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Could we not have politically insulting posts.

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hmmm surely we must have freedom of speech and expression?to "offend"and be "offended"?This is the trouble with the world these days,everyone getting offended by everything.As long as no-one attacks a particular member in person,i.e is just downright rude to someone,i dont see why we should have to mind what we say.

Im Catholic.If you dont like Catholics,then thats your opinion.It wouldnt bother me.

Im pretty right-wing in my politics.If you dont like that,then up yours.In the nicest possible way of course i mean.

But i wouldnt insult anyone because they were black,or disabled,but i would lampoon their beliefs maybe,if i thought they were stupid.Then again,they might think my beliefs were stupid,and rightly say so.Isnt that how it should be?

Edited by F.W
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I'm with @Blackinksoul30 on this one - This is an awesome forum with great tolerance for pretty much every aspect of the pee fetish, the one thing we could do with is more active participants.

As far as general posting goes, I'm 100% for freedom of expression of views and the natural diversities that brings - whether it be favourite football teams, food, pets, sexual preferences or my pet-hate, politics.

As soon as an individual's diverse opinion is used as a discriminator against them, or they use it against another then something has gone seriously awry.  Celebrate the bond we have, strength in numbers and not superiority for any given belief.

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A bit of like-hearted fun at the expense of what each other believes is fine within limits in my opinion but if it crosses a line into becoming overt mockery then no, we should not really be ok with it. Whether or not it is a moderation issue - we have rules against being negatively judgemental towards each other in a way that can make each other feel unwelcome - really depends on the exact nature of the thing being said. Anyone can always report it to us.

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I have never seen anyone geting insulted here but in a way i agree with F.W people are so pc and sensitive now i mean look only 30 years ago then it was MUCH harder to offend someone people are so silly today but i get your point there's a difference on a insult and opinion tho. For example if you believe in something theres a huge difference on saying " i don't believe in that because blablabla" and saying " you idiot who the fuck would believe that bullshit" the second one is a insult on YOU but the other one is just a opinion. See my point? And of course nobody should feel bullied but im just trying to say what happened to people? 30 years ago freedom of speech was real because then that freedom was socially accepted now you can only tallk if you have the "right" opinions. Btw @Blackinksoul30 where have you seen anyone being bullied? If that happens just call for admin and the bully will get kicked out:)

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The 'Movies for snowflakes' post on 'General' is what inspired this post. 


It's a very obvious political post to bash those that believe in powerful women and LGBT. There is honestly no reason to openly bash LGBT or strong brave women by mentioning feminists. 


YES you are insulting gays and womens rights in that post. You are complaining about gays. You are clearly obviously stating that you're against them by complaining about todays what you feel is 'overly sensitive' people. 

That post really isn't necessary. Steven this isn't lighthearted... it's very clear and obvious bashing by insulting specific 'Groups' of people that certain people are clearly uncomfortable with or 'against'. 

Mentioning snowflakes in the title..... come on now.. how much more obvious can you get... even those living under a rock know that the term snowflake is the term that certain presidential supporters call those that support womens rights and LGBT rights.  The post is not humorous or light hearted. And if people think it's funny then it truly pushes the boundaries about what people can post as 'jokes' on here.


Like I said, we have all aspects of the rainbow on peefans. Everyone is welcome here. That post and even the title is not what peefans is. It's not welcoming. It's rude. And this is not me being overly sensitive.... This post is clearly targeting groups and complaining/laughing at them.

Edited by Blackinksoul30
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3 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

The 'Movies for snowflakes' post on 'General' is what inspired this post. 


It's a very obvious political post to bash those that believe in powerful women and LGBT. There is honestly no reason to openly bash LGBT or strong brave women by mentioning feminists. 


YES you are insulting gays and womens rights in that post. You are complaining about gays. You are clearly obviously stating that you're against them by complaining about todays what you feel is 'overly sensitive' people. 

That post really isn't necessary. Steven this isn't lighthearted... it's very clear and obvious bashing by insulting specific 'Groups' of people that certain people are clearly uncomfortable with or 'against'. 

Mentioning snowflakes in the title..... come on now.. how much more obvious can you get... even those living under a rock know that the term snowflake is the term that certain presidential supporters call those that support womens rights and LGBT rights.  The post is not humorous or light hearted. And if people think it's funny then it truly pushes the boundaries about what people can post as 'jokes' on here.


Like I said, we have all aspects of the rainbow on peefans. Everyone is welcome here. That post and even the title is not what peefans is. It's not welcoming. It's rude. And this is not me being overly sensitive.... This post is clearly targeting groups and complaining/laughing at them.

I can't see anything offensive about that post and im sure steve did not mean anything bad but plz just lisstnen to me people are over sensitive these days i mean how come people are offended by things now that they would have laughed at just 20 years ago? Im sure nobody here has anything against gays or feminists this is one of the most friendly forums on the internet 

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People are offended because people are stereotyping LGBT.  Laughing at someones gay, if they didn't do anything funny is offending them. 20 years ago there wasn't a bunch of people in this country trying to make LGBT feel like they didn't belong. They weren't singled out and made fun of like it is today. Granted I was just a teen 20 years ago....but 20 years ago yes there were shows where men where in drag. There was a movie with patrick swazye where he was in drag. Yes they were comedy shows/movies..cause the shows were meant to be funny. They were comedy shows. They were supposed to be laughed at in light hearted laughter. The goal was to make people laugh. 

