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Public peeing across the globe


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I saw a thread about pee fetishes across the globe, and it sparked a thought about something similar yet different. What are public peeing attitudes like in other countries? I know Germany has been mentioned a lot before as a place where peeing in public is very common; whether thats streets, by the side of the road, whatever. They're not exactly popular right now but what about Russia too? Given the amount of porn that seems to come from wedding parties and parks in Russia where vast amounts of women pee in public, it would seem that it's a normal part of life there!

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23 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

Here in America if you get caught peeing in public you get slapped with a sex offense and are put on the sex offender registry, right next to people who such horrible things to other people. 

I guess there's "in public" and "in public." It's one thing to start peeing at a bus stop or in the middle of a city square in front of several other people, it's another to make a reasonable effort to hide from the eyes of others. Is it common in the US for people to get in trouble for the latter, especially if there is no public toilet within easy reach?

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I am from NY and here ladies pee freely and openly behind cars, bushes, alleys and even peeing in the subway is overlooked after late hours. Across US I regularly see ladies squatting on highways and parking lots next to their cars fully exposed, however depending on which state you are in the law can be very tough and unfair on peeing men who can be charged with public indecency and put on sexual offenders list but this is ignored at large gatherings etc.

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10 minutes ago, laughingbeast said:

I guess there's "in public" and "in public." It's one thing to start peeing at a bus stop or in the middle of a city square in front of several other people, it's another to make a reasonable effort to hide from the eyes of others. Is it common in the US for people to get in trouble for the latter, especially if there is no public toilet within easy reach?

Here in America "in public" means outside of your personal residence in the most basic terms. Most of the time it's men who pull over and pee on the side of the road who get in trouble for it. If you are caught by the cops urinating in public the chances are (unless you get a cop that doesn't care) you are going to get in trouble. 

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5 minutes ago, vpw said:

I am from NY and here ladies pee freely and openly behind cars, bushes, alleys and even peeing in the subway is overlooked after late hours. Across US I regularly see ladies squatting on highways and parking lots next to their cars fully exposed, however depending on which state you are in the law can be very tough and unfair on peeing men who can be charged with public indecency and put on sexual offenders list but this is ignored at large gatherings etc.

But even in states with a strict approach, will cops try to fine or charge someone who, say, goes off the main street into a side alley and tries to hide behind a trash can or a car, for example?

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20 minutes ago, laughingbeast said:

But even in states with a strict approach, will cops try to fine or charge someone who, say, goes off the main street into a side alley and tries to hide behind a trash can or a car, for example?

If you are caught peeing in public, yes, you can get un trouble. 

It varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Sometimes it's just a fine, sometimes it's just a disorderly conduct charge, and it can be all the way up to registering as a sex offender.

Lots of of people do it. It's like speeding where many do it every day and are not caught, but when you are caught there are consequences.

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This is definitely not the first time that the 'caught... fine.... sex offence register' linkage has been quoted.

It always makes me curious - I mean in the UK as I understand it we have two way of dealing with matters such as public disorder or for that matter a traffic offence.

The first - and there will be occasions where this is a valid route - would be some form of fixed penalty fine, generally for the smaller offences which don't cause great harm.  Littering, parking, antisocial behaviour, possession of a small amount of a controlled drug and the like.

Other than that, the more significant stage would be an arrest which is always 'on suspicion of...' because at that stage it is only that.  It is then the responsibility of the Police to gain Crown Prosecution Service agreement to proceed to a trial.  If that did take place and the jury did eventually find the defendant guilty then the judge would impose a sentence within certain guidelines of what is permitted.  And that could include being added to a sex offender's register.

However, for the average person caught short or even maybe enjoying an exhibitionist pee - for that in isolation it seems less likely.   Maybe for a drunk who has smashed a shop window, pissed on the war memorial, been violent and abusive and resisted arrest then that could be a different matter.


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I feel like Eastern Europe is more relaxed in terms of public peeing. Men urinating in public is not an unusual view here. In my country you can only get a small fine (or maybe nothing at all if you're a female) for such actions unless you try to put a show. Especially in rural areas people tend to have a very chill attitude to peeing in public, sometimes even in front of each other. Obviously, all the people do not have the same view on it, but seeing someone relieve themselves without a particularly great hide isn't a shock to most of them.


I might digress a little but I've always wondered how do they film those extreme public pissing videos. Is it at least partially staged or do they really not care?

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3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

Here in America if you get caught peeing in public you get slapped with a sex offense and are put on the sex offender registry, right next to people who such horrible things to other people. 

I guess the key word here is "caught." With the average time of 20 to 40 secs per piss, maybe just a little bit longer (correct me if I'm wrong), unless someone is watching a certain spot where men urinate regularly, or if the guy peeing lingers around the pee area too long, the job should be done and area cleared in under a minute. I am very careful when I  stop somewhere to piss. Unless I  am extremely in need, and just can't hold it, I usually do not use the same spot every time. FYO: I reside on the east coast of the USA, near 2 major cities.

Edited by Johnboy777
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3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

Here in America "in public" means outside of your personal residence in the most basic terms. Most of the time it's men who pull over and pee on the side of the road who get in trouble for it. If you are caught by the cops urinating in public the chances are (unless you get a cop that doesn't care) you are going to get in trouble. 

But freedom, am I right?? 

