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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Yes, more times than I can remember. Maigh (wife) and Mary (ex-girlfriend) were excellent at accommodating even the darkest requests. Unfortunately, Mary left us, and it's been hard on Maigh, she has only rekindled her interest slowly, but she is returning to her usual sexy self.

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  2. Maigh just pats it dry, no wiping as such, usually while still sitting, although sometimes she will stand. 

    Doesn't understand why it's a question, just said it's something to be done, lol.

    She also carries some body wipe things, keeps her clean as she puts it. This is one girl who hates body odours, she can't stand public transport and the fog that follows unwashed people around.


  3. 8 hours ago, F.W said:

    Wind turbines do kill many birds especially more larger ones like birds of prey,that get caught in the blades..

    I know, so do jet aeroplanes and helicopters, it's not the point I was trying to make.

    At this time, in the land of Aus, wind turbines are generating more power than the current coal-fired monstrosities, but the gubermint wants to dig up vast tracts of land to mine coal, then burn it, generating God knows how much CO2 into the air.

    60% of all the houses and businesses have solar panels on the roof, if you're careful, you don't have to pay a power bill at all, yet the government wants to build more power stations, it's a stupid mindset.

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  4. I'm a member of Rotary International and I've already run into things like this. We visited a Secondary School and basically got the same spiel, ’our’ generation squandered the resources, leaving a legacy of waste and unrest.

    It is a good thing though, people should be more aware of the planet and what's happening to it, and if it has to be the younger generation, so be it. Maybe the new world leaders will come from some of these people and suitable action will result. Too many governments are just apathetic to global warming. 

    Our government wants to build more coal fueled power stations because wind turbines are ’ugly eyesores’.




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  5. 33 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    In the australian outback, nobody can hear you piss...

    Another one to be careful of. Just don't go anywhere where there is some Indigenous Cultural Heritage. It's starting to get crazy here. Uluru (Ayers Rock) has been closed to tourists, you are no longer allowed onto the old rock itself, and there is a $650 million road project that has all but ceased due to some trees that supposedly meant something to someone.

    I'm sure things like this happen in other places, but lately here, it's getting a little nuts.

    • Haha 3
  6. Careful in there, lol. You couldn't do that here, so many spiders and crawlies would be onto you in a flash. 

    Maigh goes all Ninja when she sees a spider, sounds like a murder if one happens to walk over her skin. She hates all of them.


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  7. There is no policy on-site that prohibits the use or discriminates against what people have in their avatars. This is an adult site, adult things happen.

    How many sites do people visit that have male members expressing who they are?

    Are we going to be like governments and city councils that are offended over the most petty things? It's a representation on people reflecting who they are, it's nothing personal. If you don't like a persons avatar, then block that person, don't wail and moan about it. That in itself is getting close to rule violations.

    Enjoy the people on this site, embrace the diversity of everyone on here, we are all here for a common purpose, live with it.

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  8. No, not really.

    Maigh and I have been together 15 years, and although we've gotten a little rounder she still has my favourite body type. She is body conscious though, works out to keep firm, apparently, pear shape is not in her vocabulary. She gets on my case too, makes me move, keeps me working my busted body. I'm currently 85kg, and she is practically petite at 70kg. 

    I don't need to look at other girls, Maigh does that for me. She has a thing for girls in yoga pants, the really tight form fitting yummy ones. She always points them out. 




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  9. Mmmm, I'm also not all that worried. My isp uses a group of ip addresses that equate to about 400km from where I live, mobile phones now have unrestricted numbers that don't ’belong’ to a particular Telco, and our life in this little country town is pretty bland.

    This whole discussion came about over the Capital One hack, and while no cc and login details were nicked, over 100 million credit and loan applications were exposed. How much info is on a bank loan application?

    The girl who did the hack was pretty clueless, she used her twitter/facebook name, she bragged about doing it in a chat room, and had the ’authorities’ on her doorstep fairly quickly. The ’authorities’ think that the data went nowhere, but what if she was hacked before they frog marched her away?

    When corporations have a data breach, they go to great lengths telling people that credit card details are safe, but don't tell you what else has been taken. 

    It amazing what shots of tequila and vodka can accomplish, lol.

    • Agree 1
  10. Whales are migrating along our coast, a photographer caught this.

    Now don’t go non linear and say that baleen Whales don’t eat sea lions, this was a fluke shot during a feeding frenzy, both animals sorted themselves out and went back to munching anchovies.



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  11. 2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:




    Lol, I know. We both know what the other is supposed to feel (as per the star sign) but we don't agree with not 'fitting' in with the scheme of things. There is something else working with us, something that made us 'click' on the first night we meet all those years ago. I can still remember seeing her for the first time, and my reaction at the time was 'holy shit', and we've been like that ever since.

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  12. Lol, my numbers keep winning, but just for piddly amounts. Think it's 15 times in a row now. I'm too frightened to miss a draw, Maigh said she would kill me slowly if my numbers came up and I didn't have a ticket..

    Yes, I have a bucket list of things I would do, most of them of the damp variety, lol. Oh, and 6 months on the Queen Mary would ease a lot of my pain.

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  13. Argh, I love a steak, and a full roast pork, but I couldn't kill anything to get it. If the world went to hell in a hand basket, then I'd have to change my mind. Maigh has tried most things, crocodile, kangaroo and snails, but that's it, just tried them, not rushing out to buy them from the supermarket. She feels the same way, killing animals senselessly, is bad.

    I hit a kangaroo with the car once, she was inconsolable, cried for an hour after it died in front of her, it's the way she is.

    And as for those so called hunters that proudly stand over a slain giraffe or an old elephant, that's just crazy. A harmless herbivore? Really? 

    There is some arsehole shooting kangaroos with a crossbow north of Melbourne, pictures of kangaroos with arrows hanging out of them caused a bit of an uproar, one of the poor buggers died after how many days of pain. Police are looking for them, thinking they should find them first, before the RSPCA does.

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