpissinglad said:

I'm a landscaper and piss outside everyday. If I've been at your house, guarantee I've pissed all over your bushes as well as trimmed them hehe

Have you ever pissed on something else like a wall or near the front door ?

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7 hours ago, MrTinkle said:

I’ve done some landscaping work, and whenever I work with my dad in the yard I’m always pissing on something outside. When I did landscaping work I’d try to hide behind bushes, or against the fence or even behind sheds. I’ve also done painting work while a house was being built and sometimes I’d take a leak around the house. In the unfinished closet, the basement, where there was insulation going in. Wherever I needed to relieve myself honestly. 

I love how construction worker just piss wherever they want, when you piss in insulation doesn't it like soak the wall and permanently leave a mark and smell ?

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On 5/13/2024 at 10:14 PM, Kevin said:

Have you ever pissed on something else like a wall or near the front door ?

Yea I like pissing on their houses. No word of a lie- I pissed on a retaining wall recently and the customer later put his hand in it unbeknownst to him haha

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12 minutes ago, selfpissinglad said:

Yea I like pissing on their houses. No word of a lie- I pissed on a retaining wall recently and the customer later put his hand in it unbeknownst to him haha

Nice bro

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On 5/17/2024 at 4:37 AM, TopMarker said:

When I helped out in construction I used to go wherever. Basements, elevator shafts or the corners below the stairs were my favorite makings.

One time on a renovating job we were doing the electrical wiring and the plumbing hadn't been fixed yet. I chose a storage room on the same floor we were working on to relieve myself in a number of times. In the corner, on dusty furniture, between boxes... Couldnt be bothered to go all the way downstairs and climb up again.

So when I come back the trainee, a young cute and rather shy dude, asked where I had found a working toilet and I gave him directions. Stepping into said storage room he hesitantly asked if I were mocking him and I was dead serious. Told him he could mark the couch as it had to be thrown out eventually anyway. He shied away but chose an open storage box to piss in. Boy, did He have to go! Cant remember what was in there but we definitely had a laugh about pissing on something. Later that day we did piss on the couch together finally. He turned out to be cool about it in the end and marked lots of places, dropping his inhibitions around me.

Man it's so cool that you just showed him that he can piss wherever he want. Cause that's normal for dude to just relieve themselves wherever they want. Are your coworker also cool about pissing everywhere ?

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With my university i study cultural heritage and we sometimes have to visit sites that need restoration and obviously there aren't always bathrooms, and for a girl it's a bit complicated, especially for me who have bladder problems. So we opt for awkward squats in some sheltered place. However, if there are long car rides, i'm forced to wear a pull-up, because i don't want to have to ask to stop to pee. Even if it's not very convenient then keeping the diaper wet in case she is forced to use it

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Posted (edited)
On 5/19/2024 at 12:44 PM, Kevin said:

Man it's so cool that you just showed him that he can piss wherever he want. Cause that's normal for dude to just relieve themselves wherever they want. Are your coworker also cool about pissing everywhere ?

I haven't done any construction work for quite some time now. Back then many of my co-workers were pretty uptight about it including my boss. Which in turn is why I wanted to teach the trainee my way of handling things. On one occasion someone working in the basement or ground floor must have heard the splashing in the unused elevator shaft when said trainee and/or I were pissing down and that caused quite some fuss. The foreman held an angry speech urging everyone to quit those antics unlesswe wanna get fired. Over the whole thing one of my co-workers, with whom I was personally closer, confessed to me he had always wanted to piss down an elevator- or other service shaft but was afraid someone would notice and tell on him, getting him in trouble. When I privately admitted to him that it may very well have been me who caused the splashing noise he laughed his ass off and high-fived me. So he at least was absolutely cool about it.
Never found out about anyone else though. I mean on many construction sites it was quite normal to see workers piss outside on bushes, trees, grass and what not. And when cellars and basements were flooded with rain surely sometimes co-workers added to that. However I rarely saw traces of co-workers relieveing themselves on-site and haven't really talked to anyone but the two mentioned above about it.

Edited by TopMarker
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13 hours ago, TopMarker said:

I haven't done any construction work for quite some time now. Back then many of my co-workers were pretty uptight about it including my boss. Which in turn is why I wanted to teach the trainee my way of handling things. On one occasion someone working in the basement or ground floor must have heard the splashing in the unused elevator shaft when said trainee and/or I were pissing down and that caused quite some fuss. The foreman held an angry speech urging everyone to quit those antics unlesswe wanna get fired. Over the whole thing one of my co-workers, with whom I was personally closer, confessed to me he had always wanted to piss down an elevator- or other service shaft but was afraid someone would notice and tell on him, getting him in trouble. When I privately admitted to him that it may very well have been me who caused the splashing noise he laughed his ass off and high-fived me. So he at least was absolutely cool about it.
Never found out about anyone else though. I mean on many construction sites it was quite normal to see workers piss outside on bushes, trees, grass and what not. And when cellars and basements were flooded with rain surely sometimes co-workers added to that. However I rarely saw traces of co-workers relieveing themselves on-site and haven't really talked to anyone but the two mentioned above about it.

Surprising, I've heard that construction workers piss anywhere and on everything. Must be different with each country.

Can you tell us more about where that trainee piss ?

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Hell yeah! I used to work outside at a car hire shop, and used to regularly piss between the parked cars, or behind the fuel pump we had out back. I’d also pissed on the garage floor a few times before the cleaner arrived in the evening 

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40 minutes ago, PeeingPoshBoy said:

Hell yeah! I used to work outside at a car hire shop, and used to regularly piss between the parked cars, or behind the fuel pump we had out back. I’d also pissed on the garage floor a few times before the cleaner arrived in the evening 

Neat ! Hope you left some big puddles here and there !

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for a man, working outdoors without bathrooms is more feasible, for a woman it is problematic, because to pee we have to expose ourselves completely, for me who have incontinence problems and have to pee often, it is really complicated

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On 5/6/2024 at 12:59 PM, Kevin said:

Doesn't it impregnate the surface especially if the walls are made of wood or smth ? Also I've heard that drywallers fill walls with piss bottles.

Don’t really give a fuck if it does bro. It does depending on if and how it’s treated. I’ve never left a bottle of piss, but there’s bound to be some that do.

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