LGBT are being made the focus points of cruel jokes by people that truly don't accept them at all and being told that they are going to go to hell and all that other blah blah blah not true stereotypes that of course people that are singled out and already made to feel like they have no place on this world.... of course they won't like being called 'Insensitive'. The laughter in that post is from people that are against lgbt and the laughter is meant to be judgmental and cruel and stereotypical. 

I really don't get the point of the post. It's really just to share narrow minded views of unacceptance and pass it off in a laughing matter. 


So if i made a post titled "Some Christians think they follow Gods word."    Then post my opinions about Christians with memes about them. would that be funny to you? would that not bother you? I've been to a strict all Christian church.... trust me I have my opinions but i'm not gonna make a whole post devoted to it. 


If at the end of F.W's post it said something like, 'This is not to make fun of LGBT and women and i'm sorry if it does so.' But see i don't think the post would have ended like that. Cause the post was indeed intended to poke fun of LGBT and women. That was the whole point of the post. 

Edited by Blackinksoul30
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In the first place anyway,how does anyone know in advance what another person might or might not find "offensive"?

Its the slippery slope(oops,can i use the word "slope",i know its a demeaning term for oriental people),a slippery SLIDE,(thats better?),to madness.Where people have to virtually get everything they may write passed by some kind of arbiter,before publishing...Come on folks,lighten up.

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@Blackinksoul30, I understand where you are coming from on this

But the difference between you and him is in part a political one and mods cannot enforce political stances without losing their impartiality.

As far as I am aware, no member here has been insulted or mocked for anything. And I don't think FW's post is exclusively aimed at LBGT people but is intended to mock what he views as political correctness. I see nothing that is overtly homophobic.

The term "snowflake" is however intentionally insulting to those who object to certain things, so I have edited out this term in his thread title.

Beyond that, I don't think enough has been done by FW to warrant further action on my part, certainly not without consultation. But I will take your concerns seriously enough to link the other mods and Admin in to this thread to alert them, then open a private discussion between us in the mod subforum.  @Admin, @Sophie, @Scot_Lover

Finally, though, I would urge you in future to make your concerns known more privately to mods, because you risk generating public discord with FW and between those who back you and those who back him. We don't want unfriendly public flame wars here.


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7 minutes ago, F.W said:

In the first place anyway,how does anyone know in advance what another person might or might not find "offensive"?

Its the slippery slope(oops,can i use the word "slope",i know its a demeaning term for oriental people),a slippery SLIDE,(thats better?),to madness.Where people have to virtually get everything they may write passed by some kind of arbiter,before publishing...Come on folks,lighten up.

I think what we have here is oversensitive versus disdain for sensitivity. I do not think you have posted anything sufficiently bad to warrant further action, though the term "snowflake" could be taken as a term of personal insult by those who feel strongly about certain things so I have edited that out of your thread's title. We don't want to go around causing deliberate offense. Admin, the other mods and myself will discuss  this issue privately but don't worry about that. We're a fair bunch. A public issue has been made out of it though so we have to discuss it.

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25 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

@Blackinksoul30, I understand where you are coming from on this

But the difference between you and him is in part a political one and mods cannot enforce political stances without losing their impartiality.

As far as I am aware, no member here has been insulted or mocked for anything. And I don't think FW's post is exclusively aimed at LBGT people but is intended to mock what he views as political correctness. I see nothing that is overtly homophobic.

The term "snowflake" is however intentionally insulting to those who object to certain things, so I have edited out this term in his thread title.

Beyond that, I don't think enough has been done by FW to warrant further action on my part, certainly not without consultation. But I will take your concerns seriously enough to link the other mods and Admin in to this thread to alert them, then open a private discussion between us in the mod subforum.  @Admin, @Sophie, @Scot_Lover

Finally, though, I would urge you in future to make your concerns known more privately to mods, because you risk generating public discord with FW and between those who back you and those who back him. We don't want unfriendly public flame wars here.


Thank you for removing that word from the title. It is very much appreciated! Thank you to the admins and sophie and scot_lover as well.

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20 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

If that becomes a 'thing' here that's 'acceptable' then people will start to worry that other things will be judged negatively as well. 

Rest assured that if anyone starts judging anything you suffer from negatively and mocking it, we will come down on it like a ton of bricks, especially so if it is deliberately aimed at you. But I don't think FW or anyone else here would ever do that and I would be both shocked, surprised, and extremely disappointed in them if they did.


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For once I disagree with you, and it's rare since I usually worship more or less anything you say

This time I am convinced you are seeing things gloomier than they are

Even the most headlong people here can curb their opinions, and anyway we are all adult so even if attacked or insulted (I have been myself sometimes) we can SEE THE OTHER HUMAN Beyond his rude behaviour and express compassion, knowing nobody is without sin


I absolutely can guarantee you that those chats are harmless

The name of this thread refers not to politic but to politic in the guise of "political", like "politically correct", it was born because one of our pals created a thread (harmless in itself but with a title maybe misleading, currently edited) which made another friend here to summon these reflections


What makes great this forum is its immense width and depth, I adore switching from pee pics and videos to marvellous chats about World War 2, then foods and recipes, then again piss videos and so on...


Feel safe that this problem is a fake problem!!!

Because nobody wants to corner anybody's positions, people just express their own!!!

And in the ENORMOUSLY RARE chance of people attacking our beliefs, well… I am a grown up woman. I can endure and forgive. Everybody should learn to do so...


Kisses Owlman, and glad to read you again!!!

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