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3 hours ago, Kupar said:

I haven't forgotten how to put one foot in front of the other.

This made me chuckle 😁 It doesn't matter if you have done 2.7 miles or 27 miles. Getting out there is what counts!

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2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

I went out on my bike with my daughter this morning. We were on hybrids, no bike computers, no lycra, no plans. The only goal was to ride and have fun. We were out for around two hours and I think it was the most fun I have had in years. We spent most of the time in a deserted Tesco car park just having fun, doing the things I did when I was her age nearly 20 years ago. Riding through puddles, pulling wheelies, hopping off kerbs, racing each other up and down the straight, riding no handed (She can do it now!). It was amazing doing the things I normally wouldn't be able to because of cars and pedestrians, like riding across the little footpath next to the hairdressers and down the steps. I felt like I was 14 again, riding my bike with my sister until it got dark.

I have no idea how far we went, how many calories we burnt or whatever, and I don't care! It was so nice to ditch all the tech and tracking and just have fun!

Ahhh! The way you describe it makes my heart sing Sophie! I'm so pleased you had a lovely time 💖

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I've made a start to my month's challenges. It wasn't what I had planned but it's a start so it's still good. 

My plan for to go on my bike for a few hours, got myself ready and when I took my bike out I realised I forgot to charge my lights. I crazy for biking but not crazy to go out without lights so I put it away and went for a run instead.

2.5 miles knocked off my running target, 12.5 to go. 

We've got this ☺️

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Took advantage of the hot weather 7° by putting in my first 5k of the year. Still far too much slippery leaf mulch for my liking so a lot of walking but was proper belting along in my terms over the non leaf mulch areas so celebrated with a wetting just before the finish. 

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Two strongman competitions lined up for the spring now!

Considering I have a 10k in March, a rugby union season to finish and a rugby league season to start as well as an actual job and a mid distance relationship I have no idea how I'll manage it but we move

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6 minutes ago, Hightower said:

Two strongman competitions lined up for the spring now!

Considering I have a 10k in March, a rugby union season to finish and a rugby league season to start as well as an actual job and a mid distance relationship I have no idea how I'll manage it but we move

Wow! Ambitious! Good luck with all that x

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End of the first week in Jan, and 7.7 miles towards my 35 mile run target. Only one strength / mobility session done though. It's a start, but I need to up my game. The good news is that the run just now felt significantly better than the one on New Year's Day 🙂 

Edited by Kupar
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Well done @Kupar you're doing better than me. I've managed 1 commute and 1 run so far but I've been busy with my tiny cute 1st grandchild so I've got a good excuse lol

I'll get some miles in on my bike tomorrow morning so it won't be a total loss this week

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9 hours ago, LovesToWet said:

My first week didn't go as planned so I am a little behind but I'm sure I'll make it up over the next 3 weeks. Onwards and upwards 

I'm sure you'll achieve your goal. And I might too ... but fuck, my quads are tight today after that run at the w/e after 6 weeks off. that'll teach me to not bother stretching.

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On 12/29/2022 at 6:35 PM, Kupar said:

OK. I have finally had a chance to think about this. Here's what I'll be aiming for to kick the year off, and I am asking for your help in pushing me to do it.


  • Run twice a week
  • 35 miles run in the month in total
  • 2 x 30-minute strength / flexibility exercise sessions per week


  • Run three time a week
  • 45 miles run in the month in total
  • 2 x 40-minute strength / flexibility exercise sessions per week

Let's see if I can do it. I have a spreadsheet 😉 

Oh I do love a good spreadsheet! 
once my toe heals up I’m gonna get back running 

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26 minutes ago, Kupar said:

I'm sure you'll achieve your goal. And I might too ... but fuck, my quads are tight today after that run at the w/e after 6 weeks off. that'll teach me to not bother stretching.

I usually forget to cool down after a run which I then know about the next day, usually in my thighs

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Over half way through the month, and just about up with the running targets (21.6 miles done) after 5.3 miles this afternoon. But I've not been good on the the strength and mobility sessions. However, I have decided to try and do 2800 push-ups in February (100 a day) - a charity thing. My chest and arms are not the strongest, so this will be a challenge.

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1 hour ago, Kupar said:

Over half way through the month, and just about up with the running targets (21.6 miles done) after 5.3 miles this afternoon. But I've not been good on the the strength and mobility sessions. However, I have decided to try and do 2800 push-ups in February (100 a day) - a charity thing. My chest and arms are not the strongest, so this will be a challenge.

Good luck with the rest of the month and with the push ups

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Well, this bloody weather is not helping me. I'm not even half way to my running goal and I haven't been able to get out this weekend because the paths are too icy and the roads are just as bad so it looks like I won't be able to go for my usual Sunday ride. That'll be 2 Sundays in a row were the weather has hampered me. Grrrr

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1 hour ago, LovesToWet said:

Well, this bloody weather is not helping me. I'm not even half way to my running goal and I haven't been able to get out this weekend because the paths are too icy and the roads are just as bad so it looks like I won't be able to go for my usual Sunday ride. That'll be 2 Sundays in a row were the weather has hampered me. Grrrr

Yes. It's horrible isn't it? I think I will have to force myself out for a very careful run later. .. but it's minus 5C and misty here right now 😟

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11 minutes ago, Kupar said:

it's minus 5C and misty here right now 😟

The temperature doesn't bother me too much as I have plenty of layers to put on but it's the road conditions that have put a stop to it. My council is crap and they haven't been out gritting. Don't fancy face planting the road just for a few extra miles so I've been busy sorting out my spare bike and the turbo trainer so I can have a go at Zwift instead. Gotta get rid of the Xmas excess somehow lol

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26 minutes ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

Details of the naked 5k runs in the UK get released today. I have a young female colleague who is interested if she is not already partying elsewhere. 

Ooh! Are those the ones at the Naturist Foundation, or are there runs elsewhere too? And ... fingers crossed your young female colleague decides to take part 🙂 

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6 hours ago, Kupar said:

Ooh! Are those the ones at the Naturist Foundation, or are there runs elsewhere too? And ... fingers crossed your young female colleague decides to take part 🙂 

Spot on. If there are others I am unaware. She can't make the first one as she is away for the weekend and I am almost certain to be unable to make the second as won't be home till stupid o'clock Sunday morning and will be too sleepy to get there. Arghhh. 

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My January goals were 200miles on the bike and I've done 310, so I'm happy with that but my running haven't gone to plan. I wanted to do 15 miles but only managed 11. Better than nothing but still a little annoying as it was the weather that stopped me. 


I hope all those that set themselves goals have done well and managed to keep motivated

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