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what if... it wasn't taboo?

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On 3/26/2022 at 8:51 AM, Simpfan said:

Riding the Harley usually makes me want to pee afterwards, so I wouldn't need to be near a bathroom when I dismount from the bike. 

I would think riding the Harley would make you want to pee during the ride. At least, it always seemed that way for me. I can probably count on one hand the times I dismounted the bike without leaving a puddle.

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If it wasn't taboo, I would find it much easier to admit the fact that I have this fetish to prospective partners, but then again it might negatively affect my ability to enjoy it as much as I do.

There's a certain naughtiness that comes with having someone consent to you witnessing them in their most private moment, and if it wasn't taboo, it wouldn't be a private moment. It would be run-of-the-mill, which would take all the appeal out of the fetish.

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I think it might ease some of the angst I sometimes feel over this fetish.  Would also pee outside more often.  When it comes to my enjoyment of peeing outside, the removal of the "naughtiness" of it would be a positive rather than a negative.  It's still fun and freeing without the naughtiness.  When it comes to my enjoyment of watching other guys pee outside, I think the removal of the taboo would make it more likely that a potential partner would say "yes" if I asked if I could watch them pee.  I don't think it not being naughty anymore would cause me to completely loose interest.  It would probably feel different, but again I don't see it ever going away.

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26 minutes ago, toseepee said:

I almost certainly wouldn't be interested in it, since I think my interest came from being so anxious about peeing as a child. Maybe some interest, but probably not to the degree it does now.

That's an interesting point. If it had *always* been not taboo, the situation would be very different from if it suddenly became not taboo.

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For me it wouldn't lose any appeal, as my interest in it never came from it being taboo of any sort. It was the sense of domination that did it. It would be great for me seeing women pop a squat in person (but not "extreme public" scenarios).


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I feel like it would still be hot, but it might lose part of its lustre... from what I've read when there wasn't a choice but to pee in public it still turned people on. Victorian women used to squat everywhere, French women used to squat everywhere, yet it still had a pornographic interest.

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Who was it on mock the week, who joked in the unlikely things for a politician to say section, that he proposed recriminalising homosexuality... so he could feel more dirty when he did it?

Edited by CON2H4
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I think it would be mixture for me.    Yes, the taboo is part of the excitement as in doing things and having a slight adrenaline rush about the risk of being caught doing something that I am not supposed to do and also for me, the challenge of spotting girls peeing outside and loving seeing girls who don’t care about the rules and are willing to pee outside.

However, on the other hand, there are places where it is already just accepted that peeing outside is “normal” such as when you go out walking in the countryside - there is no other option and you know that everyone is doing it and if you do get caught then nobody is going to be that worried - well as long as you have made at least a little effort to be discreet.   However, I still really enjoy that freedom to pee outside in those circumstances and not having to worry about finding somewhere to pee.  Same with working at the railway where I volunteer. It is accepted that we all pee behind the shed rather than walking up to the station building or if we are working down the line, just peeing beside the track without even bothering to look for cover.  So it is normalised there and most of the guys probably don’t think anything of it other than that it is convenient, where as I again enjoy the freedom and enjoy every pee.

It is also a bit like other sexual activity - sex in bed or in my own home is enjoyable, but, sex outdoors or in a public place with a risk of being caught is more of an excitement.   That naughtiness and risk factor takes the experience to the same level, so I thing the same would happen with peeing.   If it were acceptable to pee anywhere, then it would make it less appealing.  I would still enjoy it, but it would lose the naughtiness.

Same with seeing ladies pee - for me, one of the things I enjoy most is seeing the different attitudes from ladies peeing, the different levels of concern about finding a hidden place or just peeing in the open without worrying who sees them.  The other factor is whether they try to be discrete about what they are doing - sitting with their skirt around them peeing into a planter or kneeling on a beach with a towel wrapped around them as opposed to simply dropping their trousers and squatting in the car park.  That makes it all the more fun in having the variety of attitudes and positions as well as the types of streams.

if peeing were to be accepted generally in public, I am sure I would still enjoy seeing the girls peeing, but it would take away the mystique as there wouldn’t be any need to search out peeing girls - they would be everywhere re would be a level of familiarity that would reduce the attraction, but I am sure I would still enjoy seeing it all around me.

The happy balance would be if there were some changes which meant that it was legal to pee anywhere outside but not inside, yet it was left to people to have their own sense of modesty.  That way, there still wouldn’t be people peeing on every street corner and under tables in every restaurant, but there would be more chance of spotting those ladies who are a bit less modest and wouldn’t mind nipping into an alleyway at 2pm in the middle of town whilst out shopping.

It would be a bit like the way it is with public breastfeeding now - it is acceptable and nobody would say anything about a lady breastfeeding in cafe, on a park bench, or a bench in town, but you still don’t see it everywhere and the ladies range from those who wear clothes designed to be discrete and cover themselves and their baby with a muslin cloth for discretion to those who hoist up their tops and let their boob out on full view with no concern at all.   To me, I appreciate ladies’ boobs and even though it is fully acceptable to breast feed and ladies are doing so for the need of the child and not to expose themselves for others to see, I appreciate those that don’t hide it and whilst I don’t leer at them, I can’t help appreciating the view if it is offered.   The same would apply with peeing if it were permitted more openly,  - if a lady chose to pee just inside the entrance of a car park or alley, then I would appreciate it, but they wouldn’t be peeing on every corner.

As an aside for anyone who is interested, I saw a lady breastfeeding a couple of weeks ago who must have been an exhibitionist or at least incredibly comfortable with showing her body.   She was sat in a cafe on a busy street and had chosen a window seat.  She had her top right up with her generously sized right breast fully exposed adjacent to the window with lots of people walking by.  No muslin cover, no pulling her clothes down close to the baby.   The baby was feeding and when done, the lady took the baby off and was burping it without even attempting to cover herself back up.  I didn’t feel that I was intruding by enjoying the sight of her breast as she was obviously happy to show it to the world.  If not, I am sure she wouldn’t have selected a window seat.   Compare/contrast that with other times, which is more normal where a lady would fully cover herself and baby to be as discrete as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/4/2022 at 5:29 PM, MasterDarcy said:

The only difference that it would make is i would be horny 24/7 (apart from when I'm sleeping) as seeing women peeing turns me on.

Seeing women pee everywhere, and at any time of the day, would lead to my penis being in a state of exhaustion within a year. 

It would be a case of "too much of a good thing", then my penis would drop off.

That being said, I'm thankfully that it's taboo... for the aforementioned reasons.

Yep, this^.     Plus if I saw women pissing everywhere, I likely wouldn't be able to control myself and would probably get in trouble.     As of now, the only girl I see piss is my wife, and that's fine, because I can always fuck her after I get hard from seeing it LOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Most likely, I wouldn't be on this forum without the taboo. I've been curious about and fascinated by girls' bodies since about kindergarten, and I suspect my interest in peeing women stems from the fact that everytime a girl was taking a pee in my vicinity, I got this feeling of there being an opportunity to satisfy my thirst for knowledge and exploration - yet there was the taboo of peeing and nudity that was like a roadblock between me and discovery of this forbidden world. Over time, my sexuality developed and fantasies evolved - at first, peeing was just a precondition to nudity, really. Later, I had seen tits, asses, even bushes - but still not had a glance into the secrets hidden beneath. This only hightened my interest in peeing ladies. But I've always been to conscious about my reputation to allow myself a sneak peek.

Even to this day, my fantasies and stories still reflect this development: It's the women who break the rules, I'm just happening to be around. I'm passive, my enjoyment is not openly expressed. She exposes herself to me, she does the naughty things, she tests how far she can go until I drop my passiveness to stop her. By not moving, I tempt her to go further, my passivity beguiles her into exposing herself to me, showering me with her golden nectar, inviting me to fully appreciate the beauty of her most secret zone.

Would I have developed this fascination if female bodies had always been there to be looked at? If peeing women had been an everyday sight? I doubt it. My curiosity would have been satisfied, I'd have moved on to focus my interest on something else. As years have gone by, real and virtual experiences have taught me a lot about women and I've become more picky about what really tempts me. I'm no longer turned on by a woman peeing in a hidden spot outdoors, because I feel she does it out of necessity and has no interest in being spied upon or exposing herself. Today, I want to feel how she really is into it, how she enjoys it - be it sexual or other. The space between what's hot and what's going too far has consequently narrowed considerably. Even if it weren't taboo, I don't think I'd overcome my inner taboos for the things that are taboo even to me.

Interesting question - glad you asked it!

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