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Alfresco Peeing

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1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

This morning I peed in the entrance to a closed toilet again and also another couple of outdoor pees and a small amount of peeing in a store.

I had dropped my wife at work this morning and on my way back I had stopped at a small park.   I noted that it certainly seems like others are also peeing by the closed toilets based on the stains and the aroma in the alcoves that are in front of the doorways for both the ladies and the gents.   They were dry though, so I presume most peeing has been done in the evenings, possibly after dark, by people who are drinking in the park.   Anyway, it was 8:30 am, very definitely light and bright and the toilets are visible from the main road.   I went into the alcove in front of the ladies because it is slightly more shielded and darker.  I stood sideways to the road so that I could see if anyone approached and I let loose a stream onto the floor, forming a growing puddle that flowed across the entrance way.   Nobody walked past, but several cars and a bus went by on the road.  I don't know whether they saw me or not.

Back home, I made sure I was fully recharged with a couple of large mugs of tea and a pint of water.  Mid morning, I put a load of washing on and peed into the powder draw before starting the machine.  Another mug of tea, then at lunch time I was needing to pee I needed to go into town to the bank, but I drank another pint of water before heading out.  

I decided to park in a side street and walk into the town.  This took me through a pedestrian cut behind some retail units.   Half way along the path, I unzipped and emptied about two thirds of my bladder onto the tarmac, then carried on into town.   I did what I needed to do, then, when walking back, I was partially needing to pee again.  I unzipped my fly and allowed my penis to hang out of my fly, but covered by the long coat that I was wearing.   I walked into B&Q DIY store (Home Depot for those in USA) thinking that I might indulge in something that I had wanted to do for a while - peeing into a showroom sink or toilet.   I walked to the back and noted that the toilets were "Currently closed to customers for the foreseeable future" which is another casualty of Covid.  I thought that was good and that it would at least give me a bit of an excuse if I was caught.  However, when I went to the bathroom area, all the displays were roped off, which was very disappointing.  Not to be beaten, I went outside to the gardening section and found an area where they had set up a small area of artificial grass and some fencing as a demonstration.   I stood on the artificial grass and looked at the fencing and read the boards about it whilst allowing a five second burst of pee to fall to the artificial grass.   I could have gone on longer, but there were quite a few people around and I wanted to also try somewhere else.   I was considering a shed, but they were all locked.  So I went back into the main store and I found a hot tub marked up for sale for £7999.  I stood very close to that, reading the boards that were across the far side of the hot tub.   My jacket was just long enough to hide the fact that my penis was hanging onto the side of the hot tub where a control valve was slightly recessed into the top.  I let another five second blast of pee escape, without looking down.  Then I stepped back and noticed that there was a small pool of yellow liquid sat in the depression that formed the seat in the tub, my pee having run down the side of the hot tub and pooled into the seat.   I then made my exit and walked back to the car.

When I got to the car, I put my bags in the car, then carried on walking a little further to another pedestrian cut through, where I stood and leaned casually against the fence, looking at my phone, with my penis still hanging out under the cover of my coat.   When the coast was clear, I let loose with the rest of my pee, which flowed down to the grass and made a puddle before soaking in.   The best thing about that technique is that if someone had approached, I could cut the flow and they wouldn't know anything was amiss unless they happened to spot the stream as soon as they had turned the corner.


What a great day of pee fun @Alfresco! Thanks for describing it for us all so wonderfully. Inspiring stuff 🙂

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Yesterday I went to collect my wife from work and help her finish tidying up and locking up.   When I got there, the other staff members were packing things away and cleaning.   I helped her sort some papers and a couple of odd jobs.   The other staff left and that meant just us two still in the building.   We were nearly done and had just mopped the main room and emptied the bucket down the floor drain in the utility area.  I asked if we were going straight home or whether she needed to go anywhere else.   She said she wanted to go to a certain shop to look for some things.  The following conversation ensued:

Me: "OK, but I'll just go to the loo first then if it is going to be a while before we get home".   

Mrs A: "You can't".  

Me: "Why not?  I need a pee."

Mrs A: "The toilets have been cleaned and mopped and the floor is very wet"

Me: "Oh, well I hope you don't want to be too long shopping then."

Mrs A: "There's always the floor drain in here."

Me: "Well, if that's OK, its fine by me"

Mrs A:  "Just run some water down afterwards"

I didn't hesitate on accepting the offer and turned to the floor drain, unzipped and pulled out my dick.  I started peeing quickly and aimed mainly at the drain but also the concrete around the drain (which was wet from emptying the bucket).  She stood there and watched until I had finished.  I put my dick away and then rinsed the floor down with a little water.   

What I didn't tell her is that I have peed in that drain before, but without letting on!

For the next trick, I need to persuade her to join me in the act.

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A couple of weeks ago I was walking in a park and needed to pee.   It was about 8:00pm, there were a few people around.  I decided to be very bold but also discrete.  I sat on the top of a skateboard ramp with my legs hanging down the ramp.  My back was towards the people who were sat in a kind of shelter thing behind.   I unzipped and pulled out my penis and peed directly down the concrete ramp.   It flowed down the curved slope of the ramp and then created a pool at the bottom.  I finished and put myself away, then jumped down off the ramp and walked to the other side.  Once the people in the shelter got up and walked off, I took the picture below.  Some other people walked past just afterwards and would no doubt have seen the puddle, but don't know if they connected it with me.


Edited by Alfresco
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  • 1 month later...

