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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Hmmm. Not weird at all, ours could be even more weird.

    Wetting, either what I'm wearing or what M is wearing, makes no difference, we will happily pee our jeans, or pee on each other. Did you know that drinking a coffee cup of water every 15 minutes will make you pee every 15 minutes? Don't go overboard if you try this, drinking more than a litre per hour for a couple of hours can be toxic.

    From there, golden showers. M has a medical problem, used to be called nymphomania, now know as a sexual dysfunction. She gets a little crazy if she cant have an orgasm, definitely an interesting person to live with.

    She loves to get peed on, all over, hair, face, everywhere. Pee dissolves mascara, she has looked like Alice Cooper so many times. She also loves hosing me down, it gets her in a real mood, causing her to stop mid stream, "rub one out" as she calls it, then finish off the pee.

    We were married in 2005, and although we are not the bendy toys we used to be, we still make do to our mutual satisfaction.


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  2. I’m pretty sloppy regarding internet history, though I do have a couple of apps that clean the pc. Because I’m interested in security, I use a vpn, pc is password protected, there is also a Unix firewall between the modem and my computer room. The firewall allows me to lock down the entire home network, phones, iPads and local wifi. I can also run with this on the dark web.

    Ipads and phones are not used for porn, by either of us (I use the iPad on this site, but only at home)

    M rarely uses my pc, rarely goes in there at all, but I do have a lappie that she can work on.

    Nothing is hidden from her, she knows everything.

  3. 1. Do you feel, act, and look your age? Can people guess your age?

    Unfortunately, the Australian sun hasn’t been kind to me, I look older than 55, and because of a couple of health issues, I’m like a Fairbanks Morse diesel starting up in the mornings. I still have a full head of hair, baldness will not be an issue. I have a tee shirt that says ‘I never thought I’d be the same age as old people’. As for acting my age, I feel like a kid, the internet, a gaming pc, a PS5 and a crazy wife that accommodates my every desire.


    2. What was your favourite age? 

    I think it was in my 40’s, a nobody that ran a small internet/programming business (sold it for a mint, lol) and attempted to retire. This didn’t work for various reasons, boredom was one of them. I travelled a fair bit, being single, I managed a few, out of the ordinary destinations, USA (Route 66 on a big Harley) Canada, Alaska and eventually Scotland, where I met a girl more depraved than me.

    3. Do you fear getting old? What scares you the most?

    No, not really, it’s a fact of life. Maigh and I have talked about this, she has only one condition, I’m not allowed to die first and leave her alone. Dying doesn’t concern me over much, it’s all the people that miss you when you’re gone that weighs me down.


    4. What do you do to stay young and healthy?.

    Young I can’t fix, lol. I’m on multivitamins and probiotics. There are a couple of other medications that I need for my strange arthritis. Do they work? Two lots of Covid went through my house, I never got it, both times. Maigh was done with flu a while back, she had it for 3 weeks, I kicked it in 4 days, much to her disgust.


    5. Do you think your pee kink will remain as you age? Or do you think older people lose their kinks over time?

    I don’t see any evidence of it diminishing anytime soon. The pee aspect has gone a little sparse, but when it does happen, it’s pretty epic. I’m not ashamed of using viagra, keeping Maigh happy is my main objective. She keeps telling me that we are going to play merry hell in the nursing home.

    6. What do you look forward to getting older?

    I’m currently transitioning to retirement, 10 years earlier than the government requirements, so I need to fund it, this isn’t a problem, but I’m looking forward to just doing nothing. Everything is paid off, I own this house, own the cars, and have no credit cards, neither does Maigh. We are ok.

    MidoriLemonade, thank you for starting this thread. It has been an interesting read.






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  4. I have a couple preferences too. Love giving and receiving, and I’m in the envious position of having someone who will do both.

    We have done everything you can think of, anything you’ve seen in a porno, we have done it. As we have gotten older, we are no longer the bendy persons we used to be, so some things are a bit more difficult, but with some experimenting, we can improvise. 

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  5. Wow, thank you for this amazing post. 

    I’m not here as much as I’d like, I’m semi retired, just work a 2 and a half day week, and surprisingly, don’t have a lot of free time. I mostly do things with M, we are so close, it’s hard to do anything without her, I can’t even sleep if she is not beside me. And yes, she reads this over my shoulder, we have no secrets with our online activity. 