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I guess the key word here is "caught." With the average time of maybe 40 secs after the pee stream starts, maybe a little longer if my bladder is full, I am finished and on my way. Also, I  am very careful when I  stop somewhere to piss.  I usually do not use the same spot every day.

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5 hours ago, sd91 said:

I saw a thread about pee fetishes across the globe, and it sparked a thought about something similar yet different. What are public peeing attitudes like in other countries? I know Germany has been mentioned a lot before as a place where peeing in public is very common; whether thats streets, by the side of the road, whatever. They're not exactly popular right now but what about Russia too? Given the amount of porn that seems to come from wedding parties and parks in Russia where vast amounts of women pee in public, it would seem that it's a normal part of life there!

And in the countries of India and Pakistan, don't men just piss wherever they want to go?

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UK seems to be somewhere in the middle with regards to peeing in public. On the one hand, I've seen newspaper reports of women getting taken to court after being caught peeing on camera. Yet on the other, I have walked down a crowded street in one of England's major cities and seen two men pissing through a gate, grinning sexily and mischievously as they did it, whilst an on duty policeman stood with his back to them, paying them no attention. 

Mixed bag, certainly. Also, the idea that men get in trouble for ot and women do not is untrue. Anyone can get in trouble for, or get away with, a public piss. 

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8 hours ago, Bacardi said:

If you are caught peeing in public, yes, you can get un trouble. 

It varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Sometimes it's just a fine, sometimes it's just a disorderly conduct charge, and it can be all the way up to registering as a sex offender.

Lots of of people do it. It's like speeding where many do it every day and are not caught, but when you are caught there are consequences.

I've heard that in atleast a few states it's not technically illegal unless you can see the person's genitals while they urinate. Yet another US law that unfairly targets people with vaginas, what else is new

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I’m from the Bronx, and at least three times in the past year I’ve witnessed a man peeing on the sidewalk/street in broad daylight with only minimal attempt at hiding. Also on at least two occasions I’ve been walking in Manhattan and someone– again, a man or at least someone with a penis if we want to be inclusive– literally step between two cars to pee into the street.

New Yorkers are unfazed by a lot, but I never had the courage to do something like that.

I can also tell you that public urination is more of a norm in Jamaica, especially in more rural areas. Aside from some buildings that make it known that they would rather you not pee on them, usually with a sign, I’ve never seen any legal action taken against it.

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If caught in the US you can get put on the sex offender list. But I think it might depend on the judge and how steep they want to make your penalty? My uncle got a 500 dollar ticket for pissing outside of a football game about 10 years ago. He wasn't ordered to register as a sex offender. I  suspect the public urination charge might be sometimes used as an excuse to bust a person on suspicion for other stuff. Like a person who isn't doing anything wrong but might appear to be the type of individual in possession of illicit substances. 

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18 hours ago, vpw said:

I am from NY and here ladies pee freely and openly behind cars, bushes, alleys and even peeing in the subway is overlooked after late hours. Across US I regularly see ladies squatting on highways and parking lots next to their cars fully exposed, however depending on which state you are in the law can be very tough and unfair on peeing men who can be charged with public indecency and put on sexual offenders list but this is ignored at large gatherings etc.

NYC or rural NY?

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3 hours ago, GWash17 said:

NYC or rural NY?

Both, have a apartment in Brooklyn heights where I go during the week and a house at Shokan, Upstate.


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13 hours ago, Hidengo said:

I can also tell you that public urination is more of a norm in Jamaica, especially in more rural areas. Aside from some buildings that make it known that they would rather you not pee on them, usually with a sign, I’ve never seen any legal action taken against it.

West Indian men pissing freely sounds veey erotic indeed. That is a very sexy image. 

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14 hours ago, sd91 said:

I have noticed the same. I spent some time in the Czech Republic for work a couple of months ago and on the way to my hotel I noticed puddles in the car park of a bar with a tissue in the middle. I was only there for a week but I noticed that it's very common widely, rather than just specific areas. If I actually sit down and finish some of my recent experiences (and I'm almost finished with fiction ones), I will have to include the story of my own urination contribution to the city of Prague...

I heard Czechia is where public urination (of either gender) is the most tolerated.  I hope it becomes their national sport ...

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17 hours ago, yellowii said:

I heard Czechia is where public urination (of either gender) is the most tolerated.  I hope it becomes their national sport ...

Although there is no law in the Czech Republic that explicitly prohibits urinating in public, it may still fall under the broader definition of some misdemeanours or even criminal offences. But it all depends on the place and other circumstances. In general, Czechs, neither the police nor the public are hypersensitive about peeing in public. If one uses a little common sense, it is extremely unlikely that they will get into trouble.

So if someone is waving their dick and urinating in front of a crowd, it's possible they will be arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

If a person makes at least a minimal effort to hide, they probably don't even risk a fine.
But of course, in historic city centers, the approach can be a bit more strict.

In general, one should be more careful in populated areas.

If you're peeing somewhere on the side of the road between towns, nobody, including the police, will really care unless your car is an obstruction or a hazard to traffic.

But even so, it's more reasonable to hide behind a car or go to a bush a few metres away than to pee in the direct view of passing drivers, If you want to be really safe from trouble.

And of course, if you pee on someone's property right next to their house, chances are they'll call the police.


Edited by laughingbeast
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