I've just realised that I haven't posted much about my peeing here for a while.  Those of you who are interested in they type of peeing that I do, may wish to visit the thread linked below, as I've been posting some of my recent pees on the pee challenge thread:

Some of the most recent include me peeing from a bicycle and me peeing down car park stairs.  The two newest challenges are peeing in a bathroom but not using the toilet and peeing off a bridge.  If anyone wants to contribute or vote on the contributions then have a look at the thread and see what you think.

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I am working on clearing a house at the moment.   I am doing this with my sister, so I can’t be too obvious, however I am staying in the house overnight whilst she is going home.

This morning I woke up needing to pee and just couldn’t quite be bothered to get out of bed.   A little bit of leakage wouldn’t hurt, I thought, so I let a small spurt out to relieve the pressure.  I was laid on my back and felt it run down over my bum crack and warm my inner thighs.   Well, maybe a little more would be ok.   I allowed another little leak and this time went for a few seconds as I felt it pool slightly in the depression in the bed where my weight was.

It was sufficient to relieve the pressure and I then sat there and read for a little while before getting up, enjoying the damp patch.  When I did get up, I saw the wet patch was about 30cm long.  Photo below for those interested.  The memory foam mattress topper is very damp, although it is not so clear on the photo., you can just about make out the stain. 




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I was out walking and found a tree which lends itself to an alternative use.   It is hollowed out in the middle of the trunk and open all down one side.   I didn't pass up the opportunity and stood facing into the tree, unzipped and peed a full bladder into the hollow receptacle.   A lady walked past on a parallel path about 20 metres away and glanced in my direction.  I don't know whether she realised what I was doing, but I enjoyed the fact that I was peeing whilst she was nearby.

IMG_3990.thumb.JPEG.e255db3763852408dd226abbcfe681e9.JPEG IMG_3992.thumb.JPEG.add15b7629997de0d7ef838333494388.JPEG

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A study in the value of absorbent carpet and the advantage of dark colours.

One of the things that I like about this time of year is that I can wear a coat that is long enough to come just below my crotch, then I can undo my zip, hang my cock out and nobody knows.   It is the nearest I get to the comparison with a lady wearing a short skirt with no knickers.   Dressed like this, I entered the entrance lobby of some flats and whilst stood innocently checking my phone, I relaxed my bladder and started peeing on the carpet.  The beauty of this technique is that if anyone approaches I only have to clamp off the flow and walk away without adjusting anything.  Unless they actually spot the flow before I stop or the see the puddle then nobody suspects anything.    Whilst peeing, I didn't see any of the stream or know how it was landing, as I didn't bend forward and look down, I just stood fully upright (I nearly said erect, but that wouldn't be quite correct!) until I was done and then moved away.  

The puddle stayed in a fairly small space.  The two pics below show how it stayed in a small patch, even though it was a full bladder, indicating that most of it soaked straight in once the surface was wetted.  One pic shows the puddle with proximity to the walls in the corner of the lobby.  The other shows a closer view.   The leaves show that this is a lobby that is partially open to the elements so there is always airflow and debris in there, so it won't cause lasting smell or damage.  The carpet is a hardwearing carpet that gets more than its fair share of wet boots and a little pee isn't going to be an issue.

IMG_3984.thumb.JPEG.5d059739e575c98411da03ad03f6ec04.JPEG   IMG_3985.thumb.JPEG.2fbd6bdf3741e6652213e49c74904fda.JPEG 

I left the scene, but then returned 5 minutes later and took the photos again.   I think you would agree that whilst you can see where I peed if you look carefully, most people wouldn't even notice it - even after just a few minutes.

 IMG_3987.thumb.JPEG.5b1f4a0141851a15c3984f0f7c202fef.JPEG  IMG_3986.thumb.JPEG.48b56b605edbc910960730cc2e69de8a.JPEG

Whilst I was there, I read the communal notices on the wall, which included the expectation of the cleaning crew.  In amongst the list of things such as wiping banisters, sweeping stairs, vacuuming carpets etc., there were also "cleaning any fouling", which I assume was an invitation to provide some fouling to clean......

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Same flats, different lobby, but this time I peed down the wall and let it run to the carpet on the floor:


Interestingly, where the pee ran gently down the wall instead of falling directly to the carpet, it flowed over the top of the carpet rather than soaking directly in.   So whilst it was a quieter and therefore less obvious pee whilst doing it, the mark on the wall and the residual liquid on the carpet was much more obvious than in the previous post.

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Last one for today.   I went to a furniture and clothing store to collect something that I had pre-ordered.   Whilst walking around the store, I noticed that whilst cameras were very evident in the clothing areas and near the tills, they didn't seem to be prevalent in the furniture area.   I took advantage of this and whilst I didn't make any huge messes, I did adopt the technique of having my dick out under cover of a long coat and I left a few small patches of liquid around the store.

First I walked up to a stand where some fluffy rugs were displayed over a plinth and whilst inspecting them, I positioned myself right up to the plinth and peed a small amount onto two other rugs which were sticking out on the shelf below.    In the bedroom department, I looked at some furniture and opened the top drawer on one of the units.   I stood over the corner of the drawer whilst reading some leaflets about the set.   I relaxed my bladder enough to produce a short spurt into the drawer.   I took a quick photo (below) and then closed the drawer.  As you can see, it was only a very small patch but there you go.


I did dribble another small amount in a mock up bedroom, but I didn't want to get too messsy.

I am now trying to decide whether to go back and pee some more.   I'm very tempted to fold back the covers on a bed, sit and pee on the mattress through my trousers and then stand up and walk away, hoping that my coat would hide the evidence, but I'm fairly sure that it would run down my trousers and give the game away.  Apart from anything else, I had been picking up something, so if they linked me, they would have all my details.

Edited by Alfresco
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