    I have been on site since the beginning, even the previous versions and was one of the people that helped get the site back when it was abandoned. 

    Addicted? I’m not sure if that’s the right word, I come here for the community, the friendliness of everyone that shares a similar interest. Even though our mutual interests vary greatly, we are all still here for the one purpose.


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  6. Hmm. When I had my small tech company, I had a small Russian girl working for me, During summer she used to wear those off shoulder shirts, and a couple of memorable times, she leaned over just the right way. She was small, 50kg if you threw her in a pool fully clothed, but she was gorgeously perfect. 

    We both did surfing for a while, and both of us used to get changed between the car doors. I don’t know how many times people saw us, but we saw so many, it became normal. You just nodded to naked strangers and moved on.     M told me once that she saw a dude with a ‘thing like a babies arm’ in a horrified voice. Most of the girls I saw made a bit of an effort the keep covered, but there always some glimpses. 

    The Melbourne Cup is another flash fest, drunken people everywhere at the end of the day, never fail to see the bad side of people, lol. 




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  7. Hmmm. I’m semi retired, and have enough time for a few things.

    Computers, I have several, main desktop pc (Windows 11) a full server running Ubuntu server, Raspberry Pi 8gb, Alienware Laptop running FreeBSD 13, another  Alienware Laptop with windows 10. 
    The garage has a couple too, a windows 10 pc setup as a midi/music workstation and a generic pc with a Ubuntu Desktop. 

    I also restore old amps, replacing tired capacitors, giving them new life, currently have an old Roland P.A and a Marantz studio amp. These sound impressive even to my old ears.

    I did have others, but for some reason, people like the ‘old, tough’ sound as one person put it. Made considerable $$$ from this. 

    Gaming as well with a PS5, PS4, Xbox and the main pc which has VR too. 
    M is not forgotten, she gets involved it’s all of this, not afraid to tinker either.

    You did ask, lol.

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  8. Where do I start, lol. This will probably gross a few people out, but here goes.

    First, I need to tell you about M, my other half. She has a medical (psychological?) condition, up until a while ago they called it 'nymphomania'. Our local doctor, a charming young girl, calls it a 'sexual dysfunction'

    If you have ever seen Black Snake Moan, with Christina Ricci and Samuel Jackson, you'll have a fair idea. She gets quite horny, at the most inconvenient moments, and I have to hustle her out of public places before a major embarrassment occurs.

    There is medication for this, works quite well, basically turns her into a starfish in bed, and she hates it. Never takes it, doesn't want to get 'dumbed down' as she calls it. If I can get her into the car, she has rubber gloves and baby wipes on hand, yes, it is really that bad.

    Now add her love of pee into this picture, and you can guess the rest.


    Pee fantasies?

    M will get me in the shower, early in the morning, loves morning pee, unhappy gagging noises included.

    After a night out, on her pretty knees in the bathroom in a cocktail dress and shoes, will hold me as I pee all over her face, her running mascara turning her into Alice Cooper.

    Another favorite is her hair, she loves it wet, you can guess from where.

    I get my share too, she will sit on potty, get me kneeling in front of her, and spray away. Seeing me wet with her earthy smelling pee, from neck to knees drives her nuts.

    She will push me to the floor in the shower, lift a shapely leg, prop a foot on my shoulder and hiss all over me. This also drives her crazy, her right hand and index finger goes into automagic mode with the desired results.


    This is only a few things that has happened in our 17 years, it's been a wild ride.

    Her condition caused the breakup of her first marriage, and the loss of her only child. She was 3 when her husband walked out, taking the baby.

    Complications from the birth messed her up inside, unable to have any more kids. Our lovely young Dr indicated that this has caused her 'illness' but it's indeterminate.


    The last 2 years have been a nightmare, we had people live with us, lack of privacy affected M greatly.

    We are slowly getting our lives back together, but it's been a difficult time.


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  9. @MidoriLemonade85 I’m glad you had an excellent weekend away. M and I love our nights away (last one was at a lighthouse) 

    Love the way you approached and handled this, I wish more people would do the same thing, and make an effort in a relationship. 
    Thank you for posting this, M had a few tears over your loving marriage, she also said to say thank you.

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