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About nutinfancy

  • Rank
    Forum Legend
  • Birthday 11/30/1965

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Tool Maker
  • Age
  • Location
  • About Me
    Been married 25 year to the love of my life.
    Love muscle cars, played guitar semi professionally for several years.
    But through it all I have a piss fetish, my wife indulges in my fetish sometimes but doesn't desire it as much as me.
    I do a lot of solo piss play, I drink some of my own everyday and wet my pants most days nice and slow so I don't get caught.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Drinking straight from the source, desprate pissing myself,golden showers. You name it, I like it if it involves piss
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Drinking my wife's for the first time! Just the whole experience, her squatting over my face and pressing her pussy against my mouth and the the release of her piss, and trying to swallow it all as fast as I could.

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  1. Beautiful and Perfect!! 😍😍
  2. Mmmm!! I don’t think I can properly form words that convey the beauty and hotness of this pic!!😍😍😍😍😍
  3. That's the best way to start with, then you know your limits and what you can get away with and when. Then you can stretch the envelope!
  4. Yes it is!! I wear them to work all the time just about, I'll go to the bathroom normally, only I may hold longer so I'm about to burst, then let out some little streams, then finish normally! And I progress as the day goes on, then about the last hour of work I begin pissing in it more. Then when I get off from work, I generally stop and pickup something to drink and a couple of packs of smokes! I tend to piss more while talking to the cashier, for some reason I get off on peeing and talking to someone, especially since they don't know what I'm doing! Then on my way home I
  5. My wife wears leggings a lot in the winter and if she sneezes real hard or coughs real hard she soaks her crotch, then has me feel how wet she is!! It's always a turn on!! And I think she likes that I like it!! And I think deep down she does too but it goes against everything she was taught as a child. But she doesn't change after she does it, is why I say I think she likes it!
  6. I have found that I can get away with 3 times! And Ido better standing, sitting sometimes it'll flow back towards my waist. And sometimes I kinda aim my dick up after I've filled the bottom half pretty good , that way it's full when I take it off! Now one great thing is while wearing one your piss runs over your balls a lot more than it does if you just piss in your pants! And stays warmer longer!
  7. That is where the disposable pull ups come in for me!! Great warm feeling your pant don't get wet unless you push the capacity of the pull-up. Or spend a lot of time in my garage that I can heat. Or you have to change what type of pee play you do. But the disposable pull-ups are great!
  8. I think my heart skipped a beat when I seen this pic!!! Beautiful!!
  9. I was just wondering how many guys manscape? Just trim, or shave it all or anything different? And how much manscaping? Whole body or just groin area? I tend to shave it all but a landing strip. Any ideas or pics would be appreciated!
  10. I love your post!! Welcome aboard!!! It is a great site!!
  11. Nice!!!!! Judging by the color that tasted really good too!!
  12. Don't know why but I love pissing trash cans anytime I get a chance! Great job Man!!! Love it!!
  13. You could piss in cup or bottles and leave them sitting around here and there!
  14. Thought I'd just share a cock pics this morning!
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