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Brilliant account again @Big Bear   Jump suits are double bonuses as the girls pretty much have to get totally undressed.  I have never understood why girls choose those for nights out as the are not at all practical for peeing - obviously she wasn’t expecting to need to pee outside.  

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On 6/1/2021 at 3:13 PM, Alfresco said:

 I wonder though whether I may have waited until they were behind me in the outside queue and then turn to them and say something like "Sod this, I only need the loo and this is going to take far too long.  I'm going to find somewhere else", then head for the church yard.   

If I knew the guy in question, then yes. I probably would have gone with him to find somewhere else to pee. Hoping that he'd be willing to go against a wall or somewhere and I would have the chance to pee next to him as we watched each other. 

Though, if I didn't know him, I probably wouldn't risk it. 

I love hearing about these sightings, BB. Maybe one day, I can make a pilgrimage to this particular town/city and see if I can see a chap hanging around close to the church, see a few male and female pissers and of course contribute to the water level myself! 

One thing that and I have noticed from this site is that, as a general rule, straight men only want to see women peeing. Whereas women like to see both men and women, even if they are otherwise straight - I fall into that category myself. Interesting how fluid (pun intended) female sexuality can be.

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6 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

One thing that and I have noticed from this site is that, as a general rule, straight men only want to see women peeing. Whereas women like to see both men and women, even if they are otherwise straight - I fall into that category myself. Interesting how fluid (pun intended) female sexuality can be.

As a straight male, if I want to watch a man pee, I need only to look at myself.

Still, I'd much rather see how females express their fluid sexuality.

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If I may suggest (and I don't mean to take the conversation too far off topic) that guys peeing is pretty much of a muchness, and largely guys pee in the company of other guys.  Urinals these days are often separate rather than trough, but enough still exist, or guys have seen their mates pissing outdoors.  My thought on it is when you've seen one you've seen them all - but I must admit I don't find other guys' cocks that appealing.

With ladies however, much of the bathroom routine is carried out behind closed doors - even sat on a toilet there are permutations of legs open or closed, and in that glorious and wondrous opportunity of an outdoor or naughty wee then there's the whole plethora of standing / high squat / low squat / sitting / one leg raised / panties pulled to knees / pulled aside... you know what I mean.

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Not that guys peeing is uninteresting to me, but I guess it takes a certain atmosphere for it to really do anything for me.

Then again, I’m more receptive to desperation and huge pressure flows, neither of which are really portrayed much in stories or videos concerning penises.

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On 6/7/2021 at 3:18 PM, Eliminature said:


One thing that and I have noticed from this site is that, as a general rule, straight men only want to see women peeing. Whereas women like to see both men and women, even if they are otherwise straight - I fall into that category myself. Interesting how fluid (pun intended) female sexuality can be.

As a straight male I love to see women peeing , either standing or squatting and not bothered about seeing men pee at all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two great sightings there.   I love that both girls were fine with you seeing what they were doing - especially the second one who instigated a conversation with you, which would naturally make you look in her direction whilst she was peeing.

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36 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

Two great sightings there.   I love that both girls were fine with you seeing what they were doing - especially the second one who instigated a conversation with you, which would naturally make you look in her direction whilst she was peeing.

Interacting with a person whilst they are peeing is always super fun, especially when it is them that has instigated it. I always read the situation and if the setting is right and I feel that its obvious the girl has no issue with me seeing I will try and instigate the conversation if they don't. As you said it gives you a reason to be looking and not just standing there silent whilst looking. If I feel like the situation isn't right to start talking to them then I won't but most of the time its worth the risk. A couple of my sightings from this past weekend were like this and thoroughly enjoyable because of it.

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16 hours ago, Big Bear said:

I looked forward like I hadn’t seen them and then the blonde down the slope giggled. I looked round at the sound and the redhead also looked up and saw me and started laughing saying “sorry hunny....we are just having a wild wee”. Now she had spoken I had my ticket to look at them and turned to the redhead, enjoying the sight and sound of her stream splashing onto the floor beneath her. I laughed and said “yeah...I can see that,”. She giggled again and I pushed it further and said “but no need to be sorry, as long as it's a good one that’s all that matters'. She laughed and said “oh it's definitely a good one, I was bursting!”. As I was talking to her she finished up and sorted her knickers and then pulled her dress down. She stepped over her puddle and stood waiting for her friend. 

I joked and said “looks like your friend was too”. The redhead laughed and said “I guess that’s what happens when you drink loads of cider before getting the taxi to town”. I smiled and replied “yeah I know the feeling, that’s why I’m here”. She giggled and I walked over to where she had just stood and pulled out my cock. As I started peeing the blonde finished up and pulled up her jeans and as she rejoined her friend the redhead said “enjoy your wee hunny” and they walked off giggling to themselves leaving me to enjoy my pee and the thought of them both needing to pee in the taxi on their way to town.

Nice conversation! Seems like some lighthearted, fun-loving girls--or at least making the best of a situation that could be awkward. I'm sure the drinks helped...

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