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Peeing on graves


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As you all know i hate the taboo of peeing and this fetish but there is one thing i've been thinking about. Grave peeing. Is it really ok? I mean peeing in public or wetting yourself dosen't hurt anyone but we all have someone we love that has been lost right?. Imagine if you caught someone peeing on their grave.... sure pee is natural but in my eyes that would have been a attack on my dead loved one. Let me hear your thoughts on this

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What im trying to say is that peeing on someones car or whatever dosen't really hurt them sure it may cost them a litle if you ruin something but i think many would feel huge pain and rage for a long time if you peed on their dead mothers grave. At least if sonmeone did that to my mom i would problaby get a life sentence haha shes alive tho just a example. I do hate the taboo of this fetish and i think it should be labeled as normal and natural since pee is normal and natural. But mabye we should draw a line when it comes to actually causing somebody pain? 

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1 minute ago, PissFanOmega said:

If it were mine, I literally couldn't care less. I mean, say ghosts were real, and I was one: Why would I care that my decomposing corpse lay six feet under, and the dirt above is being soaked in piss?

With that in mind, knowing nobody in my family (literally) has this fetish, it would be considered disrespectful for theirs to be pissed on.

It would be a bit ironic for me though: I can't find a chick to piss on me in life, knowing my luck my grave would be pissed on by every desperate goth chick in town. As a ghost, at least I'd get a front row seat. Lol

I say goth chick because let's be honest, who hangs out in a cemetery?

What i meant whas what if they peed on one of your family members graves?  I would love if a desperate girl peed so i could see haha but if someone peed on a dead family members grave i think none of us would like it 

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6 hours ago, Peefreak99 said:

What i meant whas what if they peed on one of your family members graves?  I would love if a desperate girl peed so i could see haha but if someone peed on a dead family members grave i think none of us would like it 

Hey you can't hurt a dead person.   If I was concerned it would be much worse to think of them being eaten by worms than to think of them getting showered in sweet girly piss.

If there was always a faint scent of girls' wee when I went to tend the grave,  I think that would be a pleasant thing.

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Ok everybody seems to missunderstand me. What im saying is not that it's dissrespectful for to the dead person BUT FOR THE FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS. If your mom dies and you catch someone peeing on her grave you will not be happy right?  She might not care but i think you would. 

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On 10/22/2019 at 2:30 PM, Peefreak99 said:

Ok everybody seems to missunderstand me. What im saying is not that it's dissrespectful for to the dead person BUT FOR THE FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS. If your mom dies and you catch someone peeing on her grave you will not be happy right?  She might not care but i think you would. 

That might be strictly true.

But it is also true that if we caught some lady pissing in the open window of our mother's car, we'd feel pissed off about it.

Yet if some lady were to rock up here with a true account of pissing in a car window, most of us would be turned on by it.

To live up to the true ethos of this forum we have to separate the personal from the general, and enjoy the latter without condemnation or coming across all negatively when it does not affect us. And be non-judgemental. Same applies for peeing on graves. We can all see situations where we could take such things personally, but unless that is the actual case, we should live and let live and not condemn, so as to be as welcoming a forum to all as possible.

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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

That might be strictly true.

But it is also true that if we caught some lady pissing in the open window of our mother's car, we'd feel pissed off about it.

Yet if some lady were to rock up here with a true account of pissing in a car window, most of us would be turned on by it.

To live up to the true ethos of this forum we have to separate the personal from the general, and enjoy the latter without condemnation or coming across all negatively when it does not affect us. And be non-judgemental. Same applies for peeing on graves. We can all see situations where we could take such things personally, but unless that is the actual case, we should live and let live and not condemn, so as to be as welcoming a forum to all as possible.

I wasn't trying to tell anyone that they were doing somethimg wrong haha. But yeah i get your point it was just a reflection from me i think a lot sometimes too much haha. 

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Just now, Peefreak99 said:

I wasn't trying to tell anyone that they were doing somethimg wrong haha. But yeah i get your point it was just a reflection from me i think a lot sometimes too much haha. 

No worries, lol. There is no harm in thinking deeply.

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And, @Peefreak99, I wasn't trying to tell you off in any way. My post was meant as an explanation of general principles, and was not a criticism of you personally, just quoting your post as an example. I was posting as just another member, not a mod.

Apologies, I should perhaps have made that clearer.

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3 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

And, @Peefreak99, I wasn't trying to tell you off in any way. My post was meant as an explanation of general principles, and was not a criticism of you personally, just quoting your post as an example. I was posting as just another member, not a mod.

Apologies, I should perhaps have made that clearer.

Haha it's cool man i know you didin't mean it like that 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I quite like peeing being at least somewhat taboo. The sense of the naughtiness heightens its erotic nature.  We shouldn't be social pariahs for liking pee - but I like that we might make some prude gasp or tut with disapproval.

