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On 4/27/2019 at 5:38 PM, Peefreak99 said:

What's your favourite food/drink?

Hmmm...  Difficult one to answer - there are so many.  If I had to pick one genre of food, it would be US southern soul food - biscuits & gravy, chicken, ribs, that sort of thing. It's as much a travel association as anything.

Other than that: probably Italian. 😉


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  • 10 months later...

Ha ha ha - In the words of John Lennon, 'Make Love Not War'   - hence the expression Love a Duck!

Erm, really not sure - I'm thinking that a duck's only fight tactic is to peck and a single duck only has one beak, whereas 100 horses (albeit little ones) can kick and bite.   So probably the single duck.

Besides - imagine how many crispy duck pancake rolls I could have after the event! 

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Anyway @Sophie - reminds me of an old joke about a guy and a hard of hearing genie......   cutting to the punchline, the guy ends up with a tiny piano and a really small person playing it.  "No!" the guy says " I wanted a 12-inch PENIS"

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3 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Anyway @Sophie - reminds me of an old joke about a guy and a hard of hearing genie......   cutting to the punchline, the guy ends up with a tiny piano and a really small person playing it.  "No!" the guy says " I wanted a 12-inch PENIS"

I'm totally stealing that joke. 

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1 minute ago, Sophie said:

I'm totally stealing that joke. 

There's more to it - obviously every genie grants three wishes - one of them ended up with a million bucks ducks flapping around, and the third wish is the pianist.  Can't remember the first, you'll have to reinvent something.

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Thanks Speedy - I guess mostly techie hobbies...

For almost ten years I’ve run a Photography hobby as a part time business - so photographing weddings, events, portraits, live music and so on as a proper business. I’ve just deliberately stepped it down to just continue supporting two clients. One a very prestigious live music venue and the other a local annual public ‘fair’. The latter has transitioned from being a client to being on their committee - so guess that counts as a hobby now. 

Other than those, mostly techie stuff - websites, electronics and so on. 
At the end of last year as many will know, my father suddenly passed away. So now around one weekend a month I’m spending in Spain, getting paperwork sorted, tidying, maintaining etc. That almost can be counted as a hobby i guess...

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1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Thanks Speedy - I guess mostly techie hobbies...

For almost ten years I’ve run a Photography hobby as a part time business - so photographing weddings, events, portraits, live music and so on as a proper business. I’ve just deliberately stepped it down to just continue supporting two clients. One a very prestigious live music venue and the other a local annual public ‘fair’. The latter has transitioned from being a client to being on their committee - so guess that counts as a hobby now. 

Other than those, mostly techie stuff - websites, electronics and so on. 
At the end of last year as many will know, my father suddenly passed away. So now around one weekend a month I’m spending in Spain, getting paperwork sorted, tidying, maintaining etc. That almost can be counted as a hobby i guess...

Again  sorry to hear about your dads passing

Thanks for the responce

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14 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

Again  sorry to hear about your dads passing

Thanks for the responce

Thanks Speedy - he'd had a good long life, and was in a beautiful part of the world right where he wanted to be.  So things could be a lot worse.   But thanks for your thoughts - much appreciated.

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On 3/10/2020 at 1:01 AM, Sweets said:

What is one of your pee fantasies.  If money was no Objective what would you like to do. 

Great question - I'm going to answer with three fantasies if that's ok....

1)   To be female - to understand everything about how it feels, to be able to play with myself, to get moist, be able to wear and of course get desperate before wetting in the flimsiest of underwear (that's a very quick summary....)

2)   A bit of a bizarre one, but to be able to freeze time and take mind control and mind read over say a full shopping mall - so having the ability to 'filter' all the ladies, any into pee play or prone to desperation. The opportunity to find out without any inhibitions....  told you it was bizarre.

3)  A lot more feasible, but not necessarily any more likely - for a lady to give me a golden shower. Don't think I've ever actually voiced it on here, but would love the feeling of somebody else's hot liquid splashing, flooding and trickling on my lap.  Naked of course....

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On 3/14/2020 at 6:53 PM, steve25805 said:

Would you rather own a time machine or a space ship?


Sorry - I should check in here more often...

I think definitely time machine - I think as a child growing up with Star Trek, Blakes Seven, Star Wars, Alien etc, they've all created this human-centric concept that as space travellers we're a bit like early colonial settlers, rampaging across galaxies trying to take command of all we find and generally destroying as we do so.

Time machines though...  now that has potential although of course the huge paradox risk of killing your great-grandfather or letting Biff get his hands on the Sports Almanac. I'd say that's a risk worth taking.

Do I get the possibility of an invisibility cloak and/or a Babel Fish too?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/27/2019 at 1:01 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

Thought I’d join this exclusive little corner of the forum.... so go on. Ask away....

if you could instantly learn how to do one thing, what would you choose?

Edited by Riley
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My first thought was learn to fly a light aircraft, I've been lucky enough to try it a couple of times and think I want to every time - but I could do that for myself if I put my mind to it.

So instead, the thing I'll probably never manage is to play an instrument - my son plays guitar and on the rare occasions I've tried, my fingers just aren't flexible enough to fit the chord patterns, and I'd never remember all of the possible chords either.  I've photographed loads of local bands and am a bit in awe of musicians who can just launch into anything.  Drums would be the other thing - I've got no sense of rhythm so wouldn't manage in a million years.


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16 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

What's a typical day like for you? Not this lockdown self quarantine days lol

Thanks @speedy3471 - not very exciting I'm afraid....   On a 'normal' day, if I remember correctly, I'm up and out of the house to work usually by 7:30am.  Weather permitting I'll cycle commute a couple of times a week, otherwise it's a 12 mile drive by car.  Day job is quite a boring engineering type thing - sitting at a desk trying to solve problems usually deep in high level requirements documents.  That takes me through until 5/6pm when I'll head home.

This side of my life is a bit of a closet secret even at home, so I'll generally check in and look if there's anything interesting been posted before work, or perhaps if rest of the household head off to bed early and then I'll get a bit more 'me' time.  I really do love the close friendships that have been built through this community.

Other than that, weekends and the like are generally family time, doing something geeky, getting out on a bike ride or (less so the last year or so) doing some part time professional photography.  I ran a part time business for nearly 10 years doing all sorts of photography. One of my favourite clients is a famous live music venue and I'm their first choice photographer. Haven't worked with anyone really, really big yet but quite a lot of household names.

So in a nutshell that's me - Thanks again! 

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1 hour ago, speedy3471 said:

Thanks for the answer. Mechanical engineering I assume lol?

Your photography side job sounds very cool

It's more systems engineering to be honest, multiple black boxes with embedded bespoke software. So the requirements documents are pseudo software code, but used as a functional description rather than actual code. That's why I describe it as engineering rather than programming.  Most of what I do is either implementing requirement changes or diagnosing errors from system testing.

Yes the photography is very, very cool.  I used to photograph everything from weddings and balls to product and events. A lot of it is a pain in the backside and frankly a bit tedious. A couple of years back I decided just to do the fun stuff, so there's only a couple of clients I work with.  On is this music venue. They have a festival every year and have adopted me as principal photographer.  The same people go to the festival most years and I've made loads of close friends.  Some of the musicians are household names in a narrow sphere and it's awesome that they trust me and my approach.   

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8 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

Systems engineering sounds complicated hahaha

I just pretend I know what I'm doing lol.   It's pretty much the same as happens in any modern car - messages whizzing round fibre optics between every box and module on the car all speaking a common language.

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