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On 3/1/2022 at 10:56 AM, Guest ShyPeeMan said:

Not in a sexual dream, just dreamt I need a peed which woke me up as I did need to pee. Glad I woke up as I don't think my wife would had been impressed if I wet the bed......come to think of it, I wouldn't be impressed either

What if ...you'd actually peed on your wife in your sleep and she enjoyed it 🤔 😁

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After reading this thread yesterday, I decided to see if I could have a dream about pee. I don't normally dream or at least I don't remember them so I wasn't holding out for much luck.

I drank a couple of glasses of water and watched a few pee videos in bed before going to sleep. I did dream about pee and woke up needing a pee and with a hard and solid cock. 2 liquids came out of my penis last night and they both felt fantastic! Peeing with a hard on is a totally new experience for me!

Anyway, I'd like to share my dream.

I was in the woods camping with a few other people. I needed to pee so went to find a tree to pee up against. When I got there, a lady had followed me. Just before I got my cock out, she squated in front of me and leaned back against the tree. I unzipped and aimed into her mouth. She devoured the lot before saying "I need to pee now". I couldn't just walk away, so I sat up against the tree and she straddled my face and opened her lips to release a hot pee straight into my mouth returning the favour!

I might have to do this more often. I think it was the videos that had alot to do with it, as they seemed to be about men and women peeing on each other in or around wooded areas. The water helped for a big long pee when I woke up, to which I am extremely grateful for!

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  • 1 month later...


I used to have them fairly often,when I needed to pee badly while asleep.  I have never wet the bed though .Long ago in my youth, some were intense enough to make me cum. Yes, I am sure it was not pee, it was sticky.

I have been disappointed that for the past many years I have not had a pee dream. I always enjoyed them, waking up erect and aroused.  I either sleep through the night or wake up before I am desperate and go- no pee dreams. Therefore I was thrilled that I had a very full bladder pee dream last night .

An odd event lead up to this dream . The afternoon was very hot. I drank to stay hydrated, although I was not sweating as I  relaxing in the shade . I drank 3 - 16.9 ounce ( 500 ml) bottles of water, and a 28 ounce ( 828 ml) of gatorade.  I found it odd that consuming all that fluid and not sweating it out did not increase my need to pee much at all. 

I didn't think more of it , consumed my usual amount during the evening and went to bed around midnight. It must have been only 2:30 AM when I started dreaming about needing to pee badly for the first time in a very, very, long time. The theme was similar but different from my pee dreams of back in the day. 

I was back in high school, but I was an adult. I needed to pee badly, and had to find the restroom because I thought I was going to pee in my pants. I couldn't find one for a long time and was becoming increasingly desperate and worried. I finally found 2 doors labeled Men's and Women's . I went in the men's saw   a couple urinals against the wall and then a line of stalls. However there we no men in there just a bunch of women , who looked at me like I was a pervert or something. I quickly exited and went in the door labeled woman's feeling apprehensive but I could not hold on much longer. In there I found a room full of urinals all over the room, many in use. I picked one at random and relieved myself. But as always in these dreams I still had to go IRL so I got no relief in the dream. I was then walking down the school's corridor  where there was a urinal between every few lockers along the walls. I had to decide quickly to use one as I was right on the verge of peeing,  either in my pants or one of the urinals. Holding on was no longer an option. But I was afraid of getting in trouble......... Then I woke up and realized I was close to peeing in the bed for real. My bladder was painfully stretched like it had not been in years. It was 2:30 AM I wanted to get back to sleep, so I got up to go. Walking to the toilet I was stiff and hunched over like I had not been in forever. I peed- a lot and went back to bed. I was aroused and semi-hard but I had to get back to sleep. 

I woke up 3 hours later at around 5:45 AM  (earlier than usual ) feeling the need to pee about the same degree as before.  I not sure I had dreamed any more. I decided to have a little fun before I got up for the day. As I woke up further, my bladder complained that I was not getting up to go by strongly increasing  the pressure at my pee hole.  I was laying on my back because I don't want to deal with the cleanup of a wet bed . I strained every muscle down there to hold it in but soon a tiny leak escaped. Then  I saw/ felt  another slightly bigger one land on my leg ( I sleep nude) . I was thrilled, but wanted to enjoy the my pee is going to come out sensation and accidental leak a bit longer. Within a minute a much larger spurt forced it way out , shooting up in the air, and landing half way down my leg . Time to get up and go, before I do wet the bed. I checked for and didn't find  any wetness on the bedding. I had not really peed that much. I got up and had a nice long pee. Now I am horney. 

As I write this I as I prefer have been holding my pee . I have needed to us my hand occasionally to keep it in my full bladder.The images of females peeing when I signed in here very nearly did me in. I leaked a tiny bit


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I have had many weird dreams. One of which involved a cis male weeaboo mafia turning all the cishet female students on a college campus into mindless anime girl slaves, but the mind control didn't work on queer students like myself, so we formed an underground resistance movement and our headquarters was a giant gender neutral bathroom. I needed to pee so I used a urinal, then this other woman, she looked really cute, came up to the urinal. To my surprise she pulled out her dick and shared the urinal with me. I woke up after that. 

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4 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

I have had many weird dreams. One of which involved a cis male weeaboo mafia turning all the cishet female students on a college campus into mindless anime girl slaves, but the mind control didn't work on queer students like myself, so we formed an underground resistance movement and our headquarters was a giant gender neutral bathroom. I needed to pee so I used a urinal, then this other woman, she looked really cute, came up to the urinal. To my surprise she pulled out her dick and shared the urinal with me. I woke up after that. 

That is the most Ms-Tito-esque dream it is possible to imagine! Wonderful ❤️

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Thinking about it, I tend to very rarely, if ever, have dreams of which entail me pissing. 

I have occasionally had piss related dreams, however - one fairly recently of which vividly stuck in the mind, was coming out of a bar/club, and there being girls who’d also just left and were all squatting and standing, pissing on the pavement and the road! 🤤 I was just walking along, admiring them all.. safe to say I was in my element in that dream, and was gutted to have woken up from it!

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6 hours ago, Kupar said:

That is the most Ms-Tito-esque dream it is possible to imagine! Wonderful ❤️

I also had one about being at a beach house with my family and Kobayashi and Tohru from the Dragon Maid anime where Tohru was weirdly insistent that I take an outdoor shower with her. 

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  • 2 months later...

Frequently. I lucid dream regularly and have for most of my life, which is interesting and I've never understood why. I vividly dream about some of my closest friends peeing in a variety of scenarios. There's nothing that seems to trigger it, and I'm fortunate to be able to remember most of my dreams (and I also keep a dream journal so I am quick to write them down) to recall later. Recently, I dreamt of my brother's bombshell blonde ex-girlfriend, a 6 ft tall, curvaceously endowed young woman lifting her sundress at a house party the three of us attended, squatting before me and pissing messily into the grass. Having loved together the three of us, I had seen her...less than clothed...a few times so there was no mystery as to what her shaved, tight public region might look like while peeing. 

Another more recent dream, I dreamt my closest friend, a shorter brunette with a very lovely ass who typically wears skirts, had to pee on one of the walks we frequently take at work, and I covered for her as she lifted her skirt, lowered her underwear and shorts and peed a lake onto the dirt trail we were on. 

I wake up almost immediately after I have a dream like this, and it rarely progresses from there, but I'm the latter case sometimes I end up sharing a kiss or an intimate cuddle with that friend and wake up feeling all warm and fuzzy. 

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I had one a couple of months ago.

In the dream I was on the verge of peeing my pants. I finally made it to the bathroom (in my dream) and peed forever. In my dream I felt relief.

 I then woke up - and my first worry was I had wet the bed (I hadn’t).  Once I knew the bed was dry, I limped out of bed heading to the bathroom (so much pain in my bladder).  I finally was able to let go - and it felt wonderful.

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When I was in high school I had a dream regarding one of my lesbian friends where I helped her aim a stream up the wall of a pristine public bathroom. I was wondering why I had this dream because I wasn't at all interested in her romantically nor sexually and I knew I had no chance with her even if I did (this was pre-transition Nikki)

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I have very rarely dreamed about needing to pee, myself, or actually peeing, but I have often dreamed of watching women pee, or attempting to watch them, unsuccessfully. I still remember my first such dream, which happened when I was probably eight to ten years old, just becoming aware of the sexual connotation of peeing. In my dream, I walked into a neighbor lady's house, which I often did, in reality, because her son was a playmate. I found my way to her bathroom, and saw her standing in the shower, located in the tub, peeing a thick, powerful, ragged, dark yellow, stream, straight down, between her legs, which were getting wet. I watched her intently, for a few seconds, then woke up, strangely excited. I know this was a dream, not a real happening, although it was deeply impressive, so I remember it to this day. I had been very curious about how women peed, from an early age, had followed my mother into the bathroom, and seen her do it sitting down, with her legs together, many times, and had asked her all about it. She had explained to me that women couldn't pee standing, because they would get all wet. I think her explanations contributed to my intense interest, and helped me to formulate the dream, which is still a favorite memory.   

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I had a dream where I saw some women squatting to pee at the side of the road and one was standing to pee on a tree, and they all mysteriously wound up naked and in my car so I offered to drive them home until we entered The Backroads (basically the Backrooms but for roads) so we got lost. 

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Despite the stereotypes I never had wet dreams as a teenager, it wasn't until I was a proper adult that they started happening and one of the only ones I can recall was pee related. For reasons I can't recall I was sharing a rustic looking hotel room with a woman I didn't know and the room had a bunk bed. In the dream I was lying awake and the woman in the bed above me started pissing in her sleep. It soaked through the mattress and over the sides of the bed and got all over me. Eventually through a series of events lost to my subconscious we started having sex and that was the last thing I recalled before waking up and getting a change of panties

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Funny dream experience last night.  I was dreaming very lucidly about driving on remote country roads (no other traffic, so obviously a dream where I live) and I had to pee badly.  I kept driving and driving, but finally I decided to stop.  I pulled over next to a guardrailing and walked behind the car.  I stepped up facing into the small gap between the car and guardrail.  I pulled my cock out and tried to pee.  I couldn't!  I kept trying, because I had to pee bad.  Still nothing.  I am never pee shy, so I didn't understand what was going on.  Suddenly, I hear my GF yelling "Stop!"  I wake up, and I am standing with my cock out amd the elastic waistband of my shorts pulled down, facing a small gap between the nightstand and the wall.  I hadn't peed, but I had too, fairly desperately.  I walked briskly to the toilet and peed a really huge amount.  I feel fortunate that I couldn't start the flow in my dream, because it would have made a huge mess.

My GF joked that I must have drank too much (alcohol) last night, but I wasn't drinking any alcohol which makes the story even stranger.

Edited by DoctorDoctor
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My pee dreams occur when my body needs to pee but I'm sleeping too deeply to wake up. The most frequent reoccurring theme is that I either can't find a place to pee, or else I can't finish peeing. Meaning I've begun peeing, but find myself continually interrupted before I can empty my bladder. I haven't peed in my sleep since I was a toddler, so I do wake up eventually. Sometimes I wish I could just pee in my sleep to see where the rest of the dream goes. 

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I had a strange dream last night. It involved toilets but no peeing. I had checked into a hotel. My room had three single beds, very close together, and it was clear that I was to share it with two strangers. It also had a pretty female attendant, like on a plane, in a blue and white uniform. Each bed had a toilet next to it. No privacy at all. One bed was superior - it also had its own bidet. 

When I arrived the attendant was helping a smartly dressed elderly Japanese man to arrange his things. I had taken my sandals off and realised I had put them on the floor too close to the Japanese man's toilet. He had the superior bed. Mindful of Japanese fastidiousness I carefully replaced my sandals neatly in the 'right' place and bowed deeply to my room mate.

Then I woke up.

Weird things, aren't they, dreams?

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