I do think that there we should respect the sanctity of graves, and therefore avoid peeing on them. I have no issue with blow jobs or gymnastics, but I wouldn't want someone being pleasured or doing cartwheels on my mother's grave. Peeing provides an instant hedonistic pleasure, but I think that hedonism should be tempered to protect the contract between the past, present and future which graves represent part of. I appreciate that this may sound a bit ethereal - despite being agnostic I've not embraced nihilism!

The only exception would be if the deceased was into pee. In that case it could almost be a ritualistic tribute for friends to piss on the grave.

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2 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

If the sexy mod @Sophie, or @spywareonya, want to piss on my grave they'd be more than welcome, lol. My only complaint would be, why the fuck couldn't you piss on me when I was alive? I'd have died happier, lol

Haha. Perhaps hold on to the consolation that maybe - just maybe - there is pee-after-death. 

"Here lies the wee-mains of..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

This topic reminds me of a very old rhyme, or limerick, of which I can only remember a few lines. It begins,

Upon my tombstone I want this wrote:
Thousands of drinks went down my throat...

...And on my tombstone shall be written,
I've had my share, and I'm not shitten....

...And if you should pass by where I lie,
Piss on me; I'm always dry...

In connection with the last line, I have always fantasized and visualized one of my favorite, lovely gf's, in my life, lifting her short skirt, squatting, and pissing a gusher on my grave, with a smile on her face. My only wish is that she would piss on me now, while I'm alive, and well enough to enjoy her attentions!


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Guest UnabashedUser

I'm not a Marine, but as an ex sailor however living amongst Uncle Sam's Misguided Children on ships I have heard about ritual  things.

One of the rituals involves pissing on the grave of a hated enemy. Apparently it's something done in the times of the Vikings, or the Huns. Updated though by having someone take  a photo and mail that photo to the family of the deceased.

Once I thought I'd do that to someone I particularly disliked in the Navy.

But having been in the Navy, I vowed never to stand in a line again.:)

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  • 4 months later...

I wouldn't do it. Besides  being very disrespectful, it could be dangerous. I don't know if it could disturb spirits or if spirits and curses really exist. However, I can't say with certainty that they don't exist either. I don't think that I would want to take the risk or disturbing or upsetting some entity .

Edited by EastCoast1997
Expressing myself better
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Well, certainly an interesting topic for a debate...

Like most other of us, I wouldn’t have any qualms if I were six feet under and you wanted to, or were caught short and had, to piss on my tombstone.

In real life if you wanted to pee on me, well it would depend on a few factors but there’s a chance I’d consent - and obviously after death I’m less able to make that decision. 

Now consider instead you wanted to vomit on me or sh&t on me. I think I’d be with the vast majority of people that would say no f&&&ing way. 

See the distinction?  I’m open to pee but not to sh&t - whereas the majority of people would consider pee, sh&t, vomit, period blood or whatever as equally as abhorrent.  So in most people’s eyes you can see why it would be such a taboo...

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On 10/23/2019 at 6:18 PM, steve25805 said:

I would love to piss on Margaret Thatcher's grave.

But it would have nothing to do with eroticism and everything to do with the expression of contempt.

Anyone can pee on me any time they like – dead or alive.

But it depends on the feelings with which the pee is done.

You can piss on someone for whom you feel contempt, but you can pee with lovely warm splashes on someone you love.

If you pee on the gravestone of a totally unknown person, does that count as a kind of denial of “sanctity”?

I think not. Just a bit of a jolly 😊



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  • 1 month later...

Personally I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea because I think it's disrespectful and I work hard to try and keep the graves of loved ones in order.  Perhaps the only exception I might possibly make, and it would be a one off, might be my aunt and uncle's grave.  My only reason then, is because my late aunt certainly had a lot of near misses and was apt to put off going until she was desperate.  Although she never had an accident in front of me, I'm pretty sure she would have gone in her pants from time to time.  It's a lot easier to believe than that she never had any accidents, something I very much doubt.  Using quiet corners of churchyards and yew trees is another matter though.  Five years ago I visited the Norfolk village where she grew up and where her father had been the pub landlord.  Whilst there I didn't use the pub toilets but I did have a quiet wee in the churchyard which, if I remember rightly, was accessed through a farm yard.   

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  • 2 years later...
On 5/19/2020 at 10:30 AM, Ms. Tito said:

I'm against peeing on graves unless it's the graves of: 

Benito Mussolini 

Margaret Thatcher 

Ronald Reagan 

Francisco Franco 

Ante Pavelić 

Dinko Sakić 

And many more names of infamously horrible people who deserve worse than an unwanted posthumous golden shower. 

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