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Are Moms More Open-minded Than Their Sons Today?

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3 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Both good points @Alfresco and @beachmom - I've been thinking recently around my formative years and I'm absolutely sure I can't remember at all any instances of my parents either encouraging or discouraging me.  But I'm guessing one or the other must probably have happened.

One thing that we (of a certain age) will probably agree on is that the way we spent our childhoods is probably different from kids today.  At least it feels that way from what I remember, compared to how my son and his peers choose to spend their time.  I remember the long school holidays when kids played out all day and in the evenings until bedtime too.  You went home when you were hungry or when it was dark, but there was always that knowledge that if you walked in the house that may be it...   It's too close to lunch / dinner / bathtime, you can stay at home now.  So instead we stayed out, and when the need was there we peed outdoors.  In that sense it maybe wasn't about parents' influence - we did what all our mates did.  We copied them and learned from them.

Now, with the advent of technology and with the different way risks and parenting are approached, how many children get to roam free like we did?  How many times do youngsters spend so much time with that freedom - being out in the park or countryside, being allowed to roam unsupervised in places without bathrooms? How often is it that kids are allowed out for long enough to need the bathroom?  To quite an extent kids can socialise in social media and online gaming from the own home.  Being out of the house often means carefully structure play - at organised facilities or holiday clubs, being taken to places like McDonalds, all of which have ample public facilities.

that's quite true

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@beachmom and @gldenwetgoose, yes, I think you are both right.  The kids of today are a different breed and don't get the opportunity to be out on their own for hours, partly because they have no interest in doing so and would prefer to spend time on their gaming or social media and partly because the amount of press and media coverage that we have now shows that children shouldn't be out on their own because there is so much danger and hazards as well as dodgy people out there.   When I was a kid, we used to roam free and go on tarzan swings over valleys, climb trees and love playing on building sites and if we fell off a parked up digger or from a partially built house then we'd get told off for being so careless and stupid - these days you can't fall do that anyway as everything is fenced off because the contractors would be sued if someone was stupid enough to get up to mischief and hurt themselves.   As you say, @gldenwetgoose, we would stretch out being outside as long as we could because we knew that going home meant the end of the fun for that day.  We had no mobile phones or other ways for the parents to contact us, so they often didn't have a clue where we were or what we were doing.

So now, the youngsters haven't had the experience of being out for hours and peeing outside with their friends and that is why they find it strange, so as @beachmom has noted, they are reluctant to do so and think it is an odd habit - especially when there is a toilet nearby.  Maybe the mums of the current 10s to teens are the last of the people who used to pee outside when they were young, so they don't find it strange themselves, but the kids do.  Certainly when I was a youngster, my sister and her friends had no qualms about peeing outside and my sister now has a 10 year old boy.  Having said that, he doesn't seem bothered about peeing outside - he doesn't hesitate when the need arises.


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thought i would add my pov of this, i’m a 21 year old boy, i grew up without a dad, he was incarcerated when i was 3, so every school holidays my mum would take me and my siblings to her parents farm and we’d stay there the whole holidays while she stayed home and worked 

my grandparents always let me and my brother pee outside but mum always made sure that we knew it was a farm only thing and that when we came home we wouldn’t be allowed to (which of course only made my brother and i want to do it more being boys haha) 

i’m not sure if my sister ever peed outside at the farm (she’s 14 years older than me so by the time i was old enough to remember the farm holidays she had already moved out and didnt often come with us) but i assume she would have been allowed to as well, my grandparents never seemed to care about that stuff lol

so i guess what i’m trying to say is my mum definitely wasn’t super open minded, and she still gets annoyed at my brother and i if we pee outside (despite the fact that i’m 21 almost 22 and my brother is 23) but my grandparents were, maybe it’s an age group thing, or maybe it’s just a farm thing vs my mum being a nurse she’s more clinical? idk haha 

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On 8/11/2021 at 3:05 PM, Alfresco said:

@beachmom and @gldenwetgoose, yes, I think you are both right.  The kids of today are a different breed and don't get the opportunity to be out on their own for hours, partly because they have no interest in doing so and would prefer to spend time on their gaming or social media and partly because the amount of press and media coverage that we have now shows that children shouldn't be out on their own because there is so much danger and hazards as well as dodgy people out there.   When I was a kid, we used to roam free and go on tarzan swings over valleys, climb trees and love playing on building sites and if we fell off a parked up digger or from a partially built house then we'd get told off for being so careless and stupid - these days you can't fall do that anyway as everything is fenced off because the contractors would be sued if someone was stupid enough to get up to mischief and hurt themselves.   As you say, @gldenwetgoose, we would stretch out being outside as long as we could because we knew that going home meant the end of the fun for that day.  We had no mobile phones or other ways for the parents to contact us, so they often didn't have a clue where we were or what we were doing.

So now, the youngsters haven't had the experience of being out for hours and peeing outside with their friends and that is why they find it strange, so as @beachmom has noted, they are reluctant to do so and think it is an odd habit - especially when there is a toilet nearby.  Maybe the mums of the current 10s to teens are the last of the people who used to pee outside when they were young, so they don't find it strange themselves, but the kids do.  Certainly when I was a youngster, my sister and her friends had no qualms about peeing outside and my sister now has a 10 year old boy.  Having said that, he doesn't seem bothered about peeing outside - he doesn't hesitate when the need arises.


It's definitely different for kids now @Alfresco, most of whom prefer to be on games consoles and computers than outside with their mates. This plus a more risk-averse society these days means kids spend more time indoors. Some kids do spend time outside I'm sure so boys peeing outside will still happen. And then you've got families who are into hiking or camping etc who will think nothing of it. But for a boy who lives in a city and who's parents never take him to the countryside, I can see why he would be reluctant to do so.

I know when I was a child I was told to wait initially but was told to pee outside if I said I was desperate. I've always been a bit shy with it though so I don't think I ever did it much. I have only done it a small number of times as an adult as well. As it happens, my Mum doesn't seem bothered at all about me peeing outside and has even encouraged it on a few occassions when I've said I needed to go when out walking in the countryside but I normally choose to wait even if I'm desperate. I just struggle going if I'm not somewhere private.

It's interesting that your sister and her friends were happy to pee outside too. I always thought that boys were generally more willing because it's easier and more discrete. Girls have to learn how to squat and avoid peeing on their clothes. It's something that they probably need to be shown by their Mum or a friend or older sibling to avoid making a mess of themselves. For boys it's no different to peeing in a toilet or urinal. 


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6 hours ago, littlebladder said:

It's definitely different for kids now @Alfresco, most of whom prefer to be on games consoles and computers than outside with their mates.

Totally agree. It reminds me of this cartoon:


6 hours ago, littlebladder said:

It's interesting that your sister and her friends were happy to pee outside too. I always thought that boys were generally more willing because it's easier and more discrete. Girls have to learn how to squat and avoid peeing on their clothes. It's something that they probably need to be shown by their Mum or a friend or older sibling to avoid making a mess of themselves.

Yes, they had no qualms about it - it was just a necessary and natural thing to do.   

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Society: "Why don't kids play outside anymore :(((((" 


The 'outside' society made for us: *Stroads, Suburbs, Anti-loitering laws, being put on the sex offender registry for urinating in public, hostile anti-homeless architecture, etc.*  

Edited by Ms. Tito
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15 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Totally agree. It reminds me of this cartoon:


Haha yes that's about right these days 😂


15 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Yes, they had no qualms about it - it was just a necessary and natural thing to do.   

How did it become necessary and natural? Was it being told to pee outside by a parent when out in the country or something that was picked up from friends or siblings?

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On 8/17/2021 at 8:20 AM, Alfresco said:

Necessary because we were out all day and drank fluids, so it was necessary to pee.  Nobody wanted to waste time going home to pee (we often played in places half an hour walk from home) and if we went home there was a chance we wouldn’t be able to go back out.   So we peed outside or in an old building that had no doors or windows.   Generally we sought a little privacy, but nobody was that over protective and nobody thought anything of it if someone went over to a bush or behind a fence.  Everyone knew what was happening, but nobody was bothered.

It was natural, because once we had done it a few times, none of us even considered anything else - it just became the natural thing to do.

Sometimes on the building site we went behind diggers, dumpers or piles of materials or used the walls of the part built houses for cover or even went in the part built rooms.  I remember that there were times when we would decide that one of the rooms of a part built house was going to be the bathroom, and we all would go there to pee.   Usually individually or a couple of boys or girls together,  but by the end of the session that room would have several streams down the walls from the boys and puddles on the floor from the girls.   Both in that situation and the old abandoned building, although we mostly went separately, there were times when I went with girls and saw them squat to pee whilst I peed against a wall.  It was a bit of childhood fascination a kind of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” sort of thing.  

So did your Mum ever say to you and your sister that you can pee outside if you need to when out playing so you don't have to walk all the way back home, or was it something you, your sister and friends just decided to do whether you Mum would mind or not for convenience? I guess if she was happy for you to do it when walking in the countryside then you knew she'd be fine with it anyway?

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On 8/22/2021 at 12:25 AM, littlebladder said:

So did your Mum ever say to you and your sister that you can pee outside if you need to when out playing so you don't have to walk all the way back home, or was it something you, your sister and friends just decided to do whether you Mum would mind or not for convenience? I guess if she was happy for you to do it when walking in the countryside then you knew she'd be fine with it anyway?

I don’t remember it ever being discussed.  We all peed outside in the country, mum included, so we didn’t see it as something for which we needed to seek permission.  

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On 8/23/2021 at 1:25 AM, Alfresco said:

I don’t remember it ever being discussed.  We all peed outside in the country, mum included, so we didn’t see it as something for which we needed to seek permission.  

I suppose if your Mum had got you to pee outside in the country while out walking or something then you knew it'd be OK to do while playing with friends. I guess that was your permission. 

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 8/17/2021 at 3:20 AM, Alfresco said:

Sometimes on the building site we went behind diggers, dumpers or piles of materials or used the walls of the part built houses for cover or even went in the part built rooms.

As a teen we'd go with a group of guys and sometimes girls to a failed strip mall development called 'Shopper's Paradise".

The promoters went bankrupt after the foundation, floor slab, and first level walls of concrete blocks were put up, but no roof or doors on.

It was a place to screw around, make out, drink, smoke, and tag walls with paint.

Also to target shoot.

Several of the incomplete store interiors had toilet flanges already installed in the floors, but no fixtures or pipes.

The guys would try to hit the hole in the floor going for accuracy and distance, whereas the girls would hover over the hole.

The guys would piss together usually, but the girls did not want the guys to watch, so they'd post a guard at the doorway and take turns pissing into the flange, or just in the corner.

As the concrete block walls were hollow, and not filled with concrete yet, we naughty guys had taken a hammer and punched out a small hole in the partition so we could sneak a peak on the girls letting it fly.

Got several great views and killer hardons watching, and if alone would sometimes get off while the show was on.

Guys who took turns watching during a 'performance' would all get hard, but wouldn't take care of business with other dudes watching.

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11 hours ago, Lsf12345 said:

Yeah I'm no athlete, but that makes absolutely no sense to me

It’s an old myth, that getting yourself off depletes your body of vital essence and energy, surely related to the one about how it will make you go blind (even if you don’t aim really badly and get cum in your eyes, in which case I gather it hurts), or the one about @Ms. Tito trying to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids. 

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21 hours ago, oliver2 said:

It’s an old myth, that getting yourself off depletes your body of vital essence and energy, surely related to the one about how it will make you go blind (even if you don’t aim really badly and get cum in your eyes, in which case I gather it hurts), or the one about @Ms. Tito trying to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids. 

Who told you that?!!! Damn snitches-- 



(Also the part about depleting energy is true. Cumming makes me sleepy.)

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I know of a guy who would actually edge himself before wrestling matches, something about the sexual frustration making him more aggressive. Also the morale damage the opponent suffers  from having to wrestle a dude with a raging hard-on. 

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We seem to have drifted a little off topic here...   The question was:  "Are Moms More Open-minded Than Their Sons Today?"

If you want to tell the tale of teenage pissing in a mall, or sports jacking off that's fine - but in the right topic areas.

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5 minutes ago, Tman27 said:

How would most moms feel about peeing in front of their sons  knowing that they are there and can see while they pee aswell 

While this is a valid question, and I think few mums would actually pee directly in front of their sons, this isn't the question actually asked in the first post.  Whether you'd be willing to pee "in front of your family" is the subject of a different thread ... see

This thread is asking whether mums are more open about peeing in a practical way when the need arises than their children.  It's entirely possible to be practical (i.e. wander behind a bush to take of business) without brazenly peeing on your family's feet (as fun as that sounds 😎).  I generally agree that younger people are less inclined to take the practical pee and tend to wait til there are appropriate facilities available.  Younger people here at PeeFans are excluded from this generalisation for obvious reasons.  I think the primary reason for this is that we, as a society, spend less time outdoors than we used to.  Thus, we're more attuned to use the toilet than a convenient bush or tree.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/5/2021 at 10:22 AM, Sexismygod said:

While this is a valid question, and I think few mums would actually pee directly in front of their sons, this isn't the question actually asked in the first post.  Whether you'd be willing to pee "in front of your family" is the subject of a different thread ... see

This thread is asking whether mums are more open about peeing in a practical way when the need arises than their children.  It's entirely possible to be practical (i.e. wander behind a bush to take of business) without brazenly peeing on your family's feet (as fun as that sounds 😎).  I generally agree that younger people are less inclined to take the practical pee and tend to wait til there are appropriate facilities available.  Younger people here at PeeFans are excluded from this generalisation for obvious reasons.  I think the primary reason for this is that we, as a society, spend less time outdoors than we used to.  Thus, we're more attuned to use the toilet than a convenient bush or tree.

Yes, I think that you're clarifying my question well. My observation has been that boys and young men seem to be more hesitant to take a quick pee outdoors or in a questionable place than in years past, whereas moms today seem much less concerned about the ethics of them doing so. I'm not so sure I'd exempt the  young men on this site though, I've spoken to many young men on this site who've privately asked advice on how their moms, sisters, or others around them might feel if they were to pee around them outdoors. There are many young men here fascinated with the idea of peeing in public or even just in their yards, but are convinced their moms would be outraged. Ironically, of those who took my advice and took a chance, every one of them has reported back to me that their moms were not only perfectly fine with them doing so, but many were even supportive of it. Many moms don't really want their boys tracking into the house to pee, nor do they want to search out restrooms for boys who could just step out of plain site. While young men here may be fascinate by doing so, in practice many are terrified of doing so